Magento import products from Excel sheet - magento

I recently got a Excel sheet for some products with at least 900 new records.
Now the problem is wether I shall type this manually in the backend or create an own import script for this?
I tried it with the existing Import/Export and only selected that fields I would need to create a master template and fill the new data into it.
But that new master template doesn't look like I can use it. There are much much more fields exported then I would need to import.
Is there any other way to import an Excel sheet that isn't really conform to that from magento import/export one?

Use Magmi to import the products :

Make sure your CSV is UTF-8 encoded and in csv format.
Else you will getting loads of errors if you are going to use magmi.
Also study about how to use magmi before starting.

I saw your post, here I am happy to share reply from Our Magento team lead:
"One can import data sheet using Magento Import/Export profiles but in this case you would need to convert your excel file to CSV first.
Next step: please change columns names to match Magento product attributes codes.
Required attributes are the following:
another way to get correct CSV template file is to create a simple product and run export profile.
You will get export_produtcs.csv file where you can find all necessary columns."
Hope this helps,
Thank you
Jen Zorina
Itera Research


Prestashop1.7 how to configure avaliable fields in import of advanced parameters

I am trying to import category or product information from external csv file using Advanced parameter/import.
In this case, when i am tryng to import product csv file,
As a standard form, it requires a lot of available fields such as ID~ Accesories.
How can i configure these fields so that i can use necessary or less fields.enter image description here
When you import a new CSV file, you have to select the right fields (so Product ID has to match Product ID, and so on) to create a proper import. You can also choose to skip a field if you feel you don't need to import them. You can find documentation on it here

Magento with Magmi - Remove unwanted numbers on product update

After updating our 6k+ products in Magento 1.7 using CSV import with Magmi the url_keys for all product get 4-digit numbers as suffix.
e.g. before it was
after update it's
This happens although the url_key in CSV is set as "productname"
Only way to fix it is to clear all urls from database and reindex - but after next import it's happening again.
Has anyone an idea how to prevent this on import?
The number suffix will be added when one or more url's get the same url. Since that is not possible Magento adds the suffix. Do you know if this occurs?
You try to make product names unique before processing. For example adding a color or a model or something else from your datasource
Or you could automate the step of emptying and reindexing the core_resource table (also take a look at the Magmi plugin On the fly indexer)

How to update custom field data in product custom option by csv in magento?

I hope someone can help me with this as it is driving me crazy!
I add weight column filed in my custom field by fellow that link:-
Now I want to upload custom option values by csv , i used magmi for that, my csv file data is :-
060-SKdaily,1 oz. bottle:fixed:14.9500:0.120:0:0|5 ml. sample:fixed:2.7500:0.020:2:2
but it not update weight filed
please help me
Magmi does not support the import of data for 3rd party customizations.
Since you've modified Magento to include weight on custom options, you will also need to write a Magmi plugin to import the weight values for custom options.

How to put categories from manufacturer csv file into already existing categories with Magmi

I have a webshop with some categories in my root folder.
Root categorie
- Home
- Toys
- Accessoires
- Bricks
From my manufacturer i can download every night a csv file with categoryname1/categoryname2/categoryname3/categoryname4 etc.
What i want to do is the following:
If categoryname1 equals "toys" then Magmi must make the categoryname under my already existing category "Toys". Also al the products from the csv file in the categoryname1 column must be imported and assigned to the right category in Magento.
I also want to exclude some categorys from the csv file of my manufacturer. These excluded categorys must not be imported in my shop.
Is this possible with magmi?
My csv file from the manufacturer is realy big, with lotst of products and categories.
Hope you guys can help me out. I have already worked with magmi, but i was'nt be able to fix this one.
This is doable using the ValueReplacer plugin which has interesting mapping capabilities.
You can use the ValueRemapper Helper of this plugin to use a mapping file between your input csv value & the values that are to be ingested by magmi. It can also create a composite value from several input columns (here you may use it to create a "categories" column that would aggregate the several categories from your input file)
For excluding values to import, the Import Limiter plugin can do it too by selecting rows to exclude based on any column criteria.
A Last option would be to use magmi programmatic APIs:
Datapump API would let you create a script that will wrap magmi calls letting you perform any operation on input data (but this would also mean you'll have to read the input file)
Creating a dedicated ItemProcessor plugin that would do data transformation suiting your needs in its "processItemBeforeId" method.

Products are not displaying in Frontend after import in Magento

I have imported products using System - Import/Export - Import option.
I can see my products in Admin panel, but not in Frontend.
I tried Re-indexing, cache clear, cache refresh, physical cache remove.
also checked product stock status, availability etc. Everything is ok.
But they are not displaying in frontend. I marked onething, If I open product that I imported using csv, just saved without any change, it starts displaying. But I have 100s of products. So I can't use this solution.
So please help me where I am going wrong in csv. below is my csv screenshot.
You need to ensure that the products are attached to a website.
This can be done via a bulk update:
Access the product listm select all
Alter attribute
Products information -> websites
It can also be done in the csv by using a "_product_websites" field and setting it to the website name or 'base'.
I forgot which CSV columns are mandatory but I do remember that if some are missing the importer does not tell you that but instead you get the behaviour that you are describing.
The simplest way to find out what is mandatory is to:
Fix bugs in Magento ImportExport module
Create a new product in admin
Check that the new product is visible on front-end
Export the new product with Magento ImportExport exporter
Delete created product
Import the previously exported product csv
Clear cache and reindex data
Check that product is visible on front-end (it should be)
Compare your CSV with the exported one and try to figure out what is missing from it
Try to import your CSV with added/fixed columns and add data untill the product is imported so that it is visible on front-end
This requires allot of trial and error...
The missing columns in my case had always the same value so if this will be the case with your problem as well you can simply extend CSV importer and hard code those values in there instead of fixing your CSV manually.
Since your product gets saved correctly if you open it in admin and save it you can also:
Import a product
Export that product
Open that product in admin and save it
Export newly saved product
Compare exported CSV-s where they differ
Fixing Magento ImportExport bugs:
First bug is that if you import multiple products the quantity informatino from the first product is used for all the products. To fix this you have to add $row = array(); right before $row['product_id'] = $this->_newSku[$rowData[self::COL_SKU]]['entity_id']; in Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product::_saveStockItem() function.
The second bug causes Magento ImportExport module to return a foreign key constraint error when importing multiple products. Error happens because magento splits products data into multiple segments and if one product is located in two segments importer will delete data that was imported for the product in first segment before importing the second segment thereby causing database corruption (see this link for detailed explanation - this is where I got the solution below).
Note that removing foreign key constraint will not fix the problem but will instead make it worse since the database will contain corrupt data.
To fix it you have to change the code in Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Abstract::_saveValidatedBunches() function:
After if ($startNewBunch || !$source->valid()) { add
if ($startNewBunch && count($bunchRows) > 1) {
$arrKeys = array_keys($bunchRows);
$arrNew = array();
while(($tRow = array_pop($bunchRows))) {
$tKey = array_pop($arrKeys);
$arrNew[$tKey] = $tRow;
if ($tRow['sku']) {
$nextRowBackup = array_reverse($arrNew, TRUE) + $nextRowBackup;
Hope this helps.
I had the same problem recently and I spent some time tring to figure it out...
Looks like magento needs a status flag for every product otherwise magento will not show it in the dashboard.
Solution : add a "status" column to your CSV file and set all the statuses to "Enabled"
(yes it's not a boolean. Just use the string inside the quotes as it is :)
I was stuck with the same problem, i then visited my var/export/export_all_products file, downloaded it again and uploaded the same back through import, logged out of my account and logged-in back, all products were back. This worked as a backup for me and i could see all the products back at the back-end.
Import as you have. If they are enabled, but not showing...
then you can fix this by clicking "select all" products in the "manage products" table and then "change status" and then select "enabled." This process might take a minute.
Visit your store and you should see your frontend with products.
Some kind of bug with the status/enabled setting.
You must have next fields in CSV
Please note that field is_in_stock is mandatory even if qty more then 1
In magento 2 we need to reindex in index management to display the products in frontend.
We can reindex through the given example we need to enter magento file directory after that cmd php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex to reindex .
When I first started importing products via csv although I set the product to enabled, I figured out that even though it shows in the magento back end as enabled, it actually isnt - think its to do with setting the field contents as "1" or "0" rather than "enabled" or "disabled/null".
To get around this, after a import I simply selected all the products in the back end and change status to enabled - it fixes issue.
But, I do think if I simply changed the data in the csv import it would save me this minor in-convenience.
