Magmi Product Attributes - magento

Problem: Imported Attribute Sets not displaying (Using Magmi Import from CSV)
I've successfully imported products and defined attribute sets for these products. However, the attribute sets are not being displayed. I'm specifying a full name for the set under _attribute_set
Am I doing something wrong? i.e.
In the initial import I had the set as default. In a subsequent import, I changed the values in the CSV (under attribute_set) to the new attribute set. Is this wrong or do I have to dump all the products and re-import with the correct set?
I'm using the full name for the attribute set. Is this wrong or should I use the ID for the set instead?
Am I using the incorrect column name for attribute set? or am I missing a required column name or plugin?
Please help!
Your help is greatly appreciated in advance

This one is easy : magmi handles legacy dataflow headers (no underscore). Never use underscored header names if you want magmi to recognize your headers correctly.
so use attribute_set not _attribute_set.
Be also careful, underscored headers are also used in newer (1.5+) import/export magento format which is ABSOLUTELY NOT HANDLED by magmi.


Importing custom attributes in Magento via Magmi

I am trying to import a custom attribute via the Magmi plugin. It works fine for most of the properties, but for one custom property I've added to the default attribute_set. These are the settings for this custom attribute:
And this is an example of the CSV.
SomeSKU,default,"Some name",”Some description”,13.37,1111111,Group/subgroup,Big_image.jpg,small_image.jpg,thumbnail.jpg,simple,10,admin
It imported fine but I don't get the Product ID in the field at all. Nor the description or image... What am I doing wrong?
In the raw CSV, make sure you are wrapping the product_id column values with double quotes.
Magento stores the values of the text fields as strings, and if Magmi sees an integer with no quotes it may not import it for your attribute.
Also make sure your product_id is added to the attribute set you're importing on (default).

Attribute not changing in frontend

I created an attribute and include it in my attribute set. The attribute is Multiselect with 6 different values. Now when i import my csv with the value for the sku everything looks fine on the backend, the product shows the attribute with the value assigned from the csv file but does not show anything on frontend, not even after reindexing and cleaning cache.
It will only show if i open the product and save it. Not changing anything other than what the csv file already changed. Then it will show on frontend.
Now... in my csv file i'm only have sku, attribute_set and Type which is the attribute i need to change.
Any ideas what's going on here?
Try the following after a new import of products.
Check your csv file and confirm that you're importing product options in Magento format:
Open the attribute:
and ensure its visible on the frontend and set to global.
Ensure that the reindexing for product attributes is ready/done:
Flush cache
Delete cache folders in
If that fails to work, do what I did. Export a current product that has the attributes you wish. Change the attributes/sku and reimport the same file back in.
I tested the following file for color: Green and it updated instantly:
3,,Default,simple,,,base,Green,,,"2015-03-12 00:00:23",,,,,1,,,0,no_selection,,,,,,,,,"Use config","Use config",1,,,"Product Info Column",,9.9900,0,1,no_selection,,,,,1,2,no_selection,,"2015-03-15 17:44:00",1,1.html,4,1.0000,555555.0000,0.0000,1,0,0,1,1.0000,1,0.0000,1,1,,1,0,1,0,1,0.0000,1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4,,Default,simple,,,base,Green,,,"2015-03-12 00:02:16",,,,,2,,,0,no_selection,,,,,,,,,"Use config","Use config",2,,,"Product Info Column",,14.9900,0,2,no_selection,,,,,1,0,no_selection,,"2015-03-12 00:02:16",2,2.html,4,2.0000,423555.0000,0.0000,1,0,0,1,1.0000,1,0.0000,1,1,,1,0,1,0,1,0.0000,1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Explore if another extension is interfering with your import. If you can, try to test on a vanilla installation.
If attributes are still stale after doing so I strongly recommend you explore Magmi product import to avoid such squirrel-ly vanilla magento import behaviour:

magmi attribute_set ignored - always set to default

I have started using magmi to import products, using the option create new items & update existing ones, however, when a new product is created, the _attribute_set seems to be ignored.
I have defined an attribute set in Magento called Books, which includes attributes such as ISBN, author.
Here is a sample from the CSV file (only the first few columns):
Product Line:
ZZ001,,Books,simple,MyCategory/MySubCategory,base,Book Title
On the above example, ZZ001 is created, but with an attribute set of Default
Store is blank - is this a problem?
Someone else asked a question about this - but I didn't see a satisfactory answer.
Please double-check and make sure your column names are correct.
_store should be store
_attribute_set should be attribute_set
_type should be type
_product_websites should be websites
Also for attribute sets, you must make sure that the attribute set is already created before attempting to import products under it. Magmi does not automatically create attribute sets.

Magmi Configurable Products Importation

In Magmi v0.7.17, I can't manage to import configurable products.
Here is an example of the csv I've got (just fields related to problem here):
First of all, I need to put "_attribute_set" for the importation to work, otherwise I've got the error “cannot create product sku:xxx no attribute_set defined”. But in every online documentation and in the Dataflow Export this field is "attribute_set".
When I run the importation (using the Configurable Item processor v1.3.6), only the simple products are created and I've got theses errors :
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'attribute_id' cannot be null - INSERT INTO catalog_product_super_attribute(product_id,attribute_id,position) VALUES (?,?,?)
None of the attributes and attributes set exist in database, I want it to be created on the fly. But is it possible ? or do I miss some fields ?
Thanks !
Ok, it works now. After a little debugging in the plugin, I saw that the column "configurable_attributes" was empty. I move it at the beginning of the files (next to attribute_set) and it works fine. It's due to the fact that I didn't encapsulate my text with "" in csv, because Excel doesn't do it. So I modified my file with OpenOffice and let it at the end.
Suddenly attribute_set is working too.
Be sure to select "Magmi Magento Reindexer", otherwise the products won't appear in frontend.
Attributes and attribute sets have to be created in BackOffice before importation. Magmi can just create values of attribute.
What is work for me is:
1. Check "configurable_attributes"
- All attribute are listed ?
- All attribute are correctly spelled?
2. Check same for all custom attribute on header row
3. Check attribute "Use To Create Configurable Product" value is set "Yes"
This Error Means you are having error with attribute and attribute set.

sql to insert default attribute values to all products in magento

I installed an extension that adds an attribute which you can turn on per product when you edit or add a new product... but I need to add it to all existing products.
a) sql?
b) point me to a class somewhere that does this for a Magento collection?
Similar question, but I need to do it in sql or module: Default attribute value for all product in magento
adds an attribute which you can turn on per product
Been here before.
Does it show up in product maintenance now that the module is installed? If so, then it will show up in an export profile. Make an export for skuid, store, type and the new attribute and export to a CSV file. Make sure use Magento column headings is set to yes. Set the new attribute to what you need it to be in the CSV file for what product you need set and import it using the Import All Products profile.
Freshly installed module attributes will default to blank until something edited on the page the attribute shows on is saved. Use the profile import to set them all to yes or 1 if it's a yes/no enable type field to enable across the board. You will have to check the export to see if they're using yes/no in the database or boolean 1/0.
If this attribute is a dropdown item, you will need to create all the selection items in Attribute Maintenance and make sure the value in the upload file matches exactly the selection in attribute maintenance so the upload will work.
As an added note, if this attribute is only created on simple items, filter your export to only include simple items for inclusion in the import file.
It sounds like one of those one-time deals where expending a lot of effort on throwaway code violates the KISS method when a simple import will fix it and you're done with the operation for good.
