clone_at and fetch returning Rugged::NetworkError: This transport isn't implemented. Sorry - rugged

So I have been attempting to incorporate the ability to both fetch and clone repo's using rugged. I have tried the following
and this
remote = Rugged::Remote.lookup(repo, remote_name)
also this
subject.clone(url, local_path)
All of these return with the error
This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
Now, ordinarily, I would take the error as it not being implemented yet. However, having seen questions asked like this, and this. I question the accuracy of that error.
I have ensured that libgit2 and libssh2 are both installed on the my local system running this code.
I have also looked through the source attempting to find where this error is generated, and was unable to locate it. To me, this does not make sense, since the error is not as descriptive to point to specifically where it is failing.
My question is, is this intended behavior? I would think it is not, based on the questions and answers I found regarding this. In which case, does someone know if this is a common issue? Any help is appreciated.

so I discovered the issue, in that that libgit2 and libssh2 where not properly linking at installation of rugged using bundler. I was pointed in this general direction by this answer.
By running the following command
bundle install --path bundle/
The conflict was resolved.


Error in Quantum Espresso configuration with libxc

Please let me know if there's a better place to ask this question. I'm new to the field and know absolutely nothing.
I'm trying to configure quantum espresso with libxc, and no matter what I do I seem to get the same error: 'configure: error: Could not find required libxc library'. I downloaded the libxc source and followed the installation instructions on this website: I can't seem to find any errors in the installation but I really have no idea what I'm doing so it's possible.
Configuring quantum espresso with the './configure' command and then making PW, everything works fine and I can use quantum espresso just find without the libxc library. Adding the --with-libxc flag, no matter what I put for --with-libxc-prefix flag, I always get the same error pictured below.
I'm working through ssh on my research group's supercomputer. This is my first time using a unix interface, I know nothing about compilers or anything like that, I have absolutely no idea how to solve this problem, I can't seem to find any solutions that work on the quantum espresso forums, and I feel extremely stuck. Any help is appreciated.
One needs to compile both programs with the same compiler. My default was using gfortran for one and ifort for the other.
A good place to ask these kinds of questions is to the mailing list listed here:

Inconsistent internal package errors with go get

I'm trying to go get
Previously this has worked, flawlessly. However when I try to do it currently I have alternatively got no errors and I've had it fail on me with:
go/src/ use of internal package not allowed
go/src/ use of internal package not allowed
go/src/ use of internal package not allowed
The first time I ran it on a new go-1.13 installation it worked, but the following times it has failed as above.
The repo has not changed as far as I can tell in the past 8 months and I've tried on various golang versions but all so far have failed (bar the go-1.13 on that first try...).
Any assistance debugging this would be greatly appreciated!
I have both a workaround and an official fix.
The workaround:
Here I defined a go.mod which then used a previous version of the library.
The official fix:
This was fixed upstream and thus no one else should experience this.
I guess you can try by removing vendor folder from the repo. Also disable the vendoring mode. It should work.

How to get Processing to work on Cloud9 using Ruby language?

I am currently working on a personal project using the Ruby language in Cloud9 IDE. Recently, I came across an environment/programming language called Processing. My goals is to make Processing available for my use in Cloud9 IDE.
I am a complete novice and have no clue what I am doing. I followed directions from the following website: Directions for setting up Processing
I entered the following commands into Cloud9's terminal:
rvm install jruby
rvm use jruby
gem install ruby-processing
PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"
Entering in PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"
outputted message bash: PROCESSING_ROOT:: command not found
I wasn't too surprised by this, since the last entry probably needs information specific to my setup. Here are my questions:
1.) Are these directions correct for what I am trying to do? (get Processing to work in Cloud9 IDE). If they are not correct, can someone please point me to the correct directions, or give me directions?
2.) If these directions are correct, how can I successfully finish the last step? I tried running DrawRuby.rb, a simple program copied from the internet that supposedly made use of Processing. When I ran the code, the message "You need to set PROCESSING_ROOT in ~/.rpsrc" appeared. I am not sure if this piece of information is relevant or not, but I figured I would add it.
This is where I am at, and I am completely stuck. If someone could give me some help, I would be very grateful. Also, please make your explanation easy to understand. I am relatively new to the programming world, and may not necessarily understand terminology or how things should work.
*** Edit: I created a new workspace in Cloud9 IDE and tried Jed's suggestion. This is what happened:echo 'PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"' > ~/.rpsrc
:~/workspace $ rp5 run Draw.rb
WARNING: you need to set PROCESSING_ROOT in ~/.rp5rc
NameError: uninitialized constant Processing::RP_CONFIG
Did you mean? Config
const_missing at org/jruby/
spin_up at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
run at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
execute! at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
execute at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
<main> at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
load at org/jruby/
<eval> at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
eval at org/jruby/
<main> at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
You need to add a file to your home directory (~/) called .rpsrc and then add that environmental setting (PROCESSING_ROOT) to your file. The following should work from the command line in your cloud9 environment:
echo 'PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"' > ~/.rpsrc
I know it might be a bit late for you but ruby-processing is now deprecated, and will only work with processing-2.2.1. For processing-3.3.7 use either JRubyArt or propane latter does not even require processing install.

Warning message when installing devtools

When I try to install devtools in Rstudio 3.2.3 (Windows 10) using the command install.packages("devtools"), I get the following message:
warning in install.packages :
'lib = "c:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.3//library"' is not writable
I'm a newby and I've been hunting for solutions but so far am coming up empty. I would appreciate any advice that might get me through this step. Thanks.
I stumbled upon the same issue earlier. This "problem" arises when you try to install a library for the first time and R does not have a a dedicated library for it yet.
Two pop-up should appear one after the other when you try to install a package like:
The questions are the following:
Would you like to use a personal library instead?
Would you like to create a personal library 'C:\Users\bartlein\Documents/R/win-library/3.2' to install packages into?
Answer yes to both questions and you should be fine.
The ressources I used came from here.

Sage cell installation not working, extreme frustration

I have spent all day trying to install the Sage Cell package and have been quite frustrated. I have been following the instructions at:
Seems pretty reasonable, huh?
First problem occurred at step 4, in the "UPDATE:" that requires a git pull. After attempting the git-pull many times, and googling the error I was getting, which was: fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
It seemed to be that either the pull had been deleted or I somehow didn't have permissions to get it. However, the instructions on the site: don't have the UPDATE so I figured I'd go ahead and attempt the install anyways. I ran ./sage -i and got a long, winded error which looks something like this:
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
Couldn't find index page for 'backports.ssl_match_hostname' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
No local packages or download links found for backports.ssl-match-hostname
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('backports.ssl-match-hostname')
Error installing tornado-3.2.tar.gz.
real 0m8.891s
user 0m2.315s
sys 0m0.933s
Error installing package sagecell-2014-03-01
Followed by contact info for sage, who I have also emailed but am hoping for a response here as well.
I can't answer all this, but I am pretty sure that Sage currently has Ipython 1.2 or so, and Sage 6.3 will have Ipython 2.1 or so. My suspicion is hence that those steps are more than unnecessary.
Edit: However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the backport error message... See this sage-devel thread:
I had to do
./sage -sh -c "easy_install backports.ssl-match-hostname"
before installing the package - this way this thing is downloaded and
installed, while during installation of the package extra downloads
are prohibited.
The Sage Cell installation instructions are in a state of flux as we transfer maintainership over to Andrey Novoseltsev. Before that, the best way to understand how to install the cell server was to use/mimic the shell scripts I used to install the public server (in the contrib/vm directory) because these shell scripts changed sometimes daily, and my focus was on pushing the main server forward.
Andrey is working on the install process now, and said (in response to hearing about this stackexchange post): "This is definitely my project for this week. I can't promise a particular date time since I have some other things going on, but I'll make sure that install of is documented in the way it can be repeated and all others are either removed or marked clearly as not tested/working. Thank you for keeping track of things!"
