Warning message when installing devtools - rstudio

When I try to install devtools in Rstudio 3.2.3 (Windows 10) using the command install.packages("devtools"), I get the following message:
warning in install.packages :
'lib = "c:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.3//library"' is not writable
I'm a newby and I've been hunting for solutions but so far am coming up empty. I would appreciate any advice that might get me through this step. Thanks.

I stumbled upon the same issue earlier. This "problem" arises when you try to install a library for the first time and R does not have a a dedicated library for it yet.
Two pop-up should appear one after the other when you try to install a package like:
The questions are the following:
Would you like to use a personal library instead?
Would you like to create a personal library 'C:\Users\bartlein\Documents/R/win-library/3.2' to install packages into?
Answer yes to both questions and you should be fine.
The ressources I used came from here.


Problems Installing VSCode to Windows 10

Can anyone help me out whilst I still have some hair left.
I have been running VSCode on Windows 10 since January. Yesterday it attempted to update to the latest version 1.54 but failed. VSCoce will now not run.
I am trying to re-install from the VSCode site installer. However when I download and run the installer file windows gives an error saying the file is corrupt.
Windows Error Message
I seem to remember having this problem when installing the 1.52 version in January but I can find no reference to what I did to resolve this. I believe I was pointed to an alternative install program, but I cannot find this now.
Please can anyone assist?
Many thanks.
Colin Murdoch.
OK. I have now managed to re-install VScode by downloading the .zip file and extracting all the elements into a directory within Program Files. It remains to be seen if this will work properly as with no official install routine, nothing will have been added to the registry. However the program loads OK and seems to recognise the PlatformIO extension that was already loaded.
I still don’t understand why I cannot run the official install routines. There must be something odd about my Windows installation.
check your antivirus program. I recognize that message. I had the same issue when trying to install an SQL server.

Inconsistent internal package errors with go get

I'm trying to go get go.etcd.io/etcd/tools/benchmark.
Previously this has worked, flawlessly. However when I try to do it currently I have alternatively got no errors and I've had it fail on me with:
go/src/go.etcd.io/etcd/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/balancer_conn_wrappers.go:28:2: use of internal package google.golang.org/grpc/internal/buffer not allowed
go/src/go.etcd.io/etcd/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/clientconn.go:49:2: use of internal package google.golang.org/grpc/internal/resolver/dns not allowed
go/src/go.etcd.io/etcd/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/clientconn.go:50:2: use of internal package google.golang.org/grpc/internal/resolver/passthrough not allowed
The first time I ran it on a new go-1.13 installation it worked, but the following times it has failed as above.
The repo has not changed as far as I can tell in the past 8 months and I've tried on various golang versions but all so far have failed (bar the go-1.13 on that first try...).
Any assistance debugging this would be greatly appreciated!
I have both a workaround and an official fix.
The workaround:
Here I defined a go.mod which then used a previous version of the library.
The official fix:
This was fixed upstream and thus no one else should experience this.
I guess you can try by removing vendor folder from the go.etcd.io/etcd repo. Also disable the vendoring mode. It should work.

clone_at and fetch returning Rugged::NetworkError: This transport isn't implemented. Sorry

So I have been attempting to incorporate the ability to both fetch and clone repo's using rugged. I have tried the following
and this
remote = Rugged::Remote.lookup(repo, remote_name)
also this
subject.clone(url, local_path)
All of these return with the error
This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
Now, ordinarily, I would take the error as it not being implemented yet. However, having seen questions asked like this, and this. I question the accuracy of that error.
I have ensured that libgit2 and libssh2 are both installed on the my local system running this code.
I have also looked through the source attempting to find where this error is generated, and was unable to locate it. To me, this does not make sense, since the error is not as descriptive to point to specifically where it is failing.
My question is, is this intended behavior? I would think it is not, based on the questions and answers I found regarding this. In which case, does someone know if this is a common issue? Any help is appreciated.
so I discovered the issue, in that that libgit2 and libssh2 where not properly linking at installation of rugged using bundler. I was pointed in this general direction by this answer.
By running the following command
bundle install --path bundle/
The conflict was resolved.

Install exp/html in Go

It looks like Go doesn't support HTML web parsing tools/packages yet, despite it already providing XML scraping via encoding/xml. So how can I install exp/html package in Go?
As far as I know, all the answers, at least I stumbled upon on the Web with 10 minutes worth of searching, didn't return the correct answer; when I tried to run those, I got the error cannot find package XXX in YYY or no Go source files in XXX.
So as of now, can I install it without re-compling and setting the whole Go environment from scratch? Or am I missing something?
I'm on OS X 10.8 and run Go version 1.1, which I installed from OS X package installer.
For your information, these code didn't make it.
go get code.google.com/p/go/src/pkg/exp/html
go get code.google.com/p/go.exp/inotify
I just tried:
go get code.google.com/p/go.net/html
and it seemed to work.
I have a feeling it's been moved from the exp library to the new net library.
EDIT: Documentation & browseable repo.
With go 1.4 (November 9th, 2014), you will have to type:
go get golang.org/x/net/html
"New Import paths for Go sub-repositories".
"Go 1.4 subrepo renaming".

Meteor update failed download on windows

im getting this error when im trying to update Meteor on windows.
Using git bash here, but getting the same error in command prompt.
Does the file simply not excist, or what is going on here, have had it for some days now, so im just curious if the file excist at all, since its not really officially supported on windows yet?
$ meteor update
New version available: 0.3.8
Failed to download: https://d3sqy0vbqsdhku.cloudfront.net/meteor-package-Windows
It is not supported officially yet on Windows. You need to rely on weekly checking win.meteor.com for updates.
I believe you are correct in your assumption of it not really being officially supported on windows. I also get this same error and have tried everything to get around it. I tried scouring for this package manually and was unable to find it.
