Sage cell installation not working, extreme frustration - bash

I have spent all day trying to install the Sage Cell package and have been quite frustrated. I have been following the instructions at:
Seems pretty reasonable, huh?
First problem occurred at step 4, in the "UPDATE:" that requires a git pull. After attempting the git-pull many times, and googling the error I was getting, which was: fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
It seemed to be that either the pull had been deleted or I somehow didn't have permissions to get it. However, the instructions on the site: don't have the UPDATE so I figured I'd go ahead and attempt the install anyways. I ran ./sage -i and got a long, winded error which looks something like this:
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
Couldn't find index page for 'backports.ssl_match_hostname' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
Note: Bypassing (disallowed host; see for details).
No local packages or download links found for backports.ssl-match-hostname
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('backports.ssl-match-hostname')
Error installing tornado-3.2.tar.gz.
real 0m8.891s
user 0m2.315s
sys 0m0.933s
Error installing package sagecell-2014-03-01
Followed by contact info for sage, who I have also emailed but am hoping for a response here as well.

I can't answer all this, but I am pretty sure that Sage currently has Ipython 1.2 or so, and Sage 6.3 will have Ipython 2.1 or so. My suspicion is hence that those steps are more than unnecessary.
Edit: However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the backport error message... See this sage-devel thread:
I had to do
./sage -sh -c "easy_install backports.ssl-match-hostname"
before installing the package - this way this thing is downloaded and
installed, while during installation of the package extra downloads
are prohibited.

The Sage Cell installation instructions are in a state of flux as we transfer maintainership over to Andrey Novoseltsev. Before that, the best way to understand how to install the cell server was to use/mimic the shell scripts I used to install the public server (in the contrib/vm directory) because these shell scripts changed sometimes daily, and my focus was on pushing the main server forward.
Andrey is working on the install process now, and said (in response to hearing about this stackexchange post): "This is definitely my project for this week. I can't promise a particular date time since I have some other things going on, but I'll make sure that install of is documented in the way it can be repeated and all others are either removed or marked clearly as not tested/working. Thank you for keeping track of things!"


Jiri hooks are not run due to fatal errors when updating projects or packages - Fuchsia Source code download

I am trying to install Fuchsia Source code but it is giving me error while fetching CIPD packages.
I tried the solution in this stackoverflow post but i received the error. here
I am just getting started with this and don't know a lot about it. I will be grateful for any help I can get.
I would recommend re-running jiri update, it will eventually complete. At present the prebuilts fetched from CIPD are large and can take a long time in certain regions, or with slower internet connections. The downloads are performed incrementally, and so restarting the process should make forward progress and eventually complete. I don't remember offhand the flag, but there is also a flag you can pass to jiri to explicitly increase the timeout.

if packagist says master build failing, If I install package with composer, will it work?

I'm kinda new to using composer (but I think it is awesome) so please pardon the noob question.
Folks are requesting exports fancier than csv so I thought I'd install phpOffice excel using composer. But, the master is 'build failing' and the develop is 'build error'. An I correct in assuming the master build failed means I should not install this with composer because it won't work?
In researching this I also found phpOffice spreadsheet, but that appears to be in development still.
Any other alternatives if I cannot use phpOffice excel due to the build status issue?
Regardless of what package you are talking about, if the builds for any of the branches are failing it just means that the builds for any of the branches are failing, that's it.
The master and develop branches may be well ahead of the latest tag, and chances are the maintainers are experimenting with it, and working towards a passing build again.
If you trust the maintainers not to release broken software, then it's safe to use one of the tagged versions, so for example, run
$ composer require phpoffice/phpexcel:^1.8.1
to install the latest stable version.
Note It appears that phpoffice/phpexcel:1.8.1 has been released on 2015-05-01; quite some time has passed since. Whether or not this package works for you, then, is something you have to find out for yourself.
For reference, see:

Getting packages for GO language

The below command is taking ages with no output or anything, is there an alternative way to download packages for go language.? I am new to golang.
go get -u
PS: my net connection is not that slow, downloading through git takes around 1 min, but i can't individually do that for all dependencies.
Edit 1: Small packages like go get downloads and install flawlessly, i have the problem only with . Its stuck there for an hour. Even a download progress would have been helpful.
go get command is working but its terribly slow for packages that have lots of dependencies. the -v flag(not in doc) helped me to get a verbose output of what is happening.
Took almost an hour to finish. Culprit might possibly be github or my ISP.
Verbose output should had made default by the developers.
*sorry for my English.
You can use GoDep which is a powerful Go dependency manager:
GoDep also helps you to have a predictable build since it freezes dependencies in your app
Very easy to get started, just follow instruction on its Github page.

Problems installing Flagmatic

I'm trying to install Flagmatic on Mac OS X Yosemite, a software package used to solve problems in extremal graph theory using the "flag algebras" developed by Razborov. I'd like to use Flagmatic to help with a research problem I'm working on, but I'm finding it very difficult to install. I'm a mathematician and while I've had some experience using Sage and Python through the Terminal I don't really know how to fix the sort of problems that I'm running into here. Here's the most up-to-date user guide so you can follow what I'm trying to do. I can broadly break down the problem as follows:
First, there is a link in the user guide to download the semidefinite programming package CSDP which Flagmatic needs in order to do some calculations. You then need to move CSDP to somewhere Flagmatic can find it, so I typed
sudo cp ~/Downloads/csdp/usr/local/bin/
into Terminal, which seemed to work. Then the user guide says by typing
into Terminal it should launch CSDP. This doesn't work - I get a permission denied message even though I typed sudo. Can anyone explain why this is happening and how to remedy it?
Secondly, when I run Sage (maths software) in the Terminal, I then want to be able to change directory to the pkg folder where there is a script called When I run sage and type
python install
-python install
while in the pkg directory, I get an invalid syntax message with a pointer to the particular phrase This is what the user guide tells you to do. If I instead try to install outside of Sage I get an error message The environment variable SAGE_ROOT must be defined. Can anyone provide some explanation and help with how to fix this?
Wow, this is somewhat dated information that they provide, since for well over a year csdp is an experimental Sage package. You should be able to just do
sage -i csdp
to install it (if you have compiler tools, which you probably do in this case). I guess the old instructions would still work but are a little brittle w.r.t. Sage.
Anyway, to the actual problem. You need to do the exact command given in the instructions:
sage -python install
However, this assumes (!) that you have a sage command in your PATH. Which you may not!
In this case, I recommend you use whatever command you use to run Sage, but instead of just typing /commmand/for/sage do /command/for/sage -python install in that directory. It will have all the right environment variables set up so that it installs in the right place, I am guessing.
Now, I'm not sure why flagmatic isn't just having themselves become an upstream package on the Sage servers, but that is a question that is harder to answer.
I might udpate the documentation in the near future. For now, however, you might want to visit this: I keep Emil's copy of Flagmatic 2.0 with updated install info. If you follow the README file, you should be fine.
I just built sage on Yosemite from source (worked fine) and then installed Flagmatic 2.0 (or Flagmatic-dev) without difficulties. It should work for you too.
I hope this helps.

clone_at and fetch returning Rugged::NetworkError: This transport isn't implemented. Sorry

So I have been attempting to incorporate the ability to both fetch and clone repo's using rugged. I have tried the following
and this
remote = Rugged::Remote.lookup(repo, remote_name)
also this
subject.clone(url, local_path)
All of these return with the error
This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
Now, ordinarily, I would take the error as it not being implemented yet. However, having seen questions asked like this, and this. I question the accuracy of that error.
I have ensured that libgit2 and libssh2 are both installed on the my local system running this code.
I have also looked through the source attempting to find where this error is generated, and was unable to locate it. To me, this does not make sense, since the error is not as descriptive to point to specifically where it is failing.
My question is, is this intended behavior? I would think it is not, based on the questions and answers I found regarding this. In which case, does someone know if this is a common issue? Any help is appreciated.
so I discovered the issue, in that that libgit2 and libssh2 where not properly linking at installation of rugged using bundler. I was pointed in this general direction by this answer.
By running the following command
bundle install --path bundle/
The conflict was resolved.
