Configuration Issue for IBM Filenet 5.2 - filenet-p8

I installed IBM Filenet Content Engine 5.2,on my machine.I am getting problem while configuring GCD datasources for new profile.
Let me first explain the setps I did,then I would mention the problem that I am getting.
First,I created GCD database in DB2,then I created datasources required for configuration of profile in WAS Admin Console.I created J2C Authentication Alias,for user which has access to GCD database and configured it with datasources.I am getting test database connection as successful but when I run task of configuring GCD datasources,it fails with the following error:-
Starting to run Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources ******
Finished running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
An error occurred while running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Running the task failed with the following message: The data source configuration failed:
WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node Poonam-PcNode01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
testing Database connection
DSRA8040I: Failed to connect to the DataSource. Encountered java.sql.SQLException: [jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.62.56] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: User ID or Password invalid. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28000, Error Code = -4,214.
It looks like simple error of user id and password not valid.I am using same alias for other datasources as well and they are working not sure,why I am getting error.I have also tried changing scope of datasources,but no success.Can somebody please help?

running "FileNet Configuration Manager" task of configuring GCD datasources will create all the needs things in WAS (including Alias), do not created it before manually.
I suspect it had an issue with exciting JDBC data sources/different names Alias

Seems from your message that you are running it from Filene configuration manager. Could you please double check from your database whether user id is authorised to execute query in GCD database. It is definitely do it with permission issue.


Unable to connect to SQL Server using the quarkus-hibernate-reactive due to incorrect reactive.url

I had worked on Quarkus connecting to Postgres. But this is the first time I am trying to connect to SQL Server, which is the default server in my current project. I am following this guide to create a database component.
The properties file contains the following:
The application starts fine, but when I make a request to the Resource that internally uses the repository, I get the following error:
Internal Server Error
Error id f0a959d2-3201-4015-bfd7-6628ae9914d1-1, io.vertx.mssqlclient.MSSQLException: {number=208, state=1, severity=16, message='Invalid object name ''.', serverName='<sql-instance>', lineNumber=1, additional=[io.vertx.mssqlclient.MSSQLException: {number=8180, state=1, severity=16, message='Statement(s) could not be prepared.', serverName='<sql-instance>', lineNumber=1}]}
This means, my application is able to connect to the database, but it is not able to find the table. The table exists in a schema, and I am unable to pass the schema which may be the cause of the issue. If you check the properties file, I have tried with two options:
Adding 'currentSchema' as a query param
Adding the property 'hibernate.default_schema'
But none of the two options are working. There is no documentation on SQL Server that can help me provide the right configuration to the Quarkus application. Please help.
The correct property is quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.default-schema It is possible to check all the available configuration properties in this url

IBM App Connect Enterprise Could not locate JDBC Provider policy

I have created a JDBCProvider policy in an IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE v11) in Windows called CLINIC
which is also the name of the database I have a mapping Node where I'm trying to select from or insert into the Oracle Database
then i deployed the policy to the integration Node after i set credentials to the node
then when i test the message flow i always getting this error:
Exception. BIP2230E: Error detected whilst processing a message in node &apos;MappSelect.Mapping&apos;. : C:\ci\product-build\WMB\src\DataFlowEngine\PluginInterface\jlinklib\ImbJniNode.cpp: 433: ImbJniNode::evaluate: ComIbmMSLMappingNode: MappSelect#FCMComposite_1_3
BIP6253E: Error in node: &apos;Mapping&apos;. Could not locate JDBC Provider policy &apos;&apos;XE&apos;&apos;, which was given for the data source name property for this node. : 575: JDBCDatabaseManager::constructor: :
so What am I missing? any help please?
I don't know what you did in your mapping node, but it should be one of the following :
You mentioned a wrong resource name. You have to mention CLINIC in your mapping node as a source
You did not restart the Integration Server after applying this configuration

Cloudera-scm-server.log showing error at two places

I am trying to run Cloudera-Manager and it's giving me error given in following screenshots and marked with red pen.
Can anybody help me resolve those error ??
The error is quite straightforward. Cloudera Manager can't connect to the database with credentials specified. Are you able to connect manually with credentials provided in /etc/cloudera-scm-server/
Seems like its trying to find Driver class for Mysql DB (and not Postgres). I can see below error in your snapshot:
JDBC Driver Class not found: com.mysql.jdbc.driver

ERROR:Unexpected condition at file:[]Application terminating. informatica

I got this error:
Service process [integrationServiceName] generated the following
output error: [ERROR:Unexpected condition at file:[]Application
terminating. Contact informatica Technical Support for assistance.]
every time that I try to run a workflow which includes
an Access DB source/ each time that in the session mapping there is an ODBC Connection to Access Driver. I manage to preview the data on client.
I created a DSN to the 64bit mod Administrator on Server.
I run the workflow and my session fails without logging errors.
I got only this one on the Administrator console and
First Error Code:36401..Execution terminated unexpextedly in run properties of session.
Do you have any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
Add the custom property in session config object as

JDBC URL for Oracle XA client

Using the JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource, what is the correct format of the JDBC URL? The thin format of
does not work. WebSphere is reporting that the given url (which is otherwise correct) is invalid.
The test connection operation failed for data source Oracle MyDB (XA) on
server nodeagent at node MY_node with the following exception:
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specifiedDSRA0010E: SQL State = 99999,
Error Code = 17,067. View JVM logs for further details.
There is nothing in the JVM logs.
Whether you use a XA Driver or not, the JDBC connection string is the same (and the format of your question is correct).
For me the issue resolved by adding alias name, username and password in JAAS - J2C authentication data. And also selecting this entry as Component-managed authentication alias.
In case this happens to anyone else. The problem went away after restarting websphere.
In my case, the problem went away when I change the authentication property of the jdbc resource reference from Authentication=Application to Authentication=Container
Had the same issue. Dont know about simple deployments, but on a two nodes cluster, I restarted the first node, and the connection started working on it (not on the second). Restarted the second node, and the connection started working there too.
So just restart the nodes (I also restarted the nodeAgents, but i don't know if it's necessary).
if you are doing using wsadmin command then you need to stop manager,stop node,start manager, sync node and then start node (I mean full sync). Hopefully this will resolve the issue. I dont know why but this resolves my issue.
