Unable to connect to SQL Server using the quarkus-hibernate-reactive due to incorrect reactive.url - quarkus

I had worked on Quarkus connecting to Postgres. But this is the first time I am trying to connect to SQL Server, which is the default server in my current project. I am following this guide to create a database component.
The properties file contains the following:
The application starts fine, but when I make a request to the Resource that internally uses the repository, I get the following error:
Internal Server Error
Error id f0a959d2-3201-4015-bfd7-6628ae9914d1-1, io.vertx.mssqlclient.MSSQLException: {number=208, state=1, severity=16, message='Invalid object name ''.', serverName='<sql-instance>', lineNumber=1, additional=[io.vertx.mssqlclient.MSSQLException: {number=8180, state=1, severity=16, message='Statement(s) could not be prepared.', serverName='<sql-instance>', lineNumber=1}]}
This means, my application is able to connect to the database, but it is not able to find the table. The table exists in a schema, and I am unable to pass the schema which may be the cause of the issue. If you check the properties file, I have tried with two options:
Adding 'currentSchema' as a query param
Adding the property 'hibernate.default_schema'
But none of the two options are working. There is no documentation on SQL Server that can help me provide the right configuration to the Quarkus application. Please help.

The correct property is quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.default-schema It is possible to check all the available configuration properties in this url https://quarkus.io/guides/hibernate-orm#hibernate-configuration-properties


Wrong user name when accessing play project database with h2-browser

Unable to access play project embedded H2 database, i followed recommendations, and
run h2-browser within the same play console as explained here:
Accessing play project database with h2-browser
My Play framework settings ( 2.3.10)
But i keep getting this error: Wrong user name or password [28000-180] 28000/28000 (Help)
The Play 2.3.x JDBC datasource is managed by BoneCP
Correctly define User name
So I used settings from more recent version
Play framework 2.5.x is using HikaryCP where this would be correct
Check this link, I tried to describe.
When connecting to the H2 database for the first time, the H2 database initializes the user name and password, but properties the database user name and password are defined in the configuration file , causing a conflict.
Close the program and close the database connection (if the program is not closed, an error will be reported and cannot be changed)
Delete the database and delete the xml file in dataSources under .idea
Recreate the database and start the project

Mule Connect to remote flat files

I am new to Mule and I have been struggling with a simple issue for a while now. I am trying to connect to flat files (.MDB, .DBF) located on a remote desktop through my Mule application using the generic database connector of Mule. I have tried different things here:
I am using StelsDBF and StelsMDB drivers for the JDBC connectivity. I tried connecting directly using jdbc URL - jdbc:jstels:mdb:host/path
I have also tried to access through FTP by using FileZilla server on remote desktop and using jdbc URL in my app - jdbc:jstels:dbf:ftp://user:password#host:21/path
None of these seem to be working as I am always getting Connection exceptions. If anyone has tried this before, what is the best way to go about it? Connecting a remote flat file with Mule? Your response on this will be greatly appreciated!
If you want to load the contents of the file inside a Mule flow you should use the file or FTP connector, i don't know for sure about your JDBC option.
With the File connector you can access local files (files on the server where mule is running), you could try to mount the folders as a share.
Or run an FTP server like you already tried, that should work.
There is probably an error in your syntax / connection.
Please paste the complete XML of your Mule flow so we can see what you are trying to do.
Your usecase is still not really clear to me, are you really planning to use http to trigger the DB everytime? Anyway did you try putting the file on a local path and use that path in your database url. Here is someone that says he had it working, he created a separate bean.
I think a local path is maybe possible and it's better to test that first.
Also take note of how to refer to a file path, look at the examples for the file connector: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-user-guide/v/3.7/file-transport-reference#namespace-and-syntax
If you manage to get it working and you can use the path directly in the JDBC url, you should have a look at the poll scope.
You can use your DB connector as an inbound endpoint when wrapped in a poll scope.
I experienced the same issue when connect to Microsoft Access Database (*.mdb, *.accdb) using Mule Database Connector. After further investigation, it's solved by installing Microsoft Access Database Engine
Another issue, I couldn't pass parameter to construct a query as same as I do for other databases. e.g.: SELECT * FROM emplcopy WHERE id = #[payload.id]
To solve this issue:
I changed the Query type from Parameterized into Dynamic.
I generated the query inside Set Payload transformer (generate the query in form of String, e.g.: SELECT * FROM emplcopy WHERE id = '1').
Finally, put it into the Dynamic query area: #[payload]

pwdChangedTime which is not allowed by any of the objectclasses defined in that entry in OpenDj LDAP

I installed a new LDAP server (OpenDJ 2.4.6). I am trying to enable the replication with reference of existing server. But I am getting the below issue.
I ran the replication command, existing server (1st server). Can you please help/suggest on the below issue?
Establishing connections ..... Done.
Checking registration information .....
Error updating registration information. Details: Registration information
error. Error type: 'ERROR_UNEXPECTED'. Details:
javax.naming.directory.SchemaViolationException: [LDAP: error code 65 - Entry
cn=admin,cn=Administrators,cn=admin data violates the Directory Server schema
configuration because it includes attribute pwdChangedTime which is not
allowed by any of the objectclasses defined in that entry]; remaining name
'cn=admin,cn=Administrators,cn=admin data'
See /tmp/opends-replication-6304872164983350730.log for a detailed log of this
Schema violation indicates that the entry is not compliant with the schema defined on the directory server.
Since the pwdChangedTime is by default defined in the Schema as an operational attribute and the error occurs with the dsreplication command (which is known to produce valid data), this probably indicates that you have messed up with the default schema and altered it in a non standard and incompatible way.

Configuration Issue for IBM Filenet 5.2

I installed IBM Filenet Content Engine 5.2,on my machine.I am getting problem while configuring GCD datasources for new profile.
Let me first explain the setps I did,then I would mention the problem that I am getting.
First,I created GCD database in DB2,then I created datasources required for configuration of profile in WAS Admin Console.I created J2C Authentication Alias,for user which has access to GCD database and configured it with datasources.I am getting test database connection as successful but when I run task of configuring GCD datasources,it fails with the following error:-
Starting to run Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources ******
Finished running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
An error occurred while running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Running the task failed with the following message: The data source configuration failed:
WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node Poonam-PcNode01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
testing Database connection
DSRA8040I: Failed to connect to the DataSource. Encountered java.sql.SQLException: [jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.62.56] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: User ID or Password invalid. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28000, Error Code = -4,214.
It looks like simple error of user id and password not valid.I am using same alias for other datasources as well and they are working fine.so not sure,why I am getting error.I have also tried changing scope of datasources,but no success.Can somebody please help?
running "FileNet Configuration Manager" task of configuring GCD datasources will create all the needs things in WAS (including Alias), do not created it before manually.
I suspect it had an issue with exciting JDBC data sources/different names Alias
Seems from your message that you are running it from Filene configuration manager. Could you please double check from your database whether user id is authorised to execute query in GCD database. It is definitely do it with permission issue.

Enabling Oracle jdbc driver logs on Websphere 6.1

I am having some problems with an Hibernate Criteria query causing a outOfIndex error at driver level, I am pretty sure the problem is at the driver as I have being debugging and everything seems ok, but to be sure and be able to report the error I need to enable traces and I am not being able to do so.
I have added ojsbc5_g.jar as a new JDBC provider and created a new data source with it, renamed the jndi of the old one so the new debug data source uses the same and tried using -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true -Djava.util.logging.config.file=ConfigFile.properties
at the server JVM configuration (using a absolute path for the file and a relative one).
The data source and the app works but no log appears, then I found the data source custom properties so I modified the level and the filename and now the file is there but empty.
The JVM Configuration should include:
-Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/jdbc/OracleLog.properties
and the mentioned properties file should include something like:
You can set the logging for following targets depending on the nature of your problem:
