ERROR:Unexpected condition at file:[]Application terminating. informatica - informatica-powercenter

I got this error:
Service process [integrationServiceName] generated the following
output error: [ERROR:Unexpected condition at file:[]Application
terminating. Contact informatica Technical Support for assistance.]
every time that I try to run a workflow which includes
an Access DB source/ each time that in the session mapping there is an ODBC Connection to Access Driver. I manage to preview the data on client.
I created a DSN to the 64bit mod Administrator on Server.
I run the workflow and my session fails without logging errors.
I got only this one on the Administrator console and
First Error Code:36401..Execution terminated unexpextedly in run properties of session.
Do you have any ideas?
Thank you in advance.

Add the custom property in session config object as


Terraform and OCI : "The existing Db System with ID <OCID> has a conflicting state of UPDATING" when creating multiple databases

I am trying to create 30 databases (oci_database_database resource) under 5 existing db_homes. All of these resources are under a single DB System :
When applying my code, a first database is successfully created then when terraform attempts to create the second one I get the following error message : "Error: Service error:IncorrectState. The existing Db System with ID has a conflicting state of UPDATING", which causes the execution to stop.
If I re-apply my code, the second database is created then I get the same previous error when terraform attempts to create the third one.
I am assuming I get this message because terraform starts creating the following database as soon as the first one is created, but the DB System status is not up to date yet (still 'UPDATING' instead of 'AVAILABLE').
A good way for the OCI provider to avoid this issue would be to consider a database creation as completed when the creation is indeed completed AND the associated db home and db system's status are back to 'AVAILABLE'.
Any suggestion on how to adress the issue I am encountering ?
Feel free to ask if you need any additional information.
Thank you.
As mentioned above, it looks like you have opened a ticket regarding this via github. What you are experiencing should not happen, as terraform should retry after seeing the error. As per your github post, the person helping you is in need of your log with timestamp so they can better troubleshoot. At this stage I would recommend following up there and sharing the requested info.

Configuration Issue for IBM Filenet 5.2

I installed IBM Filenet Content Engine 5.2,on my machine.I am getting problem while configuring GCD datasources for new profile.
Let me first explain the setps I did,then I would mention the problem that I am getting.
First,I created GCD database in DB2,then I created datasources required for configuration of profile in WAS Admin Console.I created J2C Authentication Alias,for user which has access to GCD database and configured it with datasources.I am getting test database connection as successful but when I run task of configuring GCD datasources,it fails with the following error:-
Starting to run Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources ******
Finished running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
An error occurred while running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Running the task failed with the following message: The data source configuration failed:
WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node Poonam-PcNode01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
testing Database connection
DSRA8040I: Failed to connect to the DataSource. Encountered java.sql.SQLException: [jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.62.56] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: User ID or Password invalid. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28000, Error Code = -4,214.
It looks like simple error of user id and password not valid.I am using same alias for other datasources as well and they are working not sure,why I am getting error.I have also tried changing scope of datasources,but no success.Can somebody please help?
running "FileNet Configuration Manager" task of configuring GCD datasources will create all the needs things in WAS (including Alias), do not created it before manually.
I suspect it had an issue with exciting JDBC data sources/different names Alias
Seems from your message that you are running it from Filene configuration manager. Could you please double check from your database whether user id is authorised to execute query in GCD database. It is definitely do it with permission issue.

Queued Build is not connecting to db as it uses domainName\computerName instead of domanName\username

I am trying to queue a build in my own build definition. But the sql connection in my code throws an exception that Login failed for user 'domainName\computerName$' which is natural since it should have used domainName\userAlias.
My question is why is it using domainName\computerName, and how to make it use windows auth instead? Can some one please help me with this?
You need to set the service account that the build service uses on the server(s) running your Build Agent(s). It sounds like it's currently set to run as Network Service.
You can change it by firing up TFS Admin Console, and going to Build Configuration and changing the properties on the service:

How to run only failed sessions in a workflow

In a workflow there are sessions connected in parallel and in sequence. Suppose some sessions which are in parallel and in sequential mode are failed, How do I restart the workflow with only failed sessions. How can I design this in Informatica?
Turn 'suspend on error' for workflow
Turn 'restart on recovery' for each session in workflow
Now if any session fail workflow will be suspended until you fix the problem and hit recover on workflow in monitor. When you do so it cause to restart only failed sessions.
A large publishing client asked us to implement something similar to what you asked. We crated a database table to keep track of successful sessions within a workflow. Each session will have a mapping at the end that adds an entry to database which says I passed or failed. When we try to run in a recovery mode we query the database at the beginning of each session to find out if we need to run this session or not.
We also provided a web interface to this table where business users can manually choose which session to run or escape based on their needs.
Recovery option will work only if you have "workflow recovery" turned on in repository. If you dont, then you can check option "fail workflow if task fails" at individual session level and create condition on link that connect workflow to each other. Disadvantage of this method is that your workflow will appear failed and wont execute next sessions until failed one are fixed.

how to check up/down status of oracle reports server?

To check the status of database servers, I use tnsping utility.
Is there any similar utility for checking reports server?
Without access to the ReportServer admin console, that can be tough. But a call to /reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server= might do the trick for you. If you get a response, it confirms the server is up and running, and it'll show you any jobs that are running.
I've also implemented a procedure in the past that periodically runs a minimal report using utl_http and looks for a reasonable response. Then emails if it timesout or gets an HTTP error or report server error.
I would agree with Jim Hudson, the Oracle Application Server Control is the easiest method to monitor your Oracle Report server(s).
However you can gain some information about the status from running the following command:
