Bubble sort pseudo code what does n-1 mean? - algorithm

I have a question about a specific line in the bubble sort pseudo code.
This pseudocode is taken from wikipedia:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
swapped = false
for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do //THIS IS THE LINE I DON'T UNDERSTAND
/* if this pair is out of order */
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
/* swap them and remember something changed */
swap( A[i-1], A[i] )
swapped = true
end if
end for
until not swapped
end procedure
I do not understand the for loop's condition (1 to n-1). I clearly have to run through all elements from the second element at index 1 to the last element for the algorithm to work.
But when I read the term n-1 I see it as the last element minus 1, which will skip the last element. So I guess my question is, what does n-1 really mean in this context?

If n is the count of elements. The highest index is n-1.
This line iterates from the index 1 to the highest index n-1.
The first element has an index of 0. This code does not start there because of what it does inside the loop. pay attention to the i-1 part.
To give you an example of what that pseudocode does:
`A ={'C', 'E', 'B', 'D', 'A'}`
`n` = `5`
inner_loop for i => 1, 2, 3, 4
i = 1
if(A[0] > A[1]) => false
i = 2
if(A[1] > A[2]) => true
swap(A[1] , A[2]) => A ={'C', 'B', 'E', 'D', 'A'}
swapped = true
i = 3
if(A[2] > A[3]) => false
i = 4
if(A[3] > A[4]) => true
swap(A[3] , A[4]) => A ={'C', 'B', 'E', 'A', 'D'}
swapped = true
In a senses this code does not run through the elements but rather trough the comparisson of adjacent elements.

n-1 does not mean the second-to-last element. It means the last element.
Here's why: Usually in programming, lists are zero-indexed, meaning the numbering starts at zero and goes to n-1 where n is the length of the list. The loop starts at i = 1 which is actually the second element (since later you have to compare A[i] to A[i-1]—that's the first element).

Since most programming languages start with index 0, you'll only want to compare from array index 0 to array index n-1 for an array of size n. If you continue to n, you'll be comparing outside of the array in the line:
if A[i-1] > A[i]
Hope this helps.

That is written in pseudo-code, so we don't know for sure how that "language" implements array indexing, but it seems that it is 0-indexed. Which means that if length(A) = n = 5 the elements are numbered from 0 through 4 (i.e. A[0] is how you access the first element A[4] is how you access the last one).

the sorting is occurring till n-1 because the last element will automatically be sorted during the last iteration i.e the nth iteration in case of bubblesort


What is the sublist array that can give us maximum 'flip-flop' sum?

my problem is that I'm given an array of with length l.
let's say this is my array: [1,5,4,2,9,3,6] let's call this A.
This array can have multiple sub arrays with nodes being adjacent to each other. so we can have [1,5,4] or [2,9,3,6] and so on. the length of each sub array does not matter.
But the trick is the sum part. we cannot just add all numbers, it works like flip flop. so for the sublist [2,9,3,6] the sum would be [2,-9,3,-6] which is: -10. and is pretty small.
what would be the sublist (or sub-array if you like) of this array A that produces the maximum sum?
one possible way would be (from intuition) that the sublist [4,2,9] will output a decent result : [4, -2, 9] = (add all the elements) = 11.
The question is, how to come up with a result like this?
what is the sub-array that gives us the maximum flip-flop sum?
and mainly, what is the algorithm that takes any array as an input and outputs a sub-array with all numbers being adjacent and with the maximum sum?
I haven't come up with anything but I'm pretty sure I should pick either dynamic programming or divide and conquer to solve this issue. again, I don't know, I may be totally wrong.
The problem can indeed be solved using dynamic programming, by keeping track of the maximum sum ending at each position.
However, since the current element can be either added to or subtracted from a sum (depending on the length of the subsequence), we will keep track of the maximum sums ending here, separately, for both even as well as odd subsequence lengths.
The code below (implemented in python) does that (please see comments in the code for additional details).
The time complexity is O(n).
a = [1, 5, 4, 2, 9, 3, 6]
# initialize the best sequences which end at element a[0]
# best sequence with odd length ending at the current position
best_ending_here_odd = a[0] # the sequence sum value
best_ending_here_odd_start_idx = 0
# best sequence with even length ending at the current position
best_ending_here_even = 0 # the sequence sum value
best_ending_here_even_start_idx = 1
best_sum = 0
best_start_idx = 0
best_end_idx = 0
for i in range(1, len(a)):
# add/subtract the current element to the best sequences that
# ended in the previous element
best_ending_here_even, best_ending_here_odd = \
best_ending_here_odd - a[i], best_ending_here_even + a[i]
# swap starting positions (since a sequence which had odd length when it
# was ending at the previous element has even length now, and vice-versa)
best_ending_here_even_start_idx, best_ending_here_odd_start_idx = \
best_ending_here_odd_start_idx, best_ending_here_even_start_idx
# we can always make a sequence of even length with sum 0 (empty sequence)
if best_ending_here_even < 0:
best_ending_here_even = 0
best_ending_here_even_start_idx = i + 1
# update the best known sub-sequence if it is the case
if best_ending_here_even > best_sum:
best_sum = best_ending_here_even
best_start_idx = best_ending_here_even_start_idx
best_end_idx = i
if best_ending_here_odd > best_sum:
best_sum = best_ending_here_odd
best_start_idx = best_ending_here_odd_start_idx
best_end_idx = i
print(best_sum, best_start_idx, best_end_idx)
For the example sequence in the question, the above code outputs the following flip-flop sub-sequence:
4 - 2 + 9 - 3 + 6 = 14
As quertyman wrote, we can use dynamic programming. This is similar to Kadane's algorithm but with a few twists. We need a second temporary variable to keep track of trying each element both as an addition and as a subtraction. Note that a subtraction must be preceded by an addition but not vice versa. O(1) space, O(n) time.
JavaScript code:
function f(A){
let prevAdd = [A[0], 1] // sum, length
let prevSubt = [0, 0]
let best = [0, -1, 0, null] // sum, idx, len, op
let add
let subt
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++){
// Try adding
add = [A[i] + prevSubt[0], 1 + prevSubt[1]]
if (add[0] > best[0])
best = [add[0], i, add[1], ' + ']
// Try subtracting
if (prevAdd[0] - A[i] > 0)
subt = [prevAdd[0] - A[i], 1 + prevAdd[1]]
subt = [0, 0]
if (subt[0] > best[0])
best = [subt[0], i, subt[1], ' - ']
prevAdd = add
prevSubt = subt
return best
function show(A, sol){
let [sum, i, len, op] = sol
let str = A[i] + ' = ' + sum
for (let l=1; l<len; l++){
str = A[i-l] + op + str
op = op == ' + ' ? ' - ' : ' + '
return str
var A = [1, 5, 4, 2, 9, 3, 6]
var sol = f(A)
console.log(show(A, sol))
Per OP's request in the comments, here is some theoretical elaboration on the general recurrence (pseudocode): let f(i, subtract) represent the maximum sum up to and including the element indexed at i, where subtract indicates whether or not the element is subtracted or added. Then:
// Try subtracting
f(i, true) =
if f(i-1, false) - A[i] > 0
then f(i-1, false) - A[i]
otherwise 0
// Try adding
f(i, false) =
A[i] + f(i-1, true)
(Note that when f(i-1, true) evaluates
to zero, the best ending at
i as an addition is just A[i])
The recurrence only depends on the evaluation at the previous element, which means we can code it with O(1) space, just saving the very last evaluation after each iteration, and updating the best so far (including the sequence's ending index and length if we want).

Quick Sort Algo

My algorithm is not working as intended. When I use a data set that has a starting value greater than the last element, the method sorts the numbers in descending order rather than ascending. I am not exactly sure changing the numbers at input[0] and input.length - 1 can alter the output from ascending to reverse order. I would appreciate any insight on how to fix this. Thanks!
def quickSort(input)
divide = lambda do |first, last|
if first >= last
mid = first
i = 0
while i < last do
if input[i] < input[last]
input[i], input[mid] = input[mid], input[i]
mid += 1
i += 1
input[mid], input[last] = input[last], input[mid]
divide.call(first, mid - 1)
divide.call(mid + 1, last)
divide.call(0, input.length - 1 )
return input
quickSort([24, 6, 8, 2, 35]) // causes a descending sort
quickSort([3,9,1,4,7]) // works as intended
I don't think that is quicksort (at least not the way I learned), and if you try adding more values to the first array you are sorting it will crash the program.
Take a look at this following implementation (my ruby is a bit rusty so bear with me)
def quickSort(input)
return input if input.length <= 1
i = input.length - 1
pivot = input[rand(i)]
lesser = []
greater = []
input.map do |n|
lesser.push(n) if n < pivot
greater.push(n) if n >= pivot
sorted = []
return sorted
print quickSort([24, 6, 8, 2, 35, 12])
puts ""
print quickSort([3,9,1,4,7,8,10,15,2])
puts ""
Usually when doing quicksort you will pick a random pivot in the array and split the array into parts lesser and greater than the pivot. Then you recursively call quicksort on the lesser and greater arrays before rejoining them into a sorted array. Hope that helps!

What is the logic behind the algorithm

I am trying to solve a problem from codility
"Even sums"
but am unable to do so. Here is the question below.
Even sums is a game for two players. Players are given a sequence of N positive integers and take turns alternately. In each turn, a player chooses a non-empty slice (a subsequence of consecutive elements) such that the sum of values in this slice is even, then removes the slice and concatenates the remaining parts of the sequence. The first player who is unable to make a legal move loses the game.
You play this game against your opponent and you want to know if you can win, assuming both you and your opponent play optimally. You move first.
Write a function:
string solution(vector< int>& A);
that, given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers, returns a string of format "X,Y" where X and Y are, respectively, the first and last positions (inclusive) of the slice that you should remove on your first move in order to win, assuming you have a winning strategy. If there is more than one such winning slice, the function should return the one with the smallest value of X. If there is more than one slice with the smallest value of X, the function should return the shortest. If you do not have a winning strategy, the function should return "NO SOLUTION".
For example, given the following array:
A[0] = 4 A[1] = 5 A[2] = 3 A[3] = 7 A[4] = 2
the function should return "1,2". After removing a slice from positions 1 to 2 (with an even sum of 5 + 3 = 8), the remaining array is [4, 7, 2]. Then the opponent will be able to remove the first element (of even sum 4) or the last element (of even sum 2). Afterwards you can make a move that leaves the array containing just [7], so your opponent will not have a legal move and will lose. One of possible games is shown on the following picture
Note that removing slice "2,3" (with an even sum of 3 + 7 = 10) is also a winning move, but slice "1,2" has a smaller value of X.
For the following array:
A[0] = 2 A[ 1 ] = 5 A[2] = 4
the function should return "NO SOLUTION", since there is no strategy that guarantees you a win.
Assume that:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000]. Complexity:
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N); expected worst-case space complexity is O(N), beyond input storage (not counting the storage required for input arguments). Elements of input arrays can be modified.
I have found a solution online in python.
def check(start, end):
if start>end:
res = str(start) + ',' + str(end)
return res
def trans( strr ):
if strr =='NO SOLUTION':
return (-1, -1)
a, b = strr.split(',')
return ( int(a), int(b) )
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 2.7
odd_list = [ ind for ind in range(len(A)) if A[ind]%2==1 ]
if len(odd_list)%2==0:
return check(0, len(A)-1)
odd_list = [-1] + odd_list + [len(A)]
res_cand = []
# the numbers at the either end of A are even
count = odd_list[1]
second_count = len(A)-1-odd_list[-2]
first_count = odd_list[2]-odd_list[1]-1
if second_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+1, len(A)-1-count )))
if first_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+count+1, len(A)-1 )))
twosum = first_count + second_count
if second_count < count <= twosum:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+(first_count-(count-second_count))+1, odd_list[-2] )))
count = len(A)-1-odd_list[-2]
first_count = odd_list[1]
second_count = odd_list[-2]-odd_list[-3]-1
if first_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( count, odd_list[-2]-1 )))
if second_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( 0, odd_list[-2]-count-1)) )
twosum = first_count + second_count
if second_count < count <= twosum:
res_cand.append( trans(check( count-second_count, odd_list[-3])) )
res_cand = sorted( res_cand, key=lambda x: (-x[0],-x[1]) )
cur = (-1, -2)
for item in res_cand:
if item[0]!=-1:
cur = item
return check( cur[0], cur[1] )
This code works and I am unable to understand the code and flow of one function to the the other. However I don't understand the logic of the algorithm. How it has approached the problem and solved it. This might be a long task but can anybody please care enough to explain me the algorithm. Thanks in advance.
So far I have figured out that the number of odd numbers are crucial to find out the result. Especially the index of the first odd number and the last odd number is needed to calculate the important values.
Now I need to understand the logic behind the comparison such as "if first_count >= count" and if "second_count < count <= twosum".
Hey guys I found out the solution to my question and finally understood the logic of the algorithm.
The idea lies behind the symmetry of the array. We can never win the game if the array is symmetrical. Here symmetrical is defined as the array where there is only one odd in the middle and equal number of evens on the either side of that one odd.
If there are even number of odds we can directly win the game.
If there are odd number of odds we should always try to make the array symmetrical. That is what the algorithm is trying to do.
Now there are two cases to it. Either the last odd will remain or the first odd will remain. I will be happy to explain more if you guys didn't understand it. Thanks.

How these pseudocodes for bubble sort works?

I got this pseudocode from Wikipedia:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
swapped = false
for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do
/* if this pair is out of order */
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
/* swap them and remember something changed */
swap( A[i-1], A[i] )
swapped = true
end if
end for
until not swapped
end procedure
And this from a book (named Principles of Computer Science)
BubbleSort( list )
length <-- lenght of list
do {
swapped_pair <-- false
index <-- 1
while index <= length - 1 {
if list[index] > list[index + 1] {
swap( list[index], list[index + 1] )
swapped_pair = true
index <-- index + 1
} while( swapped = true )
I don't know which is better pseudocode.
The parts I don't understand is the swapped_pair <-- false part and the last lines.
In the line 4 when it's written swapped=false or swapped_pair <-- false.
Why it's set to false at the start? What would happen if it weren't set to false?
And the last lines, on the Wikipedia it's written:
end if
end for
until not swapped
end procedure
And on the pseudocode from the book it's written:
while( swapped = true )
What does these last lines mean?
The swapped variable keeps track if any swaps were made in the last pass through the array.
If a swap was made, the array is still not sorted and we need to continue.
If no swaps were made, then the array is already sorted and we can stop there. Otherwise we will do redundant iterations.
This is one of the optimizations that we ca do to make bubble sort more efficient.
If you are interested in more optimizations you can look here:
However, even optimized, bubble sort is too inefficient to be used in practice. It is an interesting case to look at, while learning, but if you need a simple sort algorithm use insertion sort instead.

Find max sum of elements in an array ( with twist)

Given a array with +ve and -ve integer , find the maximum sum such that you are not allowed to skip 2 contiguous elements ( i.e you have to select at least one of them to move forward).
eg :-
10 , 20 , 30, -10 , -50 , 40 , -50, -1, -3
Output : 10+20+30-10+40-1 = 89
This problem can be solved using Dynamic Programming approach.
Let arr be the given array and opt be the array to store the optimal solutions.
opt[i] is the maximum sum that can be obtained starting from element i, inclusive.
opt[i] = arr[i] + (some other elements after i)
Now to solve the problem we iterate the array arr backwards, each time storing the answer opt[i].
Since we cannot skip 2 contiguous elements, either element i+1 or element i+2 has to be included
in opt[i].
So for each i, opt[i] = arr[i] + max(opt[i+1], opt[i+2])
See this code to understand:
int arr[n]; // array of given numbers. array size = n.
nput(arr, n); // input the array elements (given numbers)
int opt[n+2]; // optimal solutions.
memset(opt, 0, sizeof(opt)); // Initially set all optimal solutions to 0.
for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
opt[i] = arr[i] + max(opt[i+1], opt[i+2]);
ans = max(opt[0], opt[1]) // final answer.
Observe that opt array has n+2 elements. This is to avoid getting illegal memory access exception (memory out of bounds) when we try to access opt[i+1] and opt[i+2] for the last element (n-1).
See the working implementation of the algorithm given above
Use a recurrence that accounts for that:
dp[i] = max(dp[i - 1] + a[i], <- take two consecutives
dp[i - 2] + a[i], <- skip a[i - 1])
Base cases left as an exercise.
If you see a +ve integer add it to the sum. If you see a negative integer, then inspect the next integer pick which ever is maximum and add it to the sum.
10 , 20 , 30, -10 , -50 , 40 , -50, -1, -3
For this add 10, 20, 30, max(-10, -50), 40 max(-50, -1) and since there is no element next to -3 discard it.
The last element will go to sum if it was +ve.
I think this algorithm will help.
1. Create a method which gives output the maximum sum of particular user input array say T[n], where n denotes the total no. of elements.
2. Now this method will keep on adding array elements till they are positive. As we want to maximize the sum and there is no point in dropping positive elements behind.
3. As soon as our method encounters a negative element, it will transfer all consecutive negative elements to another method which create a new array say N[i] such that this array will contain all the consecutive negative elements that we encountered in T[n] and returns N[i]'s max output.
In this way our main method is not affected and its keep on adding positive elements and whenever it encounters negative element, it instead of adding their real values adds the net max output of that consecutive array of negative elements.
for example: T[n] = 29,34,55,-6,-5,-4,6,43,-8,-9,-4,-3,2,78 //here n=14
Main Method Working:
29+34+55+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array [-6,-5,-4])+6+43+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array [-8,-9,-4,-3])+2+78
Process Terminates with max output.
Secondary Method Working:
N[i] = gets array from Main method or itself as and when required.
This is basically a recursive method.
say N[i] has elements like N1, N2, N3, N4, etc.
for i>=3:
Now choice goes like this.
1. If we take N1 then we can recurse the left off array i.e. N[i-1] which has all elements except N1 in same order. Such that the net max output will be
N1+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array N[i-1] recursively)
2. If we doesn't take N1, then we cannot skip N2. So, Now algorithm is like 1st choice but starting with N2. So max output in this case will be
N2+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array N[i-2] recursively).
Here N[i-2] is an array containing all N[i] elements except N1 & N2 in same order.
Termination: When we are left with the array of size one ( for N[i-2] ) then we have to choose that particular value as no option.
The recursions will finally yield the max outputs and we have to finally choose the output of that choice which is more.
and redirect the max output to wherever required.
for i=2:
we have to choose the value which is bigger
for i=1:
We can surely skip that value.
So max output in this case will be 0.
I think this answer will help to you.
Given array:
Given:- 10 20 30 -10 -50 40 -50 -1 -3
Array1:-10 30 60 50 10 90 40 89 86
Array2:-10 20 50 40 0 80 30 79 76
Take the max value of array1[n-1],array1[n],array2[n-1],array2[n] i.e 89(array1[n-1])
For the array1 value assign array1[0]=a[0],array1=a[0]+a[1] and array2[0]=a[0],array2[1]=a[1].
calculate the array1 value from 2 to n is max of sum of array1[i-1]+a[i] or array1[i-2]+a[i].
for loop from 2 to n{
similarly for array2 value from 2 to n is max of sum of array2[i-1]+a[i] or array2[i-2]+a[i].
for loop from 2 to n{
Finally find the max value of array1[n-1],array[n],array2[n-1],array2[n];
int max(int a,int b){
return a>b?a:b;
int main(){
int a[]={10,20,30,-10,-50,40,-50,-1,-3};
int i,n,max_sum;
int array1[n],array2[n];
for loop from 2 to n{
printf("The max_sum is %d",max_sum);
return 0;
Ans: The max_sum is 89
public static void countSum(int[] a) {
int count = 0;
int skip = 0;
int newCount = 0;
count = a[0];
for(int i:a)
newCount = count + i;
count = newCount;
skip = newCount;
count = skip;
skip = newCount;
Let the array be of size N, indexed as 1...N
Let f(n) be the function, that provides the answer for max sum of sub array (1...n), such that no two left over elements are consecutive.
f(n) = max (a[n-1] + f(n-2), a(n) + f(n-1))
In first option, which is - {a[n-1] + f(n-2)}, we are leaving the last element, and due to condition given in question selecting the second last element.
In the second option, which is - {a(n) + f(n-1)} we are selecting the last element of the subarray, so we have an option to select/deselect the second last element.
Now starting from the base case :
f(0) = 0 [Subarray (1..0) doesn't exist]
f(1) = (a[1] > 0 ? a[1] : 0); [Subarray (1..1)]
f(2) = max( a(2) + 0, a[1] + f(1)) [Choosing atleast one of them]
Moving forward we can calculate any f(n), where n = 1...N, and store them to calculate next results. And yes, obviously, the case f(N) will give us the answer.
Time complexity o(n)
Space complexity o(n)
n = arr.length().
Append a 0 at the end of the array to handle boundary case.
ans: int array of size n+1.
ans[i] will store the answer for array a[0...i] which includes a[i] in the answer sum.
ans[0] = a[0]
ans[1] = max(a[1], a[1] + ans[0])
for i in [2,n-1]:
ans[i] = max(ans[i-1] , ans[i-2]) + a[i]
Final answer would be a[n]
If you want to avoid using Dynamic Programming
To find the maximum sum, first, you've to add all the positive
We'll be skipping only negative elements. Since we're not
allowed to skip 2 contiguous elements, we will put all contiguous
negative elements in a temp array, and can figure out the maximum sum
of alternate elements using sum_odd_even function as defined below.
Then we can add the maximum of all such temp arrays to our sum of all
positive numbers. And the final sum will give us the desired output.
def sum_odd_even(arr):
sum1 = sum2 = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
if i%2 == 0:
sum1 += arr[i]
sum2 += arr[i]
return max(sum1,sum2)
input = [10, 20, 30, -10, -50, 40, -50, -1, -3]
result = 0
temp = []
for i in range(len(input)):
if input[i] > 0:
result += input[i]
if input[i] < 0 and i != len(input)-1:
elif input[i] < 0:
result += sum_odd_even(temp)
temp = []
result += sum_odd_even(temp)
temp = []
print result
Simple Solution: Skip with twist :). Just skip the smallest number in i & i+1 if consecutive -ve. Have if conditions to check that till n-2 elements and check for the last element in the end.
int getMaxSum(int[] a) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= a.length-2; i++) {
if (a[i]>0){
sum +=a[i];
} else if (a[i+1] > 0){
} else {
sum += Math.max(a[i],a[i+1]);
if (a[a.length-1] > 0){
return sum;
The correct recurrence is as follow:
dp[i] = max(dp[i - 1] + a[i], dp[i - 2] + a[i - 1])
The first case is the one we pick the i-th element. The second case is the one we skip the i-th element. In the second case, we must pick the (i-1)th element.
The problem of IVlad's answer is that it always pick i-th element, which can lead to incorrect answer.
This question can be solved using include,exclude approach.
For first element, include = arr[0], exclude = 0.
For rest of the elements:
nextInclude = arr[i]+max(include, exclude)
nextExclude = include
include = nextInclude
exclude = nextExclude
Finally, ans = Math.max(include,exclude).
Similar questions can be referred at (Not the same)=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT4bZV24QNo&t=675s&ab_channel=Pepcoding.
