Quick Sort Algo - ruby

My algorithm is not working as intended. When I use a data set that has a starting value greater than the last element, the method sorts the numbers in descending order rather than ascending. I am not exactly sure changing the numbers at input[0] and input.length - 1 can alter the output from ascending to reverse order. I would appreciate any insight on how to fix this. Thanks!
def quickSort(input)
divide = lambda do |first, last|
if first >= last
mid = first
i = 0
while i < last do
if input[i] < input[last]
input[i], input[mid] = input[mid], input[i]
mid += 1
i += 1
input[mid], input[last] = input[last], input[mid]
divide.call(first, mid - 1)
divide.call(mid + 1, last)
divide.call(0, input.length - 1 )
return input
quickSort([24, 6, 8, 2, 35]) // causes a descending sort
quickSort([3,9,1,4,7]) // works as intended

I don't think that is quicksort (at least not the way I learned), and if you try adding more values to the first array you are sorting it will crash the program.
Take a look at this following implementation (my ruby is a bit rusty so bear with me)
def quickSort(input)
return input if input.length <= 1
i = input.length - 1
pivot = input[rand(i)]
lesser = []
greater = []
input.map do |n|
lesser.push(n) if n < pivot
greater.push(n) if n >= pivot
sorted = []
return sorted
print quickSort([24, 6, 8, 2, 35, 12])
puts ""
print quickSort([3,9,1,4,7,8,10,15,2])
puts ""
Usually when doing quicksort you will pick a random pivot in the array and split the array into parts lesser and greater than the pivot. Then you recursively call quicksort on the lesser and greater arrays before rejoining them into a sorted array. Hope that helps!


Quick Sort - How to apply recursive and get output

I am working on a school exercise on Quick Sort.
I have succeded to do the first exercise which is
Given an array 'array' and a number 'p' in the first cell in the
array, can you partition the array so that all elements greater than
'p' is to the right of it and all the numbers smaller than 'p' are to
it's left? For example, if given the following as input:
4 5 3 9 1 The first number 4 is the pivot, so you should put the
smaller numbers to the left, and the larger to the right, and output:
3 1 4 5 9 The array should otherwise remain in the same order.
Can you write code to partition an array?
Example p partition([4, 5, 3, 9, 1])
=> [3, 1, 4, 5, 9]
My code for the above in ruby is
def partition(array)
# write your code here
pivot = array.shift()
base = [pivot]
left = []
right = []
array.each { |e| if e < pivot
left + base + right
p partition([4, 5, 3, 9, 1])
# => [3, 1, 4, 5, 9]
The Challenge for which I am raising this Question is
The function should output like this
p some_function_name([5, 8, 1, 3, 7, 10, 2])
# => 2 3
# 1 2 3
# 7 8 10
# 1 2 3 5 7 8 10
I am trying for the last 36hrs how to apply the partition code above recursively on this challenge. During my 36hrs of research on the Quick Sort algorithm, I can make the code to give the result of a sorted array, but this challenge is asking to provide prints at certain conditions which I am not able to achieve.
Any help is much appreciated.
This one tried for pivot at end
def partition(array)
# write your code here
pivot = array[-1]
i = -1
j = 0
while j < array.length-1
if array[j] < pivot
i += 1
array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
j += 1
array.insert(i+1, array.pop)
puts index = i+1
puts (array.take index).join(' ')
puts (array.drop index+1).join(' ')
partition([5, 8, 1, 3, 7, 10, 2])
this one, I am not able to find a condition for terminating recursive function
def partition(array)
# write your code here
pivot = array.shift()
base = [pivot]
left = []
right = []
array.each { |e| if e < pivot
left + base + right
if left.length < 2
p partition([5, 8, 1, 3, 7, 10, 2])
p partition([1, 3, 2])
p partition([8, 7, 10])
It's not clear to my why you want partition to be recursive. There is no real natural way to make it recursive in a simple way. You can introduce a recursive helper method, but I don't see that as an improvement. partition really doesn't need to be more complicated than this:
def partition(array, pivot)
return [], [] if array.empty?
If you absolutely must, you can make it recursive like this:
def partition(...) = partition_rec(...)
private def partition_rec(array, pivot, left = [], right = [])
return left, right if array.empty?
first = array.first
rest = array.drop(1)
if first < pivot
partition_rec(rest, pivot, left + [first], right)
partition_rec(rest, pivot, left, right + [first])
With this partition in place, we can easily write our quicksort:
def quicksort(array)
return array if array.length < 2
pivot = array.first
left, right = partition(array.drop(1), pivot)
quicksort(left) + [pivot] + quicksort(right)
Now, all we need to do is to also print the result at each recursive call. A simple way to do that would be with Kernel#p, which returns its argument, so we can just insert it without changing the return value:
def quicksort(array)
return array if array.length < 2
pivot = array.first
left, right = partition(array.drop(1), pivot)
p quicksort(left) + [pivot] + quicksort(right)
If we need to replicate the exact format of the string as given in the question, then we should use Kernel#puts instead:
def quicksort(array)
return array if array.length < 2
pivot = array.first
left, right = partition(array.drop(1), pivot)
(quicksort(left) + [pivot] + quicksort(right)).tap do |result|
puts result.join(' ')
Note that there is a big no-no in your code. Here, you are modifying the argument passed into partition:
Same here:
array.insert(i+1, array.pop)
You must not, ever, mutate an argument. In fact, you should avoid mutation at all, as much as possible. The only thing you are allowed to mutate is yourself, i.e. self. But even then, you should be careful.

Speeding up solution to algorithm

Working on the following algorithm:
Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned
at the first index of the array.
Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that
Determine if you are able to reach the last index.
For example:
A = [2,3,1,1,4], return true.
A = [3,2,1,0,4], return false.
Below is my solution. It tries every single potential step, and then memoizes accordingly. So if the first element is three, the code takes three steps, two steps, and one step, and launches three separate functions from there. I then memoized with a hash. My issue is that the code works perfectly fine, but it's timing out for very large inputs. Memoizing helped, but only a little bit. Am I memoizing correctly or is backtracking the wrong approach here?
def can_jump(nums)
#memo = {}
avail?(nums, 0)
def avail?(nums, index)
return true if nums.nil? || nums.empty? || nums.length == 1 || index >= nums.length - 1
current = nums[index]
true_count = 0
until current == 0 #try every jump from the val to 1
#memo[index + current] ||= avail?(nums, index + current)
true_count +=1 if #memo[index + current] == true
current -= 1
true_count > 0
Here's a 𝑂(𝑛) algorithm:
Initialize 𝑚𝑎𝑥 to 0.
For each number 𝑛𝑖 in 𝑁:
If 𝑖 is greater than 𝑚𝑎𝑥, neither 𝑛𝑖 nor any subsequent number can be reached, so
return false.
If 𝑛𝑖+𝑖 is greater than 𝑚𝑎𝑥, set 𝑚𝑎𝑥 to 𝑛𝑖+𝑖.
If 𝑚𝑎𝑥 is greater than or equal to the last index in 𝑁
return true.
Otherwise return false.
Here's a Ruby implementation:
def can_jump(nums)
max_reach = 0
nums.each_with_index do |num, idx|
return false if idx > max_reach
max_reach = [idx+num, max_reach].max
max_reach >= nums.size - 1
p can_jump([2,3,1,1,4]) # => true
p can_jump([3,2,1,0,4]) # => false
See it on repl.it: https://repl.it/FvlV/1
Your code is O(n^2), but you can produce the result in O(n) time and O(1) space. The idea is to work backwards through the array keeping the minimum index found so far from which you can reach index n-1.
Something like this:
def can_jump(nums)
min_index = nums.length - 1
for i in (nums.length - 2).downto(0)
if nums[i] + i >= min_index
min_index = i
min_index == 0
print can_jump([2, 3, 1, 1, 4]), "\n"
print can_jump([3, 2, 1, 0, 4]), "\n"

implement shell sort by ruby

I try to implement shell sort by ruby.
def shell_sort(list)
d = list.length
return -1 if d == 0
(0...list.length).each do |i|
d = d / 2
puts "d:#{d}"
(0...(list.length-d)).each do |j|
if list[j] >= list[j+d]
list[j], list[j+d] = list[j+d], list[j]
puts list.inspect
break if d == 1
puts shell_sort([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]).inspect
but the result is incorrect.
=>[2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10]
I don't know where going wrong, hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!
I referenced Shell Sort in here : Shell Sort - Wikepedia, and from that I have understood your algorithm is wrong. Iteration of gap sequence is alright, I mean you iterate only upto d/2 == 1.
But for a gap, let's say 2, you simply iterate from 0 to list.length-2 and swap every j and j+2 elements if list[j] is greater than list[j+2]. That isn't even a proper insertion sort, and Shell Sort requires Insertion sorts on gaps. Also Shell Sort requires that after you do an x gap sort, every xth element, starting from anywhere will be sorted (see the example run on the link and you can verify yourself).
A case where it can wrong in a 2 gap sort pass :
list = 5,4,3,2,1
j = 0 passed :
list = 3,4,5,2,1
j = 1 passed :
list = 3,2,5,4,1
j = 2 passed
list = 3,2,1,4,5
After it completes, you can see that every 2nd element starting from 0 isn't in a sorted order. I suggest that you learn Insertion Sort first, then understand where and how it is used in Shell Sort, and try again, if you want to do it by yourself.
Anyway, I have written one (save it for later if you want) taking your method as a base, with a lot of comments. Hope you get the idea through this. Also tried to make the outputs clarify the how the algorithm works.
def shell_sort(list)
d = list.length
return -1 if d == 0
# You select and iterate over your gap sequence here.
until d/2 == 0 do
d = d / 2
# Now you pick up an index i, and make sure every dth element,
# starting from i is sorted.
# i = 0
# while i < list.length do
0.step(list.length) do |i|
# Okay we picked up index i. Now it's just plain insertion sort.
# Only difference is that we take elements with constant gap,
# rather than taking them up serially.
# igap = i + d
# while igap < list.length do
(i+d).step(list.length-1, d) do |igap|
# Just like insertion sort, we take up the last most value.
# So that we can shift values greater than list[igap] to its side,
# and assign it to a proper position we find for it later.
temp = list[igap]
j = igap
while j >= i do
break if list[j] >= list[j - d]
list[j] = list[j-d]
j -= d
# Okay this is where it belongs.
list[j] = temp
#igap += d
# i += 1
puts "#{d} sort done, the list now : "
puts list.inspect
list = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
puts "List before sort : "
puts list.inspect
puts "Sorted list : "
puts list.inspect
I think your algorithm needs a little tweaking.
The reason it fails is simply because on the last run (when d == 1) the smallest element (1) isn't near enough the first element to swap it in in one go.
The easiest way to make it work is to "restart" your inner loop whenever elements switch places. So, a little bit rough solution would be something like
(0...(list.length-d)).each do |j|
if list[j] >= list[j+d]
list[j], list[j+d] = list[j+d], list[j]
d *= 2
This solution is of course far from optimal, but should achieve required results with as little code as possible.
You should just do a last run on array. To simplify your code I extracted exchange part into standalone fucntion so you could see now where you should do this:
def exchange e, list
(0...(list.length-e)).each do |j|
if list[j] >= list[j+e]
list[j], list[j+e] = list[j+e], list[j]
def shell_sort(list)
d = list.length
return -1 if d == 0
(0...list.length).each do |i|
d = d / 2
puts "d:#{d}"
exchange(d, list)
puts list.inspect
if d == 1
exchange(d, list)
arr = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
p shell_sort(arr)
#> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Sort Integer Array Ruby

Have the function PermutationStep (num) take the num parameter being passed and return the next number greater than num using the same digits. For example: if num is 123 return 132, if it's 12453 return 12534. If a number has no greater permutations, return -1 (ie. 999)
Here's my code. I'd like to sort an array of large integers in numerical order. Using the regular sort method doesn't give the right order for some numbers. Is there a sort_by structure that I can replace 'sort' with in my code below?
def PermutationStep(num)
num = num.to_s.split('').map {|i| i.to_i}
permutations = num.permutation.to_a.sort #<= I want to sort by numerical value here
permutations.each_with_index do |n, idx|
if n == num
if n == permutations[-1]
return -1
return permutations[idx+1].join.to_i
For example, 11121. When I run the code it gives me 11121.I want the next highest permutation, which should be 12111.
Also, when I try { |a,b| b <=> a }, I also get errors.
You can pass a block to sort.
num.permutation.to_a.sort { |x, y| x.to_i <=> y.to_i }
This SO thread may be of some assistance: How does Array#sort work when a block is passed?
num.permutation.to_a is an array of arrays, not an array of integers, which causes the result not what you expected.
Actually you don't need to sort since you only need the minimum integer that is bigger than the input.
def PermutationStep(num)
nums = num.to_s.split('')
permutations = nums.permutation.map{|a| a.join.to_i}
permutations.keep_if{|n| n > num}.min || -1
puts PermutationStep(11121) # 11211
puts PermutationStep(999) # -1
Call to_i before your sort the permutations. Once that is done, sort the array an pick the first element greater than your number:
def PermutationStep(num)
numbers = num.to_s.split('')
permutations = numbers.permutation.map { |p| p.join.to_i }.sort
permutations.detect { |p| p > num } || -1
You don't need to consider permutations of digits to obtain the next higher number.
Consider the number 126531.
Going from right to left, we look for the first decrease in the digits. That would be 2 < 6. Clearly we cannot obtain a higher number by permuting only the digits after the 2, but we can obtain a higher number merely by swapping 2 and 6. This will not be the next higher number, however.
We therefore look for the smallest digit to the right of 2 that is greater than 2, which would be 3. Clearly, the next higher number will begin 13 and will have the remaining digits ordered smallest to largest. Therefore, the next higher number will be 131256.
You can easily see that the next higher number for 123 is 132, and for 12453 is 12534.
The proof that procedure is correct is easily established by induction, first showing that it is correct for numbers with two digits, then assuming it is correct for numbers with n>=2 digits, showing it is correct for numbers with n+1 digits.
It can be easily implemented in code:
def next_highest(n)
a = n.to_s.reverse.split('').map(&:to_i)
last = -Float::INFINITY
x,ndx = a.each_with_index.find { |d,i| res = d<last; last=d; res }
return nil unless x
swap_val = a[ndx]
swap_ndx = (0...ndx).select { |i| a[i] > swap_val }.min_by{ |i| a[i] }
a[ndx], a[swap_ndx] = a[swap_ndx], swap_val
a[0...ndx] = a[0...ndx].sort.reverse
next_highest(126531) #=> "131256"
next_highest(109876543210) #=> "110023456789"

Merging two sorted arrays - why does this NOT work?

I am learning ruby and was given the following assignment:
given two sorted arrays like the following we must merge them into one sorted array.
array_1 = [5,8,9,11]
array_2 = [4,6,7,10]
merge(array_1, array_2)
=> [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
Given this brief description, implement the merge method that takes two arrays and returns
the properly sorted array containing the items from each array.
I wrote this answer:
def merge(arr1, arr2)
i = 0
k = 0
merged_arr = []
until k = arr2.count
while arr1[i] <= arr2[k]
i += 1
k += 1
My instructor sent out a solution, which I understand, however I don't understand why my answer does NOT work. Can someone please explain the faulty logic? Thank you!
Here is the (correct) solution:
def merge(array_1, array_2)
i = 0
k = 0
merged_array = []
while i < array_1.count
while k < array_2.count && array_1[i] > array_2[k]
merged_array << array_2[k]
k += 1
merged_array << array_1[i]
i += 1
print merged_array.inspect
k = arr2.count assigns the value of arr2.count to k and evaluates to k, so until k = arr2.count is never executed.
you also need to consider the unequal length of arr1 and arr2, your instructor's solution was only right if arr1.length >= arr2.length, but if arr1.length < arr2.length, then the elements from the extra length was lost in the solution.
