How to run a GEF application in RAP runtime - osgi

I have a GEF application and want to run it in RAP runtime. I have set the target definition adding the GEF dependencies. But, somehow the IDE didn't manage to found GEF library. I used the plug-in this link provide .
Am I missing something?
One more thing,
what I have understood so far is that I only need to set the target platform into RAP runtime. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Andrei Dharma

I somehow managed to find this hidden example in RAP GEF Incubator site. Here's the link:
Big thanks to Austin Riddle for creating the only example I can find on the internet.


Add dll´s from .nupkg to Unity Project without using nuget

I am trying to use Microsoft´s WorldLockingTools (repo see here) in my Unity Mixed Reality project. Therefore I need to add the Frozen World Engine DLL to my Unity Project. In Microsoft´s Documentation they describe to do this via nuget. I want to add the dependencies manually like described in this thread, since for me it´s not possible to use nuget (I have no network-access on that computer). I was able to extract the .dll, but if I add it to my project as described in that thread, unity still can´t find the dll. Do I need to do some further steps than just adding the dll to my Asset-Folder? If yes, can you please tell me which steps they are? I would be really thankful for that!
Best regards!
OK I figured out the reason behind this misbehavior. The problem is, that there is a c#-Script within the nuget-package additional to the dlls which has to be placed within the WorldLocking.Engine folder. After that all Exceptions disappeared and it seems to work now! I Hope I could help anybody who comes across this Question.

Wanting to make an Xposed module

So I'm wanting to make an xposed module but cannot find any good video tutorials out there let alone an updated one also I know C# Decently and hardly any Java... Any help to help me get started would be appreciated. Thanks
You will need Java to create any Xposed modules. Android itself is based on (primarily) Java, so you will need Java knowledge to make Xposed modules.
That said, C# and Java are extremely similar languages, and you can quickly pick up the other if you know one.
As for Tutorials, Rovo89 (the creator of Xposed) has a simple tutorial here at This tutorial is almost completely upto-date, and you can use this to create your first module.
You will find another detailed tutorial here - Keep in mind that this link is very old, so wherever there are any conflicts, go by Rovo89's tutorial.
After going through the beginner tutorial mentioned by Akhil, you will want to look at the API docs and read through source code of some huge modules like GravityBox to get an idea of how the Framework is used. For teaching purpose mod some app which is open source and then move on to closed source app by reverse engineering them. For reverse engineering I use ByteCodeViewer.

Implementing Lucas Rocha's smoothie

I am trying to implement the excellent library provided by Lucas Rocha. This library allows for very efficient scrolling on ListViews.
His text states 1.Add Smoothie's jar as a dependency to your project. but I am not able to find any jar file in the package.
I have emailed him but his response simply refers to the narrative within his modules. There is no user friendly guide on how to go about implementing this.
It is clearly directed at experienced programmers but it would be useful if all the "not so experienced" programmers are able to progress with this.
So my question:
Can anyone provide clear step by step guidance on how to implement the smoothie libray.
Thanks in advance
The JAR needs to be compiled from source as a compiled version is not available for direct download. You can see my sample application to see Smoothie in action. The sample application also contains a JAR file compiled from the latest Smoothie source code.
At a bare minimum, you need to write two classes, one extending and another extending org.lucasr.smoothie.ItemLoader. The sample application mentioned above contains ContactAdapter and ContactLoader classes that extend these aforementioned ones.
The order in which these classes are coded does not really matter, but I found it easier to implement ContactAdapter and therefore coded it first.

Where Should I add deployment.xml

I'm using websphere 7 in my web project.
my project is mavenized, and I've some shared libs to add into deployment.xml bu I don't know where to put it.
Can you give me some help please.
Thank's a lot
It sounds like you're trying to use an "Enhanced EAR" (if not, please clarify your question). This answer covers packaging and gives links to using Ant or wsadmin to accomplish the task.

Bundle framework with plug-in in XCode

there is a post here on how to bundle a framework within an application. But in my case this is not application but a plug-in i want to put the framework within.. The "Installation directory" cannot start with #executable_path. so i have no clue on how to define the plug-in path
any help would be great, thank you
dylib #executable_path path issue in a plug-in bundle
Typically, this will depend on the application you're writing the plug-in for, and how it implements plug-ins.
You might be able to get away with using relative paths (ie. '../Frameworks') but I suspect only experimentation will show whether or not that works. ;)
