How do you make Execute do anything in Geany? - geany

I am trying out Geany for the first time. Compile and Build work fine (and indeed the commands are automatically detected), however I have been unable to make Execute do anything at all.
My setup:
Create a new project
Save a basic C hello world as hello-world.c
(I am using Kubutuntu 14.04.)
With no extra setup, pressing F9 or clicking Build -> Build correctly builds the executable. However, when I press F5 or click Build -> Execute, a terminal window appears with a $ prompt, and nothing else.
I have tried going to Build -> Set Build Commands and changing the command next to Execute to various things, including "echo hi there", but the result is always the same: a $ prompt, and nothing else.
How do I make F5 do anything?
Update: I have created VMs with clean installs of Ubuntu 14.04 and Kubuntu 14.04. Geany on Ubuntu works as expected, and F5 runs the program. On Kubuntu, I get the same issue I get on my laptop running Kubuntu 14.04. So it seems this is a Kubuntu specific problem.

In Edit -> Preferences -> Tools, change the Terminal from
x-terminal-emulator -e "/bin/sh %c"
x-terminal-emulator -e /bin/sh %c
When you press Execute, Geany executes the terminal specified in Edit -> Preferences -> Tools, replacing %c with the Execute command set in Build -> Set Build Commands.
In Ubuntu, the default terminal emulator supports -e being passed a single parameter in quotes which contains an entire command line, and Execute works as expected. However, the default terminal emulator in Kubuntu is Konsole, which does not support this; it only supports using the rest of arguments after -e as a command line. When KDE attempted to implement it, this bug was introduced so they reverted the change.
Konsole will support the terminal emulator parameters that Geany uses by default from KDE 4.14.2, so once that's out, this workaround will no longer be needed.

This solution also works in Lubuntu 17.04.
In Geany
Edit -> Preferences -> Tools, change the Terminal from
x-terminal-emulator -e "/bin/sh %c"
x-terminal-emulator -e /bin/sh %c


How to elegantly create a Windows shortcut that starts a WSL program under X

I'm struggling a little to launch xfce4-terminal from my WSL installation under VcXsrv from a button on the Windows taskbar. I don't want any DOS box/console/terminal other than the xfce4-terminal when I'm done. I have it working, but man is it ugly. Does anybody have a cleaner way of doing this?
Here is what I got working: I created a windows shortcut on the Desktop with this target (all in one line, broken with newlines for readability here):
startTerminal.vbs was inspired by from 10 Ways To Run Batch Files Silently And Hide The Console Window • Raymond.CC (one of the few solutions that didn't require installing a separate program for this!) and it contains:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -u peter --exec /home/peter/bin/windows/",0,True
and contains:
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
xfce4-terminal --command=/bin/zsh
Setting DISPLAY is apparently required, even though I set the DISPLAY environment in ~/.zshrc. wsl.exe apparently doesn't do that unless you run the login shell.
Once all of this is working, I can drag my shortcut to the taskbar and click on it there.
I count 3, three files cooperating to achieve this simple goal? Can I limit that to one or two without installing an external program?
Yes, I think you can do what I do in one shortcut file. I'll share what works for me then you'll have to fiddle for your program.
Try putting all your commands in the Target section of the Shortcut link file.
Step 1. Right click on desktop then New then Shortcut then name it (LaunchXFCE4)
Step 2. Right click LaunchXFCE4 select Properties
Step 3. Enter all your launch sequences in the Target section
Step 4. Right click LaunchXFCE4 select Pin to Taskbar
I'm launching Emacs 27.1 on WSL 2 with Ubuntu 20.10 on Windows 10 using this code which perhaps you can modify.
C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe --distribution Ubuntu20 bash -c "export DISPLAY=$(ip route | awk '{print $3; exit}'):0 && export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 && export XCURSOR_SIZE=16 && setsid emacs"
The first export display is similar to your localhost:0.0 so replace it or try mine. Maybe your xfce4 replaces my emacs. Read this post about double ampersands. So possibly this
C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe --distribution Ubuntu20 bash -c "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 && export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 && export XCURSOR_SIZE=16 && setsid xfce4-terminal --command=/bin/zsh"
Note, my VcXsrv starts when windows starts by putting a shortcut to config.xlaunch in my C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
By the way, Microsoft will provide a GUI for WSL in a few months, according to their blog
GUI app support in WSL is becoming a reality! We are getting closer to
an initial preview and happy to announce a preview release for Windows
Insiders within the next couple of months.
I removed the need for a file by:
Editing startTerminal.vbs to contain:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -u peter bash -l -c xfce4-terminal",0,True
And then I created a ~/.bash_profile to set the $DISPLAY variable, which probably should've been done anyway:
$ cat .bash_profile
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
export DISPLAY=:0
So now there is the shortcut and a startTerminal.vbs that starts it up. It still isn't very elegant...
One of the few good additions to Windows was WSL-2, it's much more capable now.
It's part of late Win 10 and Win 11.
Here is how to elegently create a terminal window, replace the terminal with any X app you want.
Linux: "apt-get install xfce4-terminal" (or equivalent)
Windows: Create a new Shortcut (right click in any windows folder)
2.1) Shortcut to -> C:\Windows\System32\wslg.exe -u root -- /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal
If you have multiple distributions use it like: "-d Debian"
That's it. You can give it a better icon and name it.
It will launch the application as if it was a windows application.
After experimenting with #Saj 's answer which did not work for me I resulted in the below:
C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe --distribution Ubuntu-20.04 bash -c "export DISPLAY=$((route.exe print | Select-String | select -first 1) -Split "\s+" | select -Index 4):0.0 && export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 && setsid emacs"
Note that my problem was that it could not use bash commands inside the parenthesis (grep, awk)
Environment: WSL2 on Windows 10

Run msys2 shell in VSCode terminal

I am working with (a customized install of) msys2, and I would like to make it run in the VSCode integrated terminal. However, it doesen't seem to want to run there. Unlike normal msys, it has msys2_shell.bat & msys2_shell.cmd. It seems to always open up a separate shell window, but I don't want this to always happen, I would like to keep it integrated so I can use shortcuts and such. I already tried the -no-start option. Any suggestions?
msys2_shell.cmd -no-start -defterm could work. Other than that, you can invoke Bash directly if you remember to set MSYSTEM and invoke a login shell: C:\msys64\usr\bin\env MSYSTEM=MSYS /usr/bin/bash -li
For more details, see

Mac terminal says: "Cannot open display...aborting"

When I'm using XFoil (for Mac, XQuartz installed) and I'm trying to plot something, the above message comes out. Another thing, I've used the instructions of the following link to install Gnuplot and I'm worried I did some damage... it's all ok with this?
Please try to use
export DISPLAY=:0.0
within the shell, so GNUplot knows that it should use the standard display (i. e. your XQuartz environment)
On a MAC, install Xquartz and ensure it is running after your attempt to start your X application.
pgrep -fl Xquartz will show all the processes and their arguments that match Xquartz.
If you don't have pgrep, run /bin/ps -o 'pid,command' -e | grep Xquartz instead.
Look for the entry for the executable itself with the display set; something like this:
1182 /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz :0 -nolisten tcp -iglx -auth ...
The first number is the process id, or PID. If you wait 20-30 seconds and re-run the command, ensure the number is the same.
If the PID has changed, then you have the problem I ran into, where Xquartz is exiting with an error and the system is restarting it again, whenever I tried running xterm.
To check logs for an error, start the Console app found in /Applications/Utilities. In the search box, type Xquartz and press return, and you should see only the Xquartz entries.
The error log I saw was:
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
-: line 0: exec: uid=501(...): not found
After some investigation, I figured out that all I needed to do was set TERM prior to running the X server, and this can only be done in a .x11run file created in your home directory.
Create ~/.x11run with the following content:
export TERM=xterm-256color
# include other vars the X11 server may need
/Applications/Utilities/ "${#}"
Then, make it executable: chmod +x ~/.x11run.
Next, log out (Apple icon top left, click Log Out), and then log back in, and try your app, in my case, xterm, and after several seconds, it finally appeared.
You have to install an xserver first. On a MAC you would use XQuartz. You need to download and install XQuartz and from within XQuartz (right click on the logo after start) start a terminal. In this terminal navigate to the location where xfoil is installed and run it. The DISPLAY variable (as shown in another answer) is automatically preset in this terminal. So no need to do this if you run as described here.
For the installation of xfoil (macOS Catalina) I had to compile the code. I followed these instructions which worked like a charm.

Set up path on prompt on pycharm terminal windon

I just upgrade pycharm into 2016.3.1. Before upgrade, I do not have problem to see the current directory path under the prompt on terminal window. After upgrade into pycharm 2016
3.1. All directory path on prompt on terminal window seems like messed up with 133;C;133;D;01337;RemoteHost=hawkins#pc_name.home1337;CurrentDir=/Users/hawkins/path133;MAC:path hawkins$ 133;B for some reason. Anyone have expereience on how to resolve this?
133;C;133;D;01337;RemoteHost=hawkins#pc_name.home1337;CurrentDir=/Users/hawkins/path133;MAC:path hawkins$ 133;B
133;C;133;D;01337;RemoteHost=hawkins#pc_name.home1337;CurrentDir=/Users/hawkins/path133;MAC:path hawkins$ 133;B
133;C;133;D;01337;RemoteHost=hawkins#pc_name.home1337;CurrentDir=/Users/hawkins/path133;MAC:path hawkins$ 133;B
I had a similar problem. It turned out my problem was due to have iTerm shell integration installed.
As you have tagged the question [osx], I assume that you might also have done this.
There is a nice explanation to what these strange symbols mean in this answer:
I figured I could avoid having to uninstall Shell Integration by clearing my PROMT_COMMAND, and setting PS1 again. I made a shell script called with the following
export PS1="\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[0m\] at \[\e[33m\]\h\[\e[0m\] in \[\e[32m\]\w\[\e[0m\] at [\A] \[\033[31m\]`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`\[\033[35m\]\n$ \[\033[00m\]"
bash -i
The PS1 variable can be set to whatever you had before. This is just how I like mine.
Now, in PyCharm Settings: Go to Tools > Terminal and in "Shell path" set it to /bin/bash <>.
Now try opening a new terminal in PyCharm. It shouldn't have those control character errors.
Solution that worked for me:
Go to Settings > Plugins
Find plugin "Python Terminal" and disable it
Restart PyCharm
The only negative effect I've noticed - auto activation of virtualenv on terminal start doesn't work.
for some reason, I figure it out by create a .pycharmrc under by user directories
and setting up /usr/local/bin/bash --rcfile ~/.pycharmrc under Tool->Terminal on shell path. It seems like it fixed but i have no idea why
MAC: path$ cat ~/.pycharmrc
exec bash
This is what worked for me:
Created new file with one command bash -l
Then I set PyCharm Settings: to Tools > Terminal and in "Shell path" set it to /bin/bash/
Restart PyCharm and all work as expected
bash -l, by man, is a: -l Make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell (see INVOCATION below).
which is probably mean, that when PyCharm starts the Terminal and executing the with bash -l, everything in .bash_profile is include by default
Found this question while trying to resolve similar issue for 'Geany' on mac osx. I had an install of iterm2 on my machine and was getting garbage in front of the terminal prompt.
similar solution as KPLauritzen offered also works for 'Geany' terminal as such.
Hope this helps someone:
Create shell script in home directory using desired PS1 & CLICOLOR settings:
export PS1='[\e[1;32m][\u#\h \W] \D{%F %T}\n\$[\e[0m]'
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx
bash -i
Then I went to 'Edit -> Preferences --> Terminal' and set my 'Shell' to:
/bin/bash /Users/myusername/
Upon reloading Geany, the Terminal now displays with PS1 and CLICOLOR settings exactly as I have set in my .bash_profile without garbage in front.
You can just activate your .bash_profile
/bin/bash --rcfile ~/.bash_profile

emacs automatically open in mac

I was setting up with emacs on my macbook. In order to open the emacs from command line, I was follow other's suggestion to add an emacs script to my /usr/bin.
Now I can open graphic emacs from command line, but the problem is that every time when I open the terminal, the emacs is automatic run. I don't know why this happened.
Here is the script I added:
/Applications/ "$#"
I also use chmod +x /usr/bin/emacs after the script was added.
Please tell me what cause the problem happens.
If your using the standard OS X terminal, look under preferences->profile and the shell tab and make sure there isn't something set in the run on startup option.
If your using another terminal, such as iTerm, check the profiles.
