When I'm using XFoil (for Mac, XQuartz installed) and I'm trying to plot something, the above message comes out. Another thing, I've used the instructions of the following link to install Gnuplot and I'm worried I did some damage... it's all ok with this?
Please try to use
export DISPLAY=:0.0
within the shell, so GNUplot knows that it should use the standard display (i. e. your XQuartz environment)
On a MAC, install Xquartz and ensure it is running after your attempt to start your X application.
pgrep -fl Xquartz will show all the processes and their arguments that match Xquartz.
If you don't have pgrep, run /bin/ps -o 'pid,command' -e | grep Xquartz instead.
Look for the entry for the executable itself with the display set; something like this:
1182 /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz :0 -nolisten tcp -iglx -auth ...
The first number is the process id, or PID. If you wait 20-30 seconds and re-run the command, ensure the number is the same.
If the PID has changed, then you have the problem I ran into, where Xquartz is exiting with an error and the system is restarting it again, whenever I tried running xterm.
To check logs for an error, start the Console app found in /Applications/Utilities. In the search box, type Xquartz and press return, and you should see only the Xquartz entries.
The error log I saw was:
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
-: line 0: exec: uid=501(...): not found
After some investigation, I figured out that all I needed to do was set TERM prior to running the X server, and this can only be done in a .x11run file created in your home directory.
Create ~/.x11run with the following content:
export TERM=xterm-256color
# include other vars the X11 server may need
/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app/Contents/MacOS/X11.bin "${#}"
Then, make it executable: chmod +x ~/.x11run.
Next, log out (Apple icon top left, click Log Out), and then log back in, and try your app, in my case, xterm, and after several seconds, it finally appeared.
You have to install an xserver first. On a MAC you would use XQuartz. You need to download and install XQuartz and from within XQuartz (right click on the logo after start) start a terminal. In this terminal navigate to the location where xfoil is installed and run it. The DISPLAY variable (as shown in another answer) is automatically preset in this terminal. So no need to do this if you run as described here.
For the installation of xfoil (macOS Catalina) I had to compile the code. I followed these instructions which worked like a charm.
edit : I ended up upgrading to macOS Catalina yesterday and replacing bash with zsh. One thing that should be noted is that the stackcommand worked previously, but despite all the tinkering not ghci
After deleting all the files that had anything to do with Haskell, I retried running curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh
This second time there was an error with the command line tools so I had to install them manually with xcode-select --install. After rerunning the curl, I added the path to the environmental file to my zsh profile manually with :
. "$HOME/.ghcup/env"\
echo '. $HOME/.ghcup/env' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"
Here is the content of the env file :export PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:/Users/agnel/.ghcup/bin:$PATH"
Now everything seems to be working (I never reinstalled stack, but I think I might leave that to the side while I learn the basics of the language).
I installed the Haskell Platform yesterday but am having a hard time getting it to work correctly.
The firsts steps I did are:
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh
On step 1. the instructions said to append /Users/.../.local/bin the PATH variable (which I did in /etc/paths. On step 2, the script was supposed to pop up a dialog box (and didn't) when installing the necessary command line tools. It also said to rerun the script once complete (which I did). The script also said I should adjust my PATH variable, and source /Users/.../.ghcup/env in my shell configuration. It asked to this automatically but failed having not found the ~/.bashrc File. (I read that on Mac in contrary to linux, only .bash_profile is loaded upon opening of a terminal window so I adjusted the path variable there manually. I've spent forever messing around with the path variables and every time I try and run "$ ghci" I get the same -bash: ghci: command not found error message. If anyone has a solution to this problem I would be very grateful for an answer. If not, could someone with a working distribution of Haskell on their computer show me what their path variables look like?
A simple solution would just be to restart your terminal and you are good to go.
After installing the Haskell platform for the first time on a new mac with Catalina, I also got
~> ghci
zsh: command not found: ghci
What worked in my case was to use, instead of the plain ghci,
stack ghci
To get back the familiar behaviour, I created in my homedirectory a file named .zshrc containing
alias ghci='stack ghci'
If you open a new terminal, this file will automatically be executed.
I'd be interested to know if there is another solution.
Check if the ghcup command is working or not.
If not, make sure the .zshrc file has command for execution of ghcup. It should look something like this -
[ -f "/Users/myusername/.ghcup/env" ] && source "/Users/myusername/.ghcup/env" # ghcup-env
If the file exists, simply restarting terminal will work.
If it is still not working, set GHC as default using ghcup - follow this
It feels impossible to get it to run on any custom terminal. I know that octave-cli.app is there but it always opens in the standard terminal. Any ways to execute octave scripts like a compiler (or) run it interactively like an interpreter from Iterm?
Using Mac OSX 10.9+
I know how to export path variables. But having searched the web can't find a way to do it. Is it even possible? I even tried it using homebrew to no avail.
You can see the content of octave-cli.app, it's a script. Mine goes like this
open -a Terminal.app /usr/local/octave/3.8.0/bin/octave | logger 2>&1
It specify the terminal application used to open octave. This is the reason of your problem, as I think.
The solution is linking octave-cli in system path, better locates at "/usr/local/bin". like
ln -s /usr/local/octave/3.8.0/bin/octave-cli /usr/local/bin/octave-cli
Finally, octave can be accessed via any terminal(like iTerm) or shell(bash, zsh) by just type "octave-cli" command, which will be searched in system path and found to executed directly.
I was setting up with emacs on my macbook. In order to open the emacs from command line, I was follow other's suggestion to add an emacs script to my /usr/bin.
Now I can open graphic emacs from command line, but the problem is that every time when I open the terminal, the emacs is automatic run. I don't know why this happened.
Here is the script I added:
/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs "$#"
I also use chmod +x /usr/bin/emacs after the script was added.
Please tell me what cause the problem happens.
If your using the standard OS X terminal, look under preferences->profile and the shell tab and make sure there isn't something set in the run on startup option.
If your using another terminal, such as iTerm, check the profiles.
I have a "stock" xmonad install on Arch.
No changes to my xmonad.hs yet
I have installed dmenu.
It runs by alt-p, the default, and displays and filters as expected.
Chromium runs, but other items, like ranger, alsamixer or other tasks do not.
I am not finding anything anywhere about anyone having to do anything to get these items to run, nor anyone having any issues with doing so.
Surely, then, there is something wrong in my install.
my dmenu_run is as follows:
dmenu_path | dmenu "$#" | ${SHELL:-"/bin/sh"} &
I would normally run terminology with bash or zsh. I have tried to alter the SHELL to /bin/bash, but to no avail.
Is there any other place I must look or items I should alter?
Such a shame as I am really liking xmonad so far, and want to get dmenu working before I start exploring xmonad.hs...
Thanks in advance
UPDATE: I have found the following
here over at Archwiki that involves changing dmenu_run and adding a .demenu_term in one's home. It seems to work, but still wonder if there was a more orthadox mechanism.
ranger and alsamixer are applications which run inside a terminal. Imagine (or try) to run ls via dmenu, where should the directory listing be printed to without a terminal?
You look for functionality which is provided either by prompt imported from XMonad.Prompt.Shell by using a convinient keybinding like
((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_c), prompt ("xterm" ++ " -e") greenXPConfig)
(described in the linked documentation) or shellPrompt where you execute
xterm -e alsamixer
or any other command, e.g.
feh path/to/image/you/want/to/open/now.jpg
instead of opening a terminal, running above with tailing & and exiting the terminal.
I spent some time today installing Ruby, Rails and other web development stuff through homebrew and rvm. But somewhere i must have put the wrong command in the terminal since my terminal on OS X Lion (same with both standard terminal and iTerm2) now looks weird.
How do I get rid of that red tilde and black arrow and get it back how it looks as default?
As I am a beginner at terminal commands I would appreciate your help.
it seems like PS1 has been changed.
what you can do now is to change it back, or simply delete it to return to default.
in terminal, do the following:
cd ~
grep "export PS1" .*
then you will see some outputs, it might be in .profile or .bashrc, (just ignore the history one)
you can use whatever to open the file. or just open .filename in terminal, delete the line with export PS1, save, relogin. the problem shall be resolved.