New Qt Directory is not valid - macos

I've written an application using Qt on OS X. The installed SDK automatically installed as a framework which I didn't want. So I cloned their newest version from the Qt git repository and built it from source as static libraries. I would like it to compile using those static libraries instead of the framework but in preferences in setting the version/Path of Qt no matter what path I direct it to it says it's not a valid Qt directory. What has to be in a qt Directory that constitutes it being valid?

I'm closing this, The problem was installing on OSX I needed to declare -no-framework when running configure.

Some tips;
Install into a path that doesn't contain spaces
Use -prefix $PWD from the current path, and set the PATH, INCLUDE and LIB env variables appropriately - this makes it possible to have multiple Qt builds, e.g. multiple shadow builds from one source directory
Don't do static configure - it makes using plugins difficult, and assuming you use LGPL you have to ship the .o files.


Make Qt's Debugger Aware of DLL Dependency in CMake (Windows)

In Windows, I have a CMake build under Qt that locates, via a find_library command, an A.lib file that is in a separate directory relative to its A.dll file. The A.lib file is then linked using a target_link_libraries command.
As far as the build goes, CMake has no problem not having the symbols in the .lib file defined until runtime.
At runtime, I use windeployqt to successfully assemble all dependent libraries (indluding the A.dll file) into a separate deploy directory from the build directory, and I'm able to run there just fine.
However, to run via Qt's debugger, Qt runs the executable from the build folder rather than the deploy folder. By default, Qt attempts to add the build library folders to the PATH variable as well. Admirably, it also attempts to scan dependencies such as the Qt libraries and the path to A.lib and adds them to the PATH as well. Unfortunately, it does not add the path to A.dll, resulting in a failed DLL dependency error in the launched thread.
I can easily get around this by adding the path to A.dll to the PATH in Qt's run section of the Project tab. However, I'm curious, is it possible to make Qt catch this dependency via some CMake command and automatically add A.dll to the PATH, similar to how it caught other dependencies correctly? I'm not sure how Qt attempts to find dependencies, but in a previous QMake iteration of the build, the path to A.dll was appended automatically.
As of Qt 7.0.1, Qt added a workaround that allows the user to add dll paths to CMake via a target_link_directories command and have those parsed by Qt from the Cmake file-api to add to the PATH variable in Windows.
This fix is in Qt Creator 7.0.1, see the change summary here:
And the issue prompting this change on the official Qt website (which is where I should've looked first):
It should be noted that a workaround for this issue was added to Qt Creator at an earlier point (I'm not sure exactly when) that looked one directory above the \lib folder for a \bin folder (see the code that implements this workaround, and performs the CMake file-api queries in general here).
The latter workaround happened to not work for my particular MSVC-built library folders, since there the lib and bin folders are themselves in folders with architecture and OS information, with a common parent three and two folders above, respectively.
Updating Qt Creator to 7.0.1 and using the target_link_directories command solves this issue.

Qt installation directory woes

I want to use Qt in my new project. An installer for my target compiler (VS2010 64bit), does not exist.
I am using Windows 7 64-bit with Qt 5.1.1.
A colleague of mine is also planning on using Qt and has managed to compile it for my target compiler (which he uses as well). He has built it in some directory, say DirA. He graciously gives me a copy of his entire Qt SDK build (binaries, examples, headers, and all), and I copy it to DirB on my machine.
I need it in DirB, because that is where all my 3rd party libraries are installed, and my CMake scripts know how to find them. I also added the Qt bin folder to my path.
Problems ensue. Qt binaries for some reason have the install path (in this case the build path) hard coded within them. So even though the Qt bin folder is in my path (so DLLs are found), Qt's DLL(s) are looking in the wrong place for the windows "plugin". They are looking in DirA, which does not exist on my machine.
So from what I found researching, using a qt.conf file specifying the install path root, is supposed to be the way to go. I add one to my Qt bin dir, and now Qt binaries (assistant, qmake, etc) can run.
But now I build one of the examples. Builds fine. Run the exe, Qt DLLs load, and then it crashes because it can't find plugin directory.
A work-around my colleague and I found that seems to work, is to copy my qt.conf file to the directory my exe resides in. After doing that the exe runs.
But this does not seem right. My exe can find the Qt DLLs, but the Qt DLLs it loads can't find qt.conf. They don't know to look in their own containing folder. I must have qt.conf in my working directory (my exe dir) for it to be found and used.
Does anyone know why this might be happening, and know of a way for me not to be forced to have a qt.conf file in my exe's dir? I can't accept this requires a rebuild of Qt. There must be some other way.
You can put qt.conf into your binary. Using the resource system.
From the Qt docs:
Without qt.conf, the Qt libraries will use the hard-coded paths to
look for plugins, translations, and so on. These paths may not exist
on the target system, or they may not be accesssible. Because of this,
you need qt.conf to make the Qt libraries look elsewhere.
QLibraryInfo will load qt.conf from one of the following locations:
:/qt/etc/qt.conf using the resource system
Using QApplication::addLibraryPath() or
QApplication::setLibraryPaths(). This approach is recommended if you
only have one executable that will use the plugin.
If you add a custom path using QApplication::addLibraryPath it could look like this:

Automatically include Qt libraries in the .app bundle deploying on Mac

I am using Qt Creator to deploy my Qt application. On Mac, I'd like to include the required Qt libraries in the .app bundle. Is there any way to do it automatically using Qt Creator? Should I do it using the command-line? In that case, how should I do it?
The macdeployqt command line tool will add all the necessary Qt libraries that your Qt project references.
If you require any other, 3rd party libraries, you'll need to copy these manually and set the paths to them using the install_name_tool command.
You can check which libraries your application references using the otool command. For example: -
otool -L
For Qt Creator, I tend to write a script that adds the necessary libraries and calls macdeployqt and then under Projects, add a build step which calls the script.
An example script that would just add the Qt libraries would look something like this: -
echo Copying QT libraries...
macdeployqt ./
You can simply run macdeployqt Qt Creator does not support this feature off-hand either. However, you can inject custom commands into your process in the QtCreator project settings.
It does not support QML just yet though. There are patches under codereview where it is coming. See the following link for details:,status:open+project:qt/qttools,n,z
Note: macdeployqt should not be used for usual development and debug! It should be only used when deploying. Otherwise, it is executed each time for building even if you just recompile the code due to a minor change for testing. This can slow down that process, but as for deploying, it should be alright.
On QT6 I was able to do it entirely within QT Creator:
In Projects/Build, add a custom build step after 'make' (probably only want to do this for your 'release' configuration):
Command: %{Qt:QT_HOST_PREFIX}/bin/macdeployqt
Arguments: %{ActiveProject:BuildConfig:Path}/%{ActiveProject:Name}.app - qmldir=%{ActiveProject:NativePath}
Working Directory: %{buildDir}
I was able to test it by airdropping the resulting .app onto my test machine.

Linking Macports libraries to XCode application

I'm trying to distribute my app's dependencies with the app.
I've got the macports packages librsvg, boost, and cairo installed 64-bit-only on my Snow Leopard system. When I create an .app bundle of my program, it does not work on machines without macports and the relevant libraries installed because they are not included with the app, which searches for the libraries in /opt.
I have tried the --static flag for static linking, but that caused libcrt0 errors.
What's the best method for linking MacPorts libraries and their dependencies to an OSX application suitable for lone distribution?
You'll want to copy the libraries into your application bundle, using a Copy Files Build Phase. dylibs should be put in the Frameworks directory in the app bundle. You'll also have to add the libraries to your Xcode project.
Try using py2app to create a stand-alone app.
I had to just do this for jsoncpp. What I did was I went to linker settings under the project > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries then used the add other to go to my library's path and add the library from the folder which would be under opt/local/lib in the default setup for macport
getting the header files was a bit more complicated. In this case I had ended up going to usr/Include finding the file/folder with the headers, copying it into my project and in the cpp file I added the include line with quotation marks ("")
e.g., moved /usr/Include/json directory into the RestTemplate Project folder using copy. then added to main.cpp
#include "json/json.h"

On OS X, what is the proper setting for $QTDIR?

I'm trying to install QtROOT, and as part of the installation (specifically, the readme file in the QtROOT tarball at, it mentions to make sure that QTDIR is set. I've installed from the Qt 4.6.3 SDK installation for Mac OS X, and I have no such environment variable set. I've tried googling to figure out where it should be set to, but the options I've found (such as /usr/local/qt) don't exist. What should this variable be set to?
OS X 10.6.4, Qt 4.6.3, ROOT 5.26/00, QtROOT... I have no idea. :P
Qt's packaged installer for OSX scatters things throughout the /Developer and /Library directories rather than installing to a self-contained location in /usr/local or /opt/local as you might expect it to do on other unix-based systems.
Incidentally, Qt follows Apple's way of doing things in this respect, so it's really not wrong -- it's just different -- but it does make some 3rd party Qt applications somewhat difficult to build on OSX.
The packaged Qt installer itself has the following to say on this topic:
After a successful install, you can find most new things in /Developer. Specifically things will be located in the following places:
Qt Designer, Qt Linguist: /Developer/Applications/Qt
Qt Documentation: /Developer/Documentation/Qt
Qt Examples: /Developer/Examples/Qt
Qt Plugins: /Developer/Applications/Qt/Plugins
Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks
Qt Libraries: /usr/lib
qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools/Qt (symlink to /usr/bin)
Uninstall script: /Developer/Tools/
So, it does put the libs into '/usr/lib', and it symlinks the essential Qt tools (like qmake) into '/usr/bin'. This suggests that QTDIR could be set to '/usr'. In practice however, this doesn't work because the qt headers remain buried in '/Library/Frameworks/Qt*/Headers/*.h', while builds that rely on $QTDIR will end up looking for the qt headers in "${QTDIR}/include/" instead.
The easiest way around all this is to build Qt from source. The install location will default to something like /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.3 (note the version number, and adjust accordingly). You can override the default install location by using the -prefix option on ./configure.
A simpler approach is to let macports build it for you. This is the approach I ended up taking (and with good success). Just install macports, if you don't already have it. Then:
> sudo port selfupdate
> sudo port install qt4-mac
Macports will work its magic, and when it's done Qt will be installed, in its entirety, at /opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac.
Regardless of how you build Qt, expect a full build to take several hours. It's a very large code base.
I didn't install Qt from the installer (but compiled it myself), so I don't know the default location.
However, where you installed Qt, there is your QTDIR.
Search for qmake, it should reside in some bin/ folder. one up is QTDIR ($QTDIR/bin/qmake).
Usually it's not necessary anymore to set QTDIR these days to build a Qt project, just qmake must be in the PATH, everything else found then. But some projects might require it though (if they use a custom build system that still uses QTDIR).
I need to install LiteIDE on my mac and in the install guide, the QTDIR is necessary. I install the qt with the homebrew by brew install qt --build-from-source, it takes about 2 hours in RMBP. After the install finished, there is still no QTDIR path. By checking the, i know it's just the parent folder of bin. so i set the path by export QTDIR=/usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.8.6. Then run the ./ again. it works.
Hope this will be helpful.
