Spring Boot supports FreeMarker/Groovy/Thymeleaf/Velocity out-of-the-box, how can I switch to other template engines (httl etc.) with no xml configuration?
Do I have to override contentNegotiatingViewResolver and add a list of ViewResolver to it as showed in this post ?
According to Spring documentation:
You can also use a Filter instead of a Servlet by setting spring.jersey.type=filter (in which case the #Bean to replace or override is jerseyFilterRegistration).
According to the answers to this question:
Use a Filter when you want to filter and/or modify requests based on specific conditions. Use a Servlet when you want to control, preprocess and/or postprocess requests.
So what if want to use Jersey with Spring Boot, to both serve json content and apply filters such as checking for authorisation and adding headers to all responses? The spring documentation reads like I have to choose either filter or servlet role for Jersey.
Can I do both with Jersey in a Spring Boot application and if so, how ?
So what if want to use Jersey with Spring Boot, to both serve json content and apply filters such as checking for authorisation and adding headers to all responses?
This question doesn't really make much sense.
Jersey itself is a processing engine. All it needs from the servlet container is the HttpServeltRequest and HttpServletResponse to start processing the request. These can be obtained both as a servlet Filter, or as a servlet HttpServlet. And if you look at the main Jersey servlet container component, ServletContainer, you will see that it both extends HttpServlet and implements Filter.
So being able to configure Jersey as a filter or as a servlet is not anything specific to Spring Boot; Jersey is designed this way. You could configure Jersey as a filter or servlet without Spring Boot.
As far as the filter system, Jersey has it's own filter system, independent of any servlet APIs. But if you want to use servlet filters, there's no reason you can't, whether or not you configure Jersey as a filter or as a servlet. If you understand the servlet filter chain, then you will know that filters get called one after the next, then the servlets are called. So if you want to add a filter and have it perform before the Jersey filter, you can do that. Or if Jersey is a servlet, your filter will be called before the Jersey servlet. Either way it is the same result. Jersey doesn't change any processing behavior just because it is a filter or if is a servlet.
The spring documentation reads like I have to choose either filter or servlet role for Jersey
Yes Servlet or Filter. Should be clear from what I mentioned above. You can have more than one servlet filter. Filters happen one after the other. You can add a filter that has nothing to do with Jersey. They all get passed the same ServletRequest and ServletResponse, so they all interacting with the same request and response. If you want to create a filter to add headers, then do it. It doesn't need to know anything about Jersey.
If you want to create Jersey specific filters (which is independent of any servlet filter mechanisms) for auth/headers and such, you can look at Filters and Interceptors (you can see an auth example in this great answer).
If you want to add servlet filters, then you can do so with FilterRegistrationBeans in Spring Boot.
public FilterRegistrationBean anotherFilter() {
Can someone help me with a minimal project setup with Spring Boot and Struts2?
I have already create a Spring Boot application with a H2-database. I also added a h2Configuration class, so that I'm able to access the database with localhost:8080/console.
But how can I add Struts2 to my Application without web.xml?
Without web.xml you can only write a Struts2 filter using servlet 3.0 or higher
public class Struts2Filter extends Struts2PrepareAndExecuteFilter {
The content could be empty, it's enough to add annotated filter without any inclusion in the web.xml file.
If you want to integrate Struts2 with Spring, then you should use a plugin.
Struts 2 provides a plugin that enables Spring to inject into the ActionSupport classes any dependent objects you've specified in the Spring configuration file. Consult Spring Plugin documentation for more information about how the plugin works.
I'm experimenting with Spring Boot (1.1.9.RELEASE) and Apache Velocity (1.7) with the intention of using Velocity as a templating tool for generating emails. I'm using Thymeleaf (2.1.3.RELEASE) for web templates.
Spring Boot's Autoconfiguration detects Velocity on the classpath during start up and adds it as a web view resolver. While this is brilliant, it's not what I want so I tried
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {VelocityAutoConfiguration.class})
public class Application {
but I still ended up with a velocityViewResolver bean once the application had started up.
Any idea how I might go about disabling this automatic configuration?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
With Spring Boot 1.2.5, disabling the autoconfiguration on the main application class seems to be enough:
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { VelocityAutoConfiguration.class })
I don't exactly know since when that works, but now (Spring Boot 1.3.2) you can also set :
in application.properties.
I can't seem to find anything that talks about using the #WebFilter annotation, and having Spring 3.2 AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer correctly handle the params used.
Does Spring 3.2 support that annotation?
EDIT: based upon nicohlas answer
If I use the #WebFilter annontation, and set params inside of that...it looks like AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer registerServletFilter does not look at those annontations and setup things properly from those params: e.g url-mappings
Knowing that Spring 3.2 supports Servlet 3.0, shouldn't it support #WebFilter?
or am i missing the whole point of the WebFilter annontation?
When I deploy my war, and have #WebFilters defined inside that war, the container looks to "register" those...but, for some reason, even with the proper urlPatterns set, when the request comes into the DispatchServlet...it's like the filter doesn't get called.
#WebFilter is a JEE6 component, and is new to Servlet 3.0.
It is not something that Spring would support, but rather your application container (Tomcat, WebSphere, Glassfish, JBoss,...)
The idea here is to move configuration of your application container to Java, rather than utilizing the web.xml deployment descriptor.
It would seem to me that using the #WebFilter annotation would be for discovering Filter's via classpath scanning. The AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer#registerServletFilter method that you are asking about is taking in a Filter and does not look at the annotations on it.
I want to add xslt view to my spring web application. But my web application configured using spring annotations and hence it does not have any expicitly declared view resolvers. I tried to add a view resolver specially for xslt but the rest of my application becomes unresolvable. It it possible to configure xslt view only using annotations? Or may be there is another solution?
Thank you.
I would guess that it would suffice to write a ViewResolver class and annotate it as #Component, provided that you have <mvc:annotation-driven /> in your xml context.