spring xslt view - spring

I want to add xslt view to my spring web application. But my web application configured using spring annotations and hence it does not have any expicitly declared view resolvers. I tried to add a view resolver specially for xslt but the rest of my application becomes unresolvable. It it possible to configure xslt view only using annotations? Or may be there is another solution?
Thank you.

I would guess that it would suffice to write a ViewResolver class and annotate it as #Component, provided that you have <mvc:annotation-driven /> in your xml context.


spring application - both #Configuration and Spring <beans> XML in the same application?

Is it possible to have a Spring application with both Spring XML that defines some of the beans and also a #Configuration class that defines other beans?
Yes, it's possible.
Spring Boot and Spring 5.x will drive you away from XML and towards annotations. It's a good idea to follow the trend and write using the proper idiom.
None of my Spring Boot apps use XML. That was part of Rod Johnson's original vision for Interface 21/Spring, but annotations have won the day.
It is certainly possible, but it is not recommended. Bean configuration should be consistent to be either all in #Annotations or in XML files.
Is there any specific reason that you want to put some bean configuration in XML rather than in #Configuration class?

Servlets in spring mvc

I have fundamental idea about servlet and spring mvc. But I don't know that there is a usage of servlets in spring mvc or not. In spring mvc we have controller classes. My thinking is servlet is used in spring mvc as a controller. If I'm incorrect please correct me.
Yes,you are perfectly right. Servlets are used in Spring-MVC. In Spring-MVC when you write annotation like #Controller, indirectly you are using a Servlet called Dispatcher Servlet. Dispatcher Servlet is defined in web.xml file with properties and class name which is mapped to .jsp pages and Controller part.
Related / Duplicated to When to use Servlet or #Controller. The question is not the same but quite the explanation on that question you will be able to understand:
If you're a student interested in learning the language then I would stick with servlets for now. It's possible to write a web app using just servlets but in practice you'll probably want to look at JSP's too.
A JSP is a convenient way to write a servlet that allows you to mix html with scripting elements (although it's recommended to avoid Java code in your jsp in favour of tags and el expressions). Under the covers it will be compiled as a servlet but it avoids you having to use lots of messy print statements.
It's important to have at least a basic understanding of servlets and JSP's. Spring MVC is one of many frameworks built on top of servlets to try make the task of writing a web application a bit easier. Basically all requests are mapped to the DispatcherServlet which acts as a front controller.
The DispatcherServlet will then call the controller whose annotations match the incoming request. This is neater than having to write these mappings yourself in the web.xml (although with servlet 3.0 you can annotate servlets now). But you also get many other benefits that can be used like mapping form fields to an object, validating that object with jsr303 annotations, map inputs and outputs to xml or json etc etc. Plus it's tightly integrated with core spring so you can easily wire in your services for the controller to call.
It's worth noting that there are a plethora of competing frameworks built on top of servlets. Spring MVC is one of the most popular so it's not a bad choice to look into.
Controllers are not Servlets! Controllers are normal Spring MVC beans that do not extend HttpServlet. Instead what Spring has is a custom extension of HttpServlet called DispacherServlet. Looking at the DispacherServlet's source code you can see that the class hierarchy goes: DispatcherServlet extends FrameworkServlet → FrameworkServlet extends HttpServletBean → HttpServletBean extends HttpServlet.
The DispatcherServlet, like any other Servlet, is declared in the web.xml. It handles all incoming HTTP requests. It is called a front controller which provides a single point of entry in your application. It is responsible for request handling by delegating requests to additional components of Spring MVC controllers which do not extend the HTTP Servlet API.
Look at the following diagram
In this picture DispacherServlet is the only HttpServlet. The Controllers, HandlerMapping and ViewResolver are all Spring MVC beans.

duplication in parsing spring context

Nowadays I've got to know spring mvc.
exactly about
in spring config xml
Here is my question.
As I know, "context:component-scan" scans all beans.
and As I heard, mvc:annotation-driven, tx:annotation-driven"s also scan all beans.
I think this is not efficient and not reasonable.
Why scan twice, three times.
Is there any way to avoid this duicate parsing?
Any answer will be appreciated.
Thank you.
In my opinion, scanning process are not twice, three times as you think.
They are declare for related beans I think.
Please refer to below summarize and find out how differences.
Declares support for general annotations such as #Required, #Autowired, #PostConstruct, and so on.
can also do what <context:annotation-config> does but <context:component-scan> also scans packages to find and register beans within the application context.
<mvc:annotation-driven />
Enables the Spring MVC #Controller programming model and
declares explicit support for annotation-driven MVC controllers (i.e. #RequestMapping, #Controller, although support for those is the default behaviour), as well as adding support for declrative validation via #Valid and message body marshalling with #RequestBody/ResponseBody.
<tx:annotation-driven />
You do provide the transaction-manager instace directly within element. annotation-config and component-scan won't.

Register Spring filter from BeanDefinitionParser

I am creating a custom namespace for use in the Spring XML configuration. I already implemented a NamespaceHandler and BeanDefinitionParser. So, now I can just put <myns:some-awesome-feature /> into my Spring configuration and it creates the required beans automatically.
In addition to creating some normal Spring beans I would also like to have this annotation register a OncePerRequestFilter to extract some information off of a request for my code to be able to utilize. Is there a way to register a filter programmatically using the two classes I have available when implementing a custom XML tag?
It is not possible without touching web.xml or WebApplicationInitializer, respectively.
But you can create an extendable solution that allows modifications in future without hassle.
Spring Security's <http pattern='...' security="..."/> automatically creates and registers a series of chained filter beans for you. All you have to do is to
register DelegatingFilterProxy in you web.xml and reference springSecurityFilterChain.
You can create a similar solution where you are defining e.g. <myns:awesome-http pattern='...' /> which instantiates OncePerRequestFilter. In web.xml you are declaring a DelegatingFilterProxy which references your awesomeFilterChain. In a future version you can add more filter to your chain without touching the configuration.
I have never implemented such a feature but I'm quite confident that it is possible.
As a starting point take a look at the source of HttpConfigurationBuilder and HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser to see how Spring Security implemented <http .../>.

Spring framework. Set proxy for all controller

How can i set proxy for all my controllers in spring framework?
I wanna change the return expresion of my controllers.
I'm going to assume you're using Spring MVC 3.* and an XML configuration. If this is not the case, please let me know and I will update my answer accordingly.
Spring MVC provides the HandlerInterceptor interface which can be used to both pre and post process requests handled by all Controllers. I would suggest that you create and implementation of this interface and use the postHandle() method to change the output of your Controllers accordingly.
Once you have your HandlerInterceptor implementation complete, you will need to instruct Spring MVC to use it. The namespace configuration for Spring MVC makes this very easy. As an example:
<mvc:mapping path="/**"/>
<bean class="com.example.MyInterceptor" />
In this example I am registering a single HandlerInterceptor implemented by the class com.example.MyInterceptor. I am also configuring Spring MVC to have the HandlerInterceptor implementation work on all requests. You can of course change the mapping to suit your application needs.
