Joomla 3 Breadcrumb Duplication - joomla

I am creating a new blog section for our site. Here is the revelant setup information:
Menu: Blog
Menu Item: Blog - links to blog home page article
Category: Blog
- 6 sub categories
Blog home page
Blog posts belonging to those 6 sub categories.
(Please correct my setup if it isn't)
So here's the problem. On the blog post articles the breadcrumb looks like: Home > Blog > Blog > article title. That second blog link is linking to /blog/30-blog (30 is the category id of blog). I have no idea why this is appearing or how to get rid of it.


Speaking URL setup for news articles

I'm setting up a Typo3 v9.5.15 site using the news extension for writing articles that should appear at{$SLUG} what I managed to archive is to display the articles on{$SLUG}.
Currently the setup is as follows:
news articles are collected in a system folder news-collection and put into different categories.
For each category there is a page listed in the main menu that contains a listing of the news articles for the given category. For the display of the article details from any category a single page is used.
This details view for the articles is a page underneath root page in the page tree with the page ID 11. This page is not shown in the menu and has the URL path /p/
Reading the docs at Routing in Typo3 9 and Advanced Routing Configuration (for Extensions) I came up with the following configuration for speaking URLs
type: Extbase
- 11
extension: News
plugin: Pi1
- routePath: '/{news-title}'
_controller: 'News::detail'
news-title: news
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: 'tx_news_domain_model_news'
routeFieldName: 'path_segment'
Now I want to get rid of the /p/ part of the generated URL. As far as I understood the documentation the option
routeValuePrefix: '/'
should do the trick. However when doing so I get the error message by Typo3, that the page could not be found.
Could somebody please help me to solve the riddle? Thanks in advance!

Joomla article structure

I was a newbie in Joomla and using the latest version to create my website. I want to create news page (list of article). I'm using module (external plugin) to listing all the article. But I'm not understand the structure to create the pages.
I got a menu like this:
Latest News (link to single article with category 'Latest News')
This is my category:
Latest News
News (every new article will be under this category)
Then I display all the article inside Latest News page except the page I leave as blank because I using module to display the list. The URL will be like this mywebsitename/latest-news.
The problem is when I click one of the article to show full details of the article. The URL will be like mywebsitename/latest-news/11-home/latest-news/news/articleName. So how I need to do to structure the URL even my breadcrumb to be like this
mywebsitename / Latest News / News / article name
Even the module also display inside the article page. I only set this module under latest news page only. Can anyone help me. Thanks.
If you just began, restart your project. If you want to build up a site, first check whether there are any core functions for your usage or not. If it can be done through them, do it like that, as this is better for updating your site. (Maybe your plugin will not be supported later on...)
Then restart by building up your site:
Category - Article - Menu
Firstly, create the categories you wish. For example, you want the category "News" where you put news articles and a category "Events" where you put articles about your events.
Secondly create some articles for your category. You can use the "read-more" to preview your articles in your blog.
Last, create the menu. You can use a category blog and it's options to show your articles the way you want.

Blog Link in magento

I'm working in magento blog
i have 2 store views each one for different country
the problem is when we add the blog link in the social media page .. we must to write only one store view in the URL
How can i add a blog URL that match with customer store view
ex: if customer from store view 1 open the link .. the URL will be (
and if customer from store view 2 open the link .. the URL will be (
I tried to make the URL be (
but it refers to 404 page
Try this.
Open Admin panel
Goto System->Configuration
Change Current Configuration Scope to storeview1 or storeview2 from top of leftbar.
search for keyword blog under "aheadWorks Extensions" at leftbar
Try to change Route to Blog from settings.
Hope this will help some how.

Aheadworks Magento Blog extension List all posts

Using AW blog extension and id like to get a list of all blog posts. Sounds simple right?
But i can't seem to figure out how i could do this? It seems that the controller gets the blog posts in a category from reading the category name in the url.
If anyones had any experience with the aheadworks blog extension (free) and might be able to help out that would be great.

how to have a category blog and category list on the same page in joomla 2.5

I am trying to make it so that I can have a category blog that displays three articles, and one of those articles be a category list that will list some other recent new articles on my site. Is there any way of doing this in Core joomla or do I need a plugin?
You could use loadmodule to load a latest news or other module set to display the categories you want into one of the articles in your blog. Alternatively you could have an alternate layout that renders that module would need for an article.
