Blog Link in magento - magento

I'm working in magento blog
i have 2 store views each one for different country
the problem is when we add the blog link in the social media page .. we must to write only one store view in the URL
How can i add a blog URL that match with customer store view
ex: if customer from store view 1 open the link .. the URL will be (
and if customer from store view 2 open the link .. the URL will be (
I tried to make the URL be (
but it refers to 404 page

Try this.
Open Admin panel
Goto System->Configuration
Change Current Configuration Scope to storeview1 or storeview2 from top of leftbar.
search for keyword blog under "aheadWorks Extensions" at leftbar
Try to change Route to Blog from settings.
Hope this will help some how.


Joomla Submit article redirect to homepage

I have site that user can submit an article in frontend . I have create menu submit article, but when i click it , it redirect to homepage.
Thank you
The guidelines are here: Joomla : How to create an article from the front end.
Go through below:
Your menu item should not have access to only special members if you are submitting content as registered member. In short, you should maintain the access level of the page.
There can be some other cases, for which you must need to post the screenshot if any error message shown on the screen to debug. As you know there are many settings, custom code, and tweaks that Joomla CMS allows to implement.
To change the redirection when submitting an article I found it useful to do the following:
Associate the form that enables you to create an article from the frontend to a menu, and then edit the corresponding element of the menu, on the options tab, select the redirection after submission category to where you want it to redirect and that's it. Hope it helps anyone!

Magento - How to create a custom url based on attributes?

In the Magento Admin > Catalogue > Attributes > Attribute Sets, we have a set of attributes for "Manufacturers" which group products under designers.
I am trying to create a hyperlink that maps a custom route to an attribute query like so
this is route i want:
this is what it will map to:
I have tried creating a custom url rewrite under Catalogue > URL Rewrite Management with no luck.
Please refer this this may help you
if you want to create custom url, than follow the steps...
From the Admin panel, select Catalog >> URL Rewrite Management
In the upper-right corner, click the Add URL Rewrite button
In the Add New URL Rewrite section, set Create URL Rewrite to “for Product.”
Find the product in the list below and click to open the record and click Skip Category Selection button
In the URL Rewrite section, do some following things:
a.In the Request Path field, enter the new value for the updated URL. The Request Path must be unique for each rewrite.
b.Set Redirect to one of the following:
Temporary (302)
Permanent (301)
For your own reference, enter a brief description of the rewrite.
click to save and enjoy ;)

Why is Joomla 1.5 creating different URLs for the same articles on different pages?

I'm trying to understand the way Joomla (1.5) creates article URLs.
I created a module to display news. The module displays all the news, with correct URLs on the homepage mysite/component/content/article/xxxxxxxx.
I created a module to display the last article on the homepage and a button, see all news, linking to a menu item displaying a page with all the articles. The url is: mysite/news.
The problem is the URLs to the article are generated incorrectly as mysite/news/xxxxxxxx and they give a 404. How can I get the URLs to be the same as on the homepage?
Update: The new URL doesn't give a 404, it points to the same page as the menu, I mean mysite/news/ is the same as mysite/news/xxxxxxxx, it shows the list of all the articles and not the article itself
To create proper SEF URLs, two steps are needed:
Be sure to have a menu entry for each article in the list. You don't have to display that menu, it just has to exist. The menu entry's alias is used to build the SEF URL.
When creating links to such an article, be sure to include the parameter Itemid=n in the URL, with n being the id of the menu item. In article texts, use this structure:
Joomla! will convert that into a SEF URL automatically, and it will still work, when you for some reason turn SEF off.
If you generate links in a module, the URL is not converted automatically. You have to call JRoute::_() for that:
echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=125');

Change CMS page content in Magento (orders and returns footer link)

I have been searching for hours for a solution to this. I want to change the content of the footer link Orders and returns to just read " please contact us for your return authorization number, and our phone number. I can't seem to find where this information resides.
EDIT: I would like to change the form that appears when the "Orders and Returns" link in the footer is clicked
Are you trying to change the content of a page that is link from the footer of your site?
If this is what you are trying to do, then go to that page and look at the title in your browser then go to the admin -> CMS -> Pages and look for that title

Custom ActionLink with support of domain routing

I have application that accepts four different types of routes. Keyword link is the link of specific page and keyword user is the user that is the owner of the page.
Custom ActionLink should generate links on page depending on route taken to get there. Those links can be:
It has to create absolute links, because if relative links are used user can enter the page with http://localhost/SiteEdit/user and the default page will be displayed but if clicked on link it would become http://localhost/SiteEdit/link.
thnx in advance
The following link should help:
Try this gist:
