Laravel Route::controller with additional parameters - laravel-4

I'm trying to figure out whether there is a way of adding url parameters to the Route::controller call.
What I have at the moment for my control panel is:
'prefix' => 'admin',
'namespace' => 'Admin'
function() {
'prefix' => '',
'before' => 'auth.admin'
function() {
Route::controller('page', 'PageController');
Route::controller('article', 'ArticleController');
Route::controller('/', 'LoginController');
Now - each of the controllers will have the post / getEdit actions, which will require the url id parameter to be passed over in the simple format of /admin/page/edit/{id}.
My question is - is there a way to perhaps add some parameters to the Route::controller method or do I have to do them all using Route::get / Route::post approach?
I know I can do it by adding two extra cases with get and post above the given controller call:
'prefix' => 'admin',
'namespace' => 'Admin'
function() {
'prefix' => '',
'before' => 'auth.admin'
function() {
Route::get('page/edit/{id}', 'PageController#getEdit');
Route::post('page/edit/{id}', 'PageController#postEdit');
Route::controller('page', 'PageController');
Route::controller('article', 'ArticleController');
Route::controller('/', 'LoginController');
but perhaps there's a better approach?

You can use Route::resource:
Route::resource('resource', 'ResourceController');
This will register the following routes:
GET /resource index resource.index
GET /resource/create create resource.create
POST /resource store
GET /resource/{resource} show
GET /resource/{resource}/edit edit resource.edit
PUT/PATCH /resource/{resource} update resource.update
DELETE /resource/{resource} destroy resource.destroy
You can use it together with only or except to choose what routes to be included (or excluded):
Route::resource('resource', 'ResourceController', ['only' => ['index', 'show', 'update', 'destroy']]);
Read more about restful resource controllers in the Laravel documentation.
This post might also be interesting: Laravel 4 - Route::resource vs Route::controller. Which to use?


how group apiResource route and other routes together?

I am using apiResource and other routes. I grouped them like below:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'posts'], function () {
Route::group(['prefix' => '/{post}'], function () {
Route::put('lablabla', [PostController::class, 'lablabla']);
Route::apiResource('/', PostController::class, [
'names' => [
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
all apiResource routes except index and store do not work! How should I group routes?
Your syntax for routing is wrong,
You will provide a uri for the apiResource (plural)
eg. Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class);
Your name of resource route is wrong
Get this out
it should be
Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class)->names([
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
No need of repeating Route::group, you can just write your routes like this
Route::prefix('posts')->group(function () {
Route::put('lablabla', [PostController::class, 'lablabla']);
Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class)->names([
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
Your syntax is incorrect, there is a names method. See the documentation here

Custom naming in router resources

i have in my controller
public function details($id)
$claim = Claim::findOrFail($id);
$details = $claim->details;
return response()->json([], 200);
and I have in my routes
Route::resource('claims', 'Admin\\ClaimsController',['names'=> ['details'=>''], 'only' => ['index','store','update','destroy','details']]);
when I run php artisan route:list i do not see the admin/claims/1/details) in the list
the documentation is pretty vague here so I'm asking how to properly set a custom route? How do I specify if its "POST" or "GET"?
To override the default resource controller actions' route names, you can pass a names array with your options.
For example:
Route::resource('claims', 'ControllerClassName', [
'names' => [
'index' => '',
'create' => '',
// etc...
'only' => [
Here are examples of setting custom named get/post routes.
GET Route
Route::get('claims', ['as' => '', uses => 'ControllerClassName']);
POST Route
Route::post('claims', ['as' => '', uses => 'ControllerClassName']);

Laravel 5 - Kodeine ACL using custom resource method inside route protection

I'm a newbie to Laravel. I am using Kodeine ACL management for Laravel 5. Generated resourceful controllers and routes. I also added custom method for resourceful controller named "profile"
I am not able to apply ACL if I include custom method if I do this:
Route::get('users/profile', UsersController#profile);
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth', 'acl'],
'is' => 'worker',
'protect_alias' => 'worker.user',
'protect_methods' => [
'create' => ['create', 'store'],
'store' => ['create', 'store'],
'read' => ['index', 'show'],
'view' => ['index', 'show'],
'edit' => ['edit', 'update', 'profile'],
'update' => ['edit', 'update', 'profile'],
'delete' => ['destroy'],
function () {
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController');
The above code does not applying the ACL to profile method
But if I comment line #1, it applies the ACL, but it is not directing to the profile method [ie $next($request)] doesn't seem to work
Please advise if I am wrong and how to achieve this.

Route::match() not working in nested groups structure

I'm creating an API that is available only via POST. I'm planning to have more than one version of the API, so the current one uses v1 as part of the URL.
Now, in case an API call is made via GET, PUT or DELETE I would like to return a Fail response. For this I'm using Route::match(), which works perfectly fine in the code below:
Route::group(['namespace'=>'API', 'prefix' => 'api/v1', 'middleware' => 'api.v1'], function() {
Route::match(['get', 'put', 'delete'], '*', function () {
return Response::json(array(
'status' => 'Fail',
'message' => 'Wrong HTTP verb used for the API call. Please use POST.'
// User
Route::post('user/create', array('uses' => 'APIv1#createUser'));
Route::post('user/read', array('uses' => 'APIv1#readUser'));
// other calls
// University
Route::post('university/create', array('uses' => 'APIv1#createUniversity'));
Route::post('university/read', array('uses' => 'APIv1#readUniversity'));
// other calls...
However, I noticed that I could group the routes even more, to separate the API version and calls to specific entities, like user and university:
Route::group(['namespace'=>'API', 'prefix' => 'api'], function() {
Route::match(['get', 'put', 'delete'], '*', function () {
return Response::json(array(
'status' => 'Fail',
'message' => 'Wrong HTTP verb used for the API call. Please use POST.'
* v.1
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1', 'middleware' => 'api.v1'], function() {
// User
Route::group(['prefix' => 'user'], function() {
Route::post('create', array('uses' => 'APIv1#createUser'));
Route::post('read', array('uses' => 'APIv1#readUser'));
// University
Route::group(['prefix' => 'university'], function() {
Route::post('create', array('uses' => 'APIv1#createUniversity'));
Route::post('read/synonym', array('uses' => 'APIv1#readUniversity'));
The Route::match() in the code above does not work. When I try to access any API call with e.g. GET, the matching is ignored and I get MethodNotAllowedHttpException.
Can I get the second routes structure to work with Route::match() again? I tried to put it literally everywhere in the groups already. Putting the Route::match() outside of the hole structure and setting path to 'api/v1/*' does dot work either.
If you use the post() function you don't need to deny manualy other verb.
What you can do is to create a listener for the MethodNotAllowedHttpException and display what you want. Or you can also use any() function at the end of your route's group to handle all route that is not defined.

Routing confusion in laravel 4

I'm experiencing routing confusion in laravel 4.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'myProfile', 'before' => 'auth|inGroup:Model|isMe'], function()
Route::get('/{username}', function(){
echo 'hello';
Route::get('/{username}', [
'as' => 'show-profile',
'uses' => 'ProfileController#index'
When i write to address bar it runs second route and runs ProfileController#index...
Looks like correct behaviour. To access first route you would have to type something like You didn't specify / route in myProfile route group, so it cannot match it and uses second one.
Breaking down your routes:
Route::get('/{username}', [
'as' => 'show-profile',
'uses' => 'ProfileController#index'
Use /example URI to access the above route.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'myProfile', 'before' =>'auth|inGroup:Model|isMe'], function()
Route::get('/{username}', function(){
echo 'hello';
Use /myProfile/example URI to access the above route.
Your application is working as expected.
