Custom naming in router resources - laravel

i have in my controller
public function details($id)
$claim = Claim::findOrFail($id);
$details = $claim->details;
return response()->json([], 200);
and I have in my routes
Route::resource('claims', 'Admin\\ClaimsController',['names'=> ['details'=>''], 'only' => ['index','store','update','destroy','details']]);
when I run php artisan route:list i do not see the admin/claims/1/details) in the list
the documentation is pretty vague here so I'm asking how to properly set a custom route? How do I specify if its "POST" or "GET"?

To override the default resource controller actions' route names, you can pass a names array with your options.
For example:
Route::resource('claims', 'ControllerClassName', [
'names' => [
'index' => '',
'create' => '',
// etc...
'only' => [
Here are examples of setting custom named get/post routes.
GET Route
Route::get('claims', ['as' => '', uses => 'ControllerClassName']);
POST Route
Route::post('claims', ['as' => '', uses => 'ControllerClassName']);


how group apiResource route and other routes together?

I am using apiResource and other routes. I grouped them like below:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'posts'], function () {
Route::group(['prefix' => '/{post}'], function () {
Route::put('lablabla', [PostController::class, 'lablabla']);
Route::apiResource('/', PostController::class, [
'names' => [
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
all apiResource routes except index and store do not work! How should I group routes?
Your syntax for routing is wrong,
You will provide a uri for the apiResource (plural)
eg. Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class);
Your name of resource route is wrong
Get this out
it should be
Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class)->names([
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
No need of repeating Route::group, you can just write your routes like this
Route::prefix('posts')->group(function () {
Route::put('lablabla', [PostController::class, 'lablabla']);
Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class)->names([
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
Your syntax is incorrect, there is a names method. See the documentation here

Get a parameter from a route?

I have the following route:
Route::get('news', [
'as' => 'news',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex',
There are also other routes that use the same resource controller, e.g:
Route::get('travel', [
'as' => 'travel',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex',
In the article controller, how can I get the category of the articles. e.g. travel or news?
I can't turn it into a route param e.g.
Route::get('{travel}', [
'as' => 'travel',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex',
As there are other sections such as contact, faqs, etc that do not use the article controller.
I know I could put it all on one route:
Route::get('/article/{category}', [
'as' => 'travel',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex',
But I want pretty URLS like:
Ideally if I could use a resource controller:
Route::resource('news', ArticleController');
With some sort of array:
Route::resource(['news', 'travel'], ArticleController');
So my questions:
How can I get the name of the resource. e.g. news, travel in my controller?
Is there an easy way to specify varying routes to the same resource?
For Example Keep your routes like this as your static routes will be limited and need to be unique so they will not get conflict between routes
demo routes :
Route::get('contact', [
'as' => 'contact',
'uses' => 'contactController#getIndex',
Route::get('{travel}', [
'as' => 'travel',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex',
In order to achieve a route like that:
Use the following:
Route::get('/{category}/{article}', 'ArticleController#getArticle');
Then in your controller, you will have 2 parameters in your getArticle method.
public function getArticle($category, $article)
//Your code here
In order to have pretty urls you need to make a few steps:
First of all you need to add a column to your articles table called for example 'slug'.
2) Then you need to specify your route key in your article model. Like this:
Article model
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
3) When you add an article you should create the slug by your own in order to be unique. so in your controller that you create the article add this code.
$slug = str_slug($article['title'], '-');
$slugs_count = DB::table('articles')->where('name',$article['title'])- >count();
$slug = $slug.'-'.($slugs_count-1);
$article->slug = $slug;
4) Now we have to set the route
Route::get('/article/{slug}', [
'as' => 'travel',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex'
5) Finally in order to get the article you need
$article = Article::where('slug','=',$slug)->first();
If you want to use categories etc you could pass more parameters in your route and manipulate it in your controller. like this
Route::get('/article/{category}/{slug}', [
'as' => 'travel',
'uses' => 'ArticleController#getIndex'
The where clause is to restrict the parameter with some regular expressions(its optional).
I forgot to mention that the routekeyname in your model works in laravel 5.2.

Laravel: Get route by specify name

I have config route like this:
'as' => 'AAA.index',
'uses' => 'AAA#index',
'as' => 'AAA.create',
'uses' => 'AAA#create',
If I have a string AAA.index, I want to get index/{type?}
If I have a string AAA.create, I want to get create/{type?}
What is the method can do that?
Use route method:
route('AAA.index', $parameter);
See in:

Laravel Route::controller with additional parameters

I'm trying to figure out whether there is a way of adding url parameters to the Route::controller call.
What I have at the moment for my control panel is:
'prefix' => 'admin',
'namespace' => 'Admin'
function() {
'prefix' => '',
'before' => 'auth.admin'
function() {
Route::controller('page', 'PageController');
Route::controller('article', 'ArticleController');
Route::controller('/', 'LoginController');
Now - each of the controllers will have the post / getEdit actions, which will require the url id parameter to be passed over in the simple format of /admin/page/edit/{id}.
My question is - is there a way to perhaps add some parameters to the Route::controller method or do I have to do them all using Route::get / Route::post approach?
I know I can do it by adding two extra cases with get and post above the given controller call:
'prefix' => 'admin',
'namespace' => 'Admin'
function() {
'prefix' => '',
'before' => 'auth.admin'
function() {
Route::get('page/edit/{id}', 'PageController#getEdit');
Route::post('page/edit/{id}', 'PageController#postEdit');
Route::controller('page', 'PageController');
Route::controller('article', 'ArticleController');
Route::controller('/', 'LoginController');
but perhaps there's a better approach?
You can use Route::resource:
Route::resource('resource', 'ResourceController');
This will register the following routes:
GET /resource index resource.index
GET /resource/create create resource.create
POST /resource store
GET /resource/{resource} show
GET /resource/{resource}/edit edit resource.edit
PUT/PATCH /resource/{resource} update resource.update
DELETE /resource/{resource} destroy resource.destroy
You can use it together with only or except to choose what routes to be included (or excluded):
Route::resource('resource', 'ResourceController', ['only' => ['index', 'show', 'update', 'destroy']]);
Read more about restful resource controllers in the Laravel documentation.
This post might also be interesting: Laravel 4 - Route::resource vs Route::controller. Which to use?

Laravel writing the correct variable to the URL and getting the route to pick it up

So I have these 2 routes:
* Account Activate (GET)
Route::get('/account/activate/{code}', array(
'as' => 'account-activate',
'uses' => 'AccountController#getActivate'
* Account Activate EMPTY-CODE (GET)
Route::get('/account/activate/', array(
'as' => 'account-activate',
'uses' => 'AccountController#getActivateEmpty'
They are meant to pick up the code from a URL like this: http://localhost:81/account/activate?duYCzo5TEhmRFMBnDEJUSY4EO81EBCJlOyccVBNxpNPksBg6bJJrvUVV4XnX
Unfortunately as you can see the URL isn't activate/code it's activate?code.
This is the code creating the URL (its in a Mail function):
'link' => URL::route('account-recover-code', $code)
What can I change to make sure my route works as intended?
You may try this:
URL::route('account-activate', array('code' => $code));
Also use only one route declaration and make the {code} optional using ? like this:
Route::get('/account/activate/{code?}', array(
'as' => 'account-activate',
'uses' => 'AccountController#getActivate'
The URL::route() method expects the route name, which is as value in the route declaration and in {code?} the ? made the parameter optional so if you pass a code to your route then you can pass it as array('code' => $code) and if you dont want to pass the parameter then just use following code to generate the URL:
In this case your method should be like:
public function getActivate($code = NULL)
if(!is_null($code)) {
// $code is available
else {
// $code is not passed
