Magento Product pages incomplete after adding image(s) to the product - magento

I imported the products using a csv list and now I am adding the images to each product one by one in the backend. But after adding the image, the product page in the frontend only shows the image and everything else like add to cart, description, configurable options and so on are missing, the source code simply ends after the image box. Did anyone else ever notice a similar behavior?


adding product listing on magento homepage with description

I need to show my new products on the home page as a list view. I have used a Magento widget, but it is not returning the description of the product. How can I fetch the whole details of the product in the home page as shown in the image below?
First find out(template hint) the file from where your widget is rendering products. It's located in app/design/frontend/<yourpackage>/<yourtheme>/template/catalog/product/widget/new/content/new_grid.phtml/new_list.phtml
Go look in that file, you will see how and what values are the widgets printing. So if you want description within the foreach loop you can get by printing $_product->getShortDescription() or $_product->getData('short_description')
Similarly to get other stuff like in list page, please take reference from template/catalog/product/list.phtml see how the other details are being printed and get those here on widget phtml file.

Image upload magento v1.9 not working?

I have a website and I need customers to upload images on our website for printing them on products. So, I have tried the custom option in magento but it did not work for me, it every times give me the following error
please specify the product's required option(s).
Here is the link for the product
Please provide a solution
Note : It is a simple product and I have added all the required option(s).
Firstly this error is not related to image uploading! it can happen under different circumstances mainly because one missing required parameter prevents Magento (or better to say add to cart controller) to add the product to the cart (this follows the logic that Magento should know what exact simple product is to be added to the cart). Have a look at these related questions: first this one: 1, then: 2, 3, 4. Eventually if you have used some code please add it to your question (what do you mean by you've tried the custom option?).
On the other hand if your case is just with uploading the image you can use: Varien_File_Uploader class in Magento (example).
IMPO You can change your current logic by removing the upload option from product page, first letting the customer to add the product to the cart and then in next step upload their image(s).

Product image not displaying in category or search view

I have a test site where some imported product images are not being displayed on the category view or the search view.
It does however show up on the product page.
These products were imported / updated to reflect new images.
Category view
Product view page
Other products whose images were uploaded manually is showing up.
All cache has been cleared and disabled in Magento.
What else am I missing.
I suspect the database records got screwed up somewhere on these products.
I am running out of ideas to what else to look out for and need a fresh pair of eyes.
Magento ver.
It sounds like you forgot to reindex your data.
Go to System -> Index Management, click select all (or at least select the first four indexes) and then press submit to reindex.
I note your image is almost 2MB. On my shared hosting with 1and1, I cannot use such large images as Magento's image processing (eg producing thumbnails) falls over as it runs out of memory. I therefore have to preprocess any large images to shrink them down to something my Magento can handle.
One other thing, png files tend to be significantly larger than jpg files.

Magento Updating Products with csv overwrites Image

On Magento 1.9 I managed to upload several products via csv including images with Dataflow - Profiles.
Now I'd like to update for example all the descriptions. But when I upload the CSV file, it overwrites my images.
When I leave the path media/import it imports the same image a
second time. Now the product has the same image stored twice.
When I write the path /0/5/imagename.jpg where magento automatically
saved the image, it gives me a "images doesn't exist" error.
when I leave the "image" field empty, it sets the default image to "none"
and shows no image in the frontend.
When I delete the whole cell
for images, it gives me a "broken link" symbol in the product
details page.
How can I update product details without messing with my images? Sorry if I missed something?

CS Cart - Showing thumbnail for configurable product options

I've just started using CS Cart and I have a product which has been built using the product configurator and I would like to show the image thumbnail next to each radio button.
What code do I need to use to pull the product thumbnail?
This is the current code I'm playing around with, but it is pulling the main image rather than the product image from the associated product in the configurator:
{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" images=$product.main_pair
object_type="detailed_product" link_class="cm-thumbnails-mini cm-cur-item"
image_width=$th_size image_height=$th_size show_thumbnail="Y" show_detailed_link=false
make_box=true obj_id="`$product.product_id`_`$img_id`_mini" wrap_image=true}
P.S. I would have posted this on the CS Cart forums but can't seem to be able to register on there!
$product is the main product. Find the variable that populates the products information (look for the code that generates the forms within the tabs.
