Magento Updating Products with csv overwrites Image - magento

On Magento 1.9 I managed to upload several products via csv including images with Dataflow - Profiles.
Now I'd like to update for example all the descriptions. But when I upload the CSV file, it overwrites my images.
When I leave the path media/import it imports the same image a
second time. Now the product has the same image stored twice.
When I write the path /0/5/imagename.jpg where magento automatically
saved the image, it gives me a "images doesn't exist" error.
when I leave the "image" field empty, it sets the default image to "none"
and shows no image in the frontend.
When I delete the whole cell
for images, it gives me a "broken link" symbol in the product
details page.
How can I update product details without messing with my images? Sorry if I missed something?


Magento Product pages incomplete after adding image(s) to the product

I imported the products using a csv list and now I am adding the images to each product one by one in the backend. But after adding the image, the product page in the frontend only shows the image and everything else like add to cart, description, configurable options and so on are missing, the source code simply ends after the image box. Did anyone else ever notice a similar behavior?

How to import mangeto product gallery from magento dataflow profile?

I just tried to export all products from magento using magento import/export. i got all products with gallery url's in a .CSV file.
But when i tried to import that file in another magento store with same category structure, I got 'small', 'thumbnail' and 'base' images at admin but not able to see any gallery images which is in exported magento store.
How can i get all product gallery images?
Thanks in advance
To import the images also you need to copy them inside media/import folder keeping the rest of the path intact.
For example if you have in the exported file an image names '/i/m/image.jpg', you should copy that image to media/import/i/m/image.jpg of your other website.
Magento will take care of the rest (copying the image in the right folder and renaming it of necessary).
For every image you need a new row in the import file. Near the end of the file there should be some columns called _media_attribute_id,_media_image,_media_lable,_media_position,_media_is_disabled. These should be filled with the correct values.
Let's take an example. Let's say you have 2 images for a product with SKU 123. The import file should look like this (I skipped the rest of the attributes):
123,....,88,/i/m/image1.jpg,"Some label here",1,0
,....,88,/i/m/image2.jpg,"Some other label",2,0
As you can see there are 2 rows. One for each image. On the second row all the fields are empty except the ones I mentioned above. (The value for _media_attribute_id might be different).

Path of image code in magento

I am using magento 1.6.I want to know which files contains the code for image functions like when you uploading the image ,excluding the image etc.Actually i want to hide products as per user category.
There are several files handling your images. Look at app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Helper/Image.php as an entry point.

Magento 1.7 product image import not assigning image to product

I have done a CSV import of my products, and using this walk-through I have uploaded my images for each product. My problem is that although the image is being recognised as the image for the right product, the product is not saving the image as the one to be displayed (see screenshot below). How do I use the CSV upload (I am using a dataflow profile) to import and set the product images?
My CSV (for a single product) looks like:
I used this step and it works.
see the Id of 'media_gallery' in database->eav_attribute (in my version it is 703)
in the csv file, add this column: _media_image, _media_attribute_id, _media_position, _media_is_disabled
_media_image : same value as image or small_image
_media_attribute_id : is the Id that you've seen in step 1.
_media_position for first image is : 1
and set _media_is_disabled to 0
Use Import tool in admin!
It seems your problem occurring because of image positioning.
So Please Try this -
**sku, image, small_image, thumbnail, _media_image, _media_attribute_id, _media_position, _media_is_disabled
123, /Agent700.jpg, /Agent700.jpg, /Agent700.jpg, /Agent700.jpg, 88, 1, 0**
Make your CSV as per the above norms and change the column as per your requirement but do not change 88 which is _media_attribute_id. and keep 1,0 for _media_position & _media_is_disabled.
I have tried this and works perfectly.
Hope It'll helpful for you as well.
MAGMI is the best way to do this. Otherwise the importing of the products is always a head pain from my experience.
In MAGMI, in order to get multiple images imported as a media gallery, all you need is:
1) define field media_gallery in you CSV and populate it like this:
2) Install MAGMI plugin images attribute processor
3) Store your images in the folder that you defined as "media import" folder in MAGMI settings before importing
More details here:
Those who consider paid extensions for easy resolving this task, take a look at this one which fully integrates MAGMI into Magento and allows more handy features.
When viewing the products there is an option at the top left to view either default values or to view the values for the store. What I was viewing was the default values. When I changed this drop-down to the store values, then I saw that the images were being assigned.

Magento product csv upload with images

I’m trying to upload the csv file with about 300 products in and I’m having a couple of issues with it.
1). I have put the images in media/catalog/product/images/ and the path I’m giving in csv is /images/image_name.jpg. Now when I import the csv I can see the products with image at frontend. But in admin panel, I can’t see any image against the products. I don’t know where I’m doing wrong to show these images in admin panel.
2). I have a couple of multi select attributes. CSV import is not working with multi select attributes (it just picks up the first one). Any solution for this?
You are placing your images to wrong folder and they should be in media/import instead with right permissions and case sensitive names.
Refer to or perform a web search for "magento image import"
As Jonathan said, you must put all of your images that you wish to import into media/import. The other crucial part of this is your CSV. Every image name must of course match properly, but it must have a forward slash in front of the image name. So, if you put 'image1.jpg' into media/import, then in your spreadsheet, the image columns should have '/image1.jpg'.
