adding product listing on magento homepage with description - magento

I need to show my new products on the home page as a list view. I have used a Magento widget, but it is not returning the description of the product. How can I fetch the whole details of the product in the home page as shown in the image below?

First find out(template hint) the file from where your widget is rendering products. It's located in app/design/frontend/<yourpackage>/<yourtheme>/template/catalog/product/widget/new/content/new_grid.phtml/new_list.phtml
Go look in that file, you will see how and what values are the widgets printing. So if you want description within the foreach loop you can get by printing $_product->getShortDescription() or $_product->getData('short_description')
Similarly to get other stuff like in list page, please take reference from template/catalog/product/list.phtml see how the other details are being printed and get those here on widget phtml file.


How To Create Multiple Attribute In Magento For Product Details Page

I want to create multiple attribute in magento for product details page because i have to show two things on the product details page and they are attribute first of all i have color swatches with the help of attribute i am showing on the product details page the next thing is the google map and each different product has a different google map how to show two attribute in magento product details page any help would be very appreciated
You would need to first create an attribute. Read here on a simple tutorial on how to do that.
To display any product attribute in magento you need the "Attribute Code". Lets say you make a attribute called "Gogole Map" with a Attribute Code "gmap". You would need to open the html for the product detail page which can be found
app/design/frontend/default/[your template]/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
and just add the following code to where you want to place
<?php echo $_product_getGmap();?>

Magento Product pages incomplete after adding image(s) to the product

I imported the products using a csv list and now I am adding the images to each product one by one in the backend. But after adding the image, the product page in the frontend only shows the image and everything else like add to cart, description, configurable options and so on are missing, the source code simply ends after the image box. Did anyone else ever notice a similar behavior?

Display set of user chosen categories on magento home page

I am trying to display categories on magento home page. I know how to do it in a normal way using magento collections. I want to have it like a widget, if you insert a category link widget in static block or cms page, you can see the following:
{{widget type="catalog/category_widget_link" template="catalog/category/widget/link/link_block.phtml" id_path="category/3"}}
Now, here the id_path indicates which category to display. Can we modify it somehow to show a list of specified categories. For example like this: id_path = '3,4,5,6' so it will display all these specified categories. Can anybody guide me a way to do this? I don't know much about widget coding stuff in magento.
You can add as many as widgets inside the static block by selecting the widget as many as times you want.

Display product in list using widgets in magento

I am working on magento home page and need display products on home page. I have used widgets to display products. I want to display product in list one by one but it shows in grid. Right now I am showing the products in list.
my code is :-
{{widget type="highlight/product_popular" title="special" products_count="3" template="highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-popular"}}
Using this code the product is shown in grid but actually I want to display it in list like:-
1. Product1
2. product2
Please, suggest how I can do this.
whatever you are putting in your grid.phtml - change it as suggested in
base/default/template/catalog/product/list.phtml as per list mode, code followed by it

Add page number in page title - magento

Have one issue which don't like google for seo.
All the categories having the same title if going by pages in that category, so I want to add page number in page title. Is any solution?
Copy file from /app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Html/Head.php to app/code/local/Mage/Page/Block/Html/Head.php modify with the following code which is getting default page number.
