Xcode freezes at indexing, randomly, iPhone dev - xcode

My Xcode version is 4.6.2, which is the latest at this moment 2013.6.2, when I try to run a project(not a specified one) in simulator, it randomly freezes(stops) at indexing. I don't know if it's my macbook's problem because it's relatively a old one. My project is very light-weighted, just some demo. I'm a newbie. Normally, it works well, but sometimes it freezes at indexing, say 5% possibility.
And I cannot stop it even I clicked the "Stop" button at the right of "Run", and either if I close the simulator. I have to force the computer to shut down by keep pressing the power button. It brings damage to computer.
Anyone knows how to fix this? Or I have to get a newer one? Any help will be appreciated. THANKS.

Xcode 4.6.2 in 1.4GHz, 2GB Ram
This is the main problem, the Xcode needs 2GB+ itself, and there are others applications and processes running in foreground and background.
I have 3GHz C2D, 4GB RAM, still at times it hangs at times :(
So, either you need to upgrade the hardware or degrade the Xcode version.
As you have Macbook air, you cant upgrade the RAM which is soldered to the motherboard.


Xcode freezes on "fetching app store configuration"

I have mac os mojave and xcode Version 10.1 (10B61). I try build unity3D game. I can successfully build it to iphone 5S device. But when I try submit up to App Store it is not working.
What exactly happens:
On step "fetching app store configuration" xcode freezes. In active monitor I see it as unresponsible application (or something like it). And XCode take almost all free RAM (4.5GB). After sometime (around 20 minutes) mac restart (I have problem with iMac, it restart when use too much RAM, I don't think it related to xcode)
Actually, if I wait long enough (more then 15 minutes) it is start working.
XCode require a lot of RAM + SWAP
Here's an answer for someone who stumbles upon this later, I just want to share what helped me. I also ran into the same problem while trying to distribute a Unity-built game with Xcode (also contains pods).
I work on a MacBook Air 2013 with only 4GB of RAM, so whenever I do anything with Xcode, I first close everything other than Xcode, Finder and Activity Monitor. As soon as I start whatever it is that usually freezes Xcode, I switch to Activity Monitor and track what's happening with the memory.
In the case of freezing while "Fetching App Store Configuration...", the problem appeared to be RAM, more precisely SWAP. I did not have enough memory available on my hard drive, which Xcode tried to use for SWAP and just... well, failed. So I cleaned up my hard drive and finally it went through very smoothly, but it occupied about 9GB of RAM at its peak (5.4GB in SWAP).
So just try to have enough memory available to feed the beast, observe what's happening in Activity Monitor and you should be good.

Xcode 7 slow and sluggish

Since upgrading to xcode 7 and greater, the performance of xcode is terrible. When I click on a class or scroll the code pane it sometimes takes up to 30 seconds before reacting and often I need to force quit xcode and restart.
I have turned off source control and I am not using swift.
I have a new macbook pro with 8gb memory and an SSD. my computer is fast and has no other performance issues.
I have cleared derived data and am not using any unusual plugins
Does anyone know what may be the problem? I imagine some build setting is causing this but im not sure which.
The issue is totally with xcode 7.
try to commit/save every time you make some changes, it will increase some performance

System Freeze after launching Apportable app

I am brand new to Apportable. I installed and am able to launch the sample Spin app on my Android device. However, after launch, my system is completely frozen and will not respond to any trackpad or keyboard touch. I hard booted and tried again with an iOS app I developed with the same results.
MacBook Pro 15" Early 2011 running OSX 10.9
16GB RAM, 20 GB disk space available
Xcode 4.6
Any ideas why this is happening and what I can do to prevent it? Thanks!
Sometimes while copying the apk to the device, the USB driver gets blocked for a few seconds. If this is the same issue, then your system should return to normal pretty quickly (no more than five seconds on most machines).
If that isn't the case for you, you can try the following command:
MTP=no apportable load
If you still have the issue after that, something else is going on that I have never seen.
I had the same problem and MTP=no apportable load solved it for me.

xcode 5, Mountain Lion: Very slow performance

Installed Mountain Lion and Xcode5. Tried to open a project recently developed for iOS6. And now xcode is dramatically slow. Any ideas whats wrong with him now?
It works fast with new projects I create. It slows down only when I open the old projects.
Ok. I found the problem. The screen attached.
When I switch 'Opens in' to Default 5, Xcode changes the UI Presentations to ugly iOS7 design and xcode suddenly starts work fast like in good old times. Switching back to 4.5 brings the very slow performance back. Thats it guys!
It reminds a problem I had with xcode 5 ( also mountain lion), the typing was very slow..
what help to fix this was removing all breakpoints ( I had nice and big list of breakpoints)
It seems to be keeping previous windows open too, so the more you switch between source files or XIB's, the more it will lag. I didn't check the memory use, but maybe it's running me out of RAM since I have a limited amount free with my Windows VM running. Quite annoying, but it works for me to close and reopen Xcode when this starts happening.

XCode "verifying application" step taking ages

The "verifying application" step of the build process in fully updated XCode 4.6 (and previously 4.5) often takes upwards of two minutes on my machine. Coworkers building the same application on similar computers have this step take only a couple seconds. My machine used to, as well, but does not anymore, for the past few months.
Does anyone know what could be causing this and how I can fix it?
Update your device to the latest version of iOS, 6.1.
Had the same issue, fixed after updating my iPad3.
Try rebooting your device.
I had the same problem using XCode 4.5.1 and an iPad 6.0.1, but didn't want to update at the time. In additional to a long 'Verifying Application' step, I noticed that copying resources over was also slower. After that, I disconnected the iPad and tried to delete my App, but discovered that even the device's delete alertview took several moments. So, obviously, for me, this was a device issue, and after performing a shutdown / restart of the device, xcode performed up to previously normal speeds.
