Attach custom meta infos to multiupload imagefield widget - image

I'm wondering if Drupal allows me to attach multiple informations to an multiupload image field. F.e. copyright, creator and taxonomy references for people appearing on the picture. Is there any module that can handle these requirements? If not, where could I hook in?

Although your mileage will vary, what you're looking for is File Entity.
This module will promote files into fully fledged entities, allowing them to have fields in the same way as all other entities (eg nodes). You can then add whatever fields you'd like, from the pool of field modules you have installed.


How to make "events" using "eventnews" extension

I am using this extension with TYPO3 v10 I created a news content and marked it as "Is event" set the dates, simple organizer name and location.
But this is what I am seeing on the frontend. it doesn't look like an event to me but similar to the news. Can anybody direct me in a way how can I create an "event"?
Basically this is what you get, as the eventnews extension does simply that: It allows news entries to be created as "events" (some additional fields). So at first you get the same views you also have with news, but some additional fields.
One additional new view you can include in your page is the "month view".
Refer to the documentation of eventnews.
To add a Month View, you could do that by simply adding a plugin to your content:
All other things you might need are already there in news (filtering, searching, etc), and customization can be done using templates.
If you need further "event-like" features (like registration, recurring events etc), this might not be the right extension. Try for example EXT:cal or EXT:seminars.

MS Dynamics CRM: Is there way to check personal view against existing attributes?

If you want to remove some attributes from the entity, a check is made to see if they are used in global views. For personal views, a similar check is not performed, and if the user wants to use a personal view that contains a non-existent attribute, he will only see a not very explanatory error message.
Is there any way to check the use of non-existent attributes in a personal view?
AFAIK, there is no way to do dependency check from an attribute to personal views. I don't see a XrmToolBox plugin to achieve the same.
Probably you can do some sdk calls to pull all the personal views and check the content in query FetchXml and layout xml for your attributes, and go from there.

How to add new component parameters in Joomla on the fly?

usually its done by setting up the config.xml but what to do when my component needs more parameters at run-time ? There is little or zero information about, just 1-2 tutorials about custom parameters which could be used to archive the same thing but only if you're willing to write lots of bloat code for a very simple thing.
In my case my component is rather a little platform in it self, ie: users can add plugins from us. Of course I'd like to expose some options for such plugins in the component's options.
Is there any shortcut because if you look at the built-in component's code, you really don't want to do the same for each plugin...
well, thanks! any thoughts are welcome!
ps: may be there is something more compact like the Redux-Framework for Wordpress. I'd love to know there is library which can server both CMS systems.
'component' = Joomla component and by 'plugin' I mean my and non-Joomla plugin, hosted in a Joomla component. Imagine your Joomla component is just a host for external plugins.
You need to create a custom field type, where you'll be able to implement all the logic that's needed.
In case you need to store the values with the component, add a hidden input field, and use javascript to populate the markup on load, and insert the values you want to store on user interaction (you can also store an object encoded in json). Joomla will take care of saving and retrieving it.
the docs

What is the best extension for Image changing on Joomla CMS?

I have this specific requirement that there is a list of names of people and a container for photo.
So when I click on specific user's name, his photo will appear in that container.
Is there any specific extension for this, so that admin can manage all the people names with their images ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are referring to an Avatar and using Joomla 2.5+ then I would recommend using Community Builder. I know it's a fairly big system, however it extends user profiles massively and might come in handy in the future.
If you're using Joomla 1.5 then you could always use DAvatar which is simply a plugin.
Hope this helps
You can user Community Builder as well but its very large & powerful extension & i think your interested to show only users image. If you have Joomla 2.5 then Profile Picture plugin will be most suitable for your case. Here is the link check it out. . Hope it helps you.
Community builder is overkill just to get an image.
Here are a few options, depending on how often these are updated and whether you want to allow users to update these themselves.
Of course you can always make a category and an article for each team member, then use the links and urls to load the image in a standard location (override +use css in your template to do this). Use ACL to manage who can change this and to decide if you will allow users to manage.
Use the image field in the contact component, put all of the team members in the same category in contact. Put bio etc in miscellanous information. Only admins can manage this since it is edited back end only.
Use a profile plugin for com_user if you want users to be able to manage for themselves.

Customised registration module in Joomla 2.5

I want to have multiple registration forms or fields depending per the type of user. I am having some of the data already stored in my database and I want that during registration, those fields should be matched. If the match is successful, then the person will be registered else not.
I request if someone can tell me about any free extension/plugin for the same or any documentation of using which I can code a module as per my requirement.
Just make a copy of the core profile plugin and change the name in the xml. THen you will be able to add different xml files and load them conditionally and in your plugin you will code whatever you want to happen using the various user events related to registering and saving.
