MS Dynamics CRM: Is there way to check personal view against existing attributes? - dynamics-crm

If you want to remove some attributes from the entity, a check is made to see if they are used in global views. For personal views, a similar check is not performed, and if the user wants to use a personal view that contains a non-existent attribute, he will only see a not very explanatory error message.
Is there any way to check the use of non-existent attributes in a personal view?

AFAIK, there is no way to do dependency check from an attribute to personal views. I don't see a XrmToolBox plugin to achieve the same.
Probably you can do some sdk calls to pull all the personal views and check the content in query FetchXml and layout xml for your attributes, and go from there.


How to make "events" using "eventnews" extension

I am using this extension with TYPO3 v10 I created a news content and marked it as "Is event" set the dates, simple organizer name and location.
But this is what I am seeing on the frontend. it doesn't look like an event to me but similar to the news. Can anybody direct me in a way how can I create an "event"?
Basically this is what you get, as the eventnews extension does simply that: It allows news entries to be created as "events" (some additional fields). So at first you get the same views you also have with news, but some additional fields.
One additional new view you can include in your page is the "month view".
Refer to the documentation of eventnews.
To add a Month View, you could do that by simply adding a plugin to your content:
All other things you might need are already there in news (filtering, searching, etc), and customization can be done using templates.
If you need further "event-like" features (like registration, recurring events etc), this might not be the right extension. Try for example EXT:cal or EXT:seminars.

what is the correct approach in order to host / integrate / show my existing MVC3 project inside orchard?

I've an existing MVC3 project that implements a certain functionality, this project has it's own views, and a separate Database.
now I'm required to use the same functionality inside one of my orchard project,so I thought that I can host this solution in somewhere and view it inside an iframe or something.
Am I thinking right?,
is this the correct step to take in order to achieve this requirement inside Orchard?
to make it more clear, all I need to do is to view this solution and interact with it's controls and views from a hosting page inside orchard, and the subsequent requests should be handled by my solution in order to hit it's own data store and get back with the requested data in order to be displayed to the user.
any help would be appreciated.
thanks for Bertrand Le Roy for his answer, I can now view my solution inside my
orchard website.
I came in to one more HUGE problem, which is that my application can no longer connect to my external database.
I've a DB that is hosted in some where else, and I'm using EntityFramework to deal with it.
the problem is that if I put the connection string inside my module web.config, or main orchard web.config, I run into several types of errors like:
"System.Reflection.TargetException: Object does not match target type."
"System.Data.MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource."
My question is: How could I pass my connectionstring correctly to my solution, assuming that I'm using Entity framework as my ORM.
Many thanks.
You will need to put it into a module.
You will have to move route definitions to a Routes.cs file (look at any existing such file for examples).
You will also need, in order to access your data store, to opt out of the ambient Orchard transaction around the data access code (using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))).
If you are using dependency injection, you may have some work to move that to the Autofac-based way of doing things in Orchard.
If you want your work to appear seamlessly in the Orchard admin, you may want to decorate your admin controllers with the Admin attribute. If you want your front-end to use the current theme, you'll have to add Themed attributes and maybe refactor your views so that they only emit HTML for the content zone instead of for the whole page.
Add a manifest (module.txt) to your module folder and you should be good to go.

Dynamics CRM Managed Solution Add Customer Set Parameters

I'm creating a solution which will be released as a managed solution for Dynamics CRM Online.
However, the customer will need to put information in when installing the managed solution to allow interaction with outside services.
For example, when you install the LinkedIn solution, you need to add your log in information to allow the CRM to access your LinkedIn account.
How do I add these parameters to the a solution, and then allow the customer to update them if they change?
To add to my query and following the answer below.
To make sure the process is correct in my head.
Option 1.
I will create a custom entity for storing key/value, or username/password combination.
I would then create a customisation page for the solution using html web resource, which when submitted, javascript would create a single record to hold those values.
I then need to link every record that needs the values stored in the custom record - I'm not sure how this would be done without editing a workflow after the storage record has been created, to link each normal record to the storage one.
Option 2.
Create an xml web resource that stores the values. Create the html/javascript resources to update this using the configuration page.
I can then use a javascript function to obtain that data when the custom entity is created, perhaps to populate hidden fields for storage and use behind the scenes.
I can't find any tutorials on getting started with using xml in this way - can you point me in the right direction?
I typically create a "Configuration" entity that has Name/Value attributes. This is also useful when you have Dev/Test/Prod environments that require different configs (e.g. URLs, credentials, etc).
Another approach is to using Plug-in configurations or Web Resources to store that type of information. The Plug-in configuration is pretty straightforward if you can have the customer use the Plug-in Registration tool to modify the value.

How to get data out of entity in script in CRM 2011

I have 2 entities (for this example) in CRM 2011 - Account and Case. The Account holds all of our clients, the case holds individual work actions for an account. When a case is created one of the input fields is the Account.
What I would like to do is upon the user selecting the Account, execute some javascript to look up the account entity to display some additional information.
So far I have got the javascript working that triggers the onchange event of the Account field, and it correctly gets the selected Account, but I don't know what the next step is.
I'm new to CRM so don't really know if what I'm asking is actually sensible, if there is a better way then please let me know.
For the record, the way you were thinking about doing things would be completely supported, and TechHike's method is supported in CRM 4, not CRM 2011. Steps you would take:
Use CRM 2011's web resources to upload a script file that does what you want.
Use the form editor to make your javascript method from step one fire when the Account field changes on the form
Make a request to CRM's REST endpoint ( to retrieve the details of the account selected
Use the results to populate fields on the form, show a popup with details, etc.
There are plenty of examples of caling the REST endpoint from JavaScript in the SDK ( Good luck!
Matt's post above contains everything you need to know, but you might also find the blog post below useful. It basically describes the same scenario where you have a 1:n relationship (such as Case and Account) and details how you can pull information from a specified lookup (e.g. account), using the REST endpoint (as Matt has already mentioned) and display it on the form.
The blog post includes a link to download a CRM2011 solution already built to give you something to look at how they've achieved this (useful if you're new to CRM2011).
There are two ways to do this, and you may be best to do them both in parallel:
on the Account > Case relationship edit the Mappings. When a user goes to an Account and uses the left navigation to look at Cases (or a grid of Cases on the form) then hits "Add New Case" they are creating a Case from inside the "context" of the Account. You can copy any fields you want to from the Account to the Case record at this point - the Mappings define what field from the Account are copied to which target field on the Case. This will always be the most robust, easiest way to do it but relies on the user starting in the right place.
on the Case for you could also add an onChange script to the Parent Customer lookup to fetch the data from the parent record. I think Stephen's link is probably the best way to do this as it does not copy the fields but allows the user to see them anyway, which is better database design (from a purist standpoint) and means the user always sees current info about the Account rather than possibly out of date stuff. Alternatively if you actually need to copy some fields (maybe the customer's normal SLA say) so that you can use these in other such as scripts or workflows on the Case then have a look at this article: Disabling the selection of contacts for opportunities all the way
Although this is about a slightly different topic, the script there fetches the Account details of the parent Contact - you want to fetch values from a parent (llokup) field so the approach is the same, just different in the detail
There are various ways to do this but I would recommend doing it the supported way, without javascript. This may not be as pretty but it is likely much easier. The scenario would be to add a left navigation link to the case entity that when clicked will update the content area to show the details of the account.
To add a link to the left navigation you will need to configure the isv.config file to have an extra link for the case entity.
Here's an example:
You can also lookup isv.config customizations in the SDK, found here:
Next you will need to create a custom aspx page in the ISV folder of the web server. This page will display all the information about the account that you want to show the user when the left navigation link is clicked. The ISV.config as an xml property that allows you to pass all the context params to your page on the querystring. Make sure when you create the link to turn on this attribute.
Now the only tricky part is that in the page you will need to use the CRM web service to display all the account details that you interested in showing the user. I won't do into details on this. You can find great tutorials on the web or in the SDK if you haven't done this before.

Microsoft CRM 4.0 form attribute mysteriously read-only

I've inherited a customization of Campaign Response in which the Customer attribute is read-only on the form (in both create and update modes), and I can't figure out why. The form has no OnLoad javascript, the attribute "customer" (which is a partylist) is Searchable, and the field-level behavior for the attribute on the form has "Field is read-only" unchecked. The attribute is read-only even for the System Administrator, so it's not an authorization issue.
What else could be making this field read-only?
First I'd make sure that entity is published. Could be that someone made the change, and then didn't publish the entity.
Second, it is possible that there could be some unsupported changes to the environment. Off the top of my head, they could be attaching javascript to the form via an http module, or modifying the form html by making it locked down, again through an http module. I'd check for any non-native http modules added to CRM's web.config, and I'd also poke around to see if there were any entities that look like they'd be configuration entities for locking/hiding fields. We often do something like that, though in a supported way.
After giving up on Microsoft's support, which was absolutely abysmal, I paid an outside consultant to look into this.
He compared my exported customization to his, and found that, in my exported XML, the Customer field in the Campaign Response form had no LookupTypes, whereas his had 3 LookupTypes:
<LookupType id="f953c2fa-2241-db11-898a-0007e9e17ebd">1</LookupType>
<LookupType id="fa53c2fa-2241-db11-898a-0007e9e17ebd">2</LookupType>
<LookupType id="fb53c2fa-2241-db11-898a-0007e9e17ebd">4</LookupType>
LookupTypes 1, 2, and 4 were exactly what should be there for Account, Contact, and Lead for the Customer of a Campaign Response.
So I added those 3 lines to my XML, imported and published, and now the Customer is enabled and apparently fine.
I would love to know how these LookupTypes could have gone missing in the first place. But at least I've got the default functionality back.
