visual studio express 2013 launcher wont start - visual-studio-2013

I am trying to install VS Express 2013 for web, when I am launching vns_full.exe I can see the visual studio logo for 1 sec and it is disappear. No errors just nothing happens. I cant find process in task manager, I don't see anything in event viewer.
I have been able to install VS 2010 with no problem. I did check the dependency that is required to run VS Express for web. I have IE 11 , MS C++ 2013 Redistributable, Windows 7 SP1 x64
I tried install reinstall different frameworks 4., 4.5.1 etc
I am not really sure what can fix my problem any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.


Can't install Visual Studio 2015 Community

I'll get straight to the point here.
I've been having loads of problems installing Visual Studio 2015 Community recently. I previously had Visual Studio 2012, but decided to uninstall it and install 2015 since I've started using 2015 at college.
Originally I was using Windows 7 Professional when I was having the issues, but it persists with Windows 10. The exact issue is that when I try to install Visual Studio, it progresses a little bit and then stops at "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 x86 Debug Runtime - 14.0.24210" and then doesn't progress past that. It will keep installing that for as long as I let it, and when I try to stop the download, it will not close and I will have to restart my PC. See here:
I contacted Microsoft support, which, I have to say, is appalling, and they recommended that I try to install it after performing a clean boot. I did that, and it seemed to be working, but I got multiple other errors. See here:
As I need this programme to help with college work, you can see how this would be a huge inconvenience for me, and since Microsoft support is so terrible, I decided to come here to ask for help.
So, would you please help me figure this out?
Refer to the log file, I found the error message 'The older version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 x86 Debug Runtime - 14.0.24210 cannot be removed', you can have a try with the following to troubleshot this issue:
Make sure run the installer as administrator.
Go to Control Panel—Programs and Features and if you can find any versions of Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable, right-click and repair. After that, re-run the VS installer as administrator to repair. If not works, uninstall the installed Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable versions and re-run the VS installer again.
You can also use the MsiInv tool: to obtain all Windows Installer products, features and components that Windows Installer thinks are installed on your computer, then manually uninstall the Visual C++ 2015 x86 Debug Runtime - 14.0.24210 by running msiexec /x command. After that, re-run the VS installer as administrator.
Download the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable from and install it, then re-run the VS installer to repair.

Visual Studio installer won't go past splash screen

I have visual studio 2013 ultimate installed and recently uninstalled visual studio 2015 community, to upgrade to enterprise 2015.
I had trouble uninstalling 2015, but eventually running the setup and choosing for repair/uninstall did the job. This didn't work for 2013 so I haven't been able to uninstall 2013 yet.
Anyhow, when I try to install enterprise I just get the splash screen for a few seconds, and then it disappears and nothing happens. Which was also the case when I tried to uninstall either visual studio versions earlier.
Why is visual studio such a pain to install/uninstall and how do I solve it?
I got this error I could see the splash screen then it dissapeared and the executable just continued running in the background but no GUI was shown.
A full uinstall and reinstall did not solve the issue.
I solved it by completely removing all the registry settings for Visual Studio 2015 that can be found under:
Remove all subdirectories with 14 in them:
Now when restarting you get to log into your MSDN account and the GUI starts working after that.

I can't install MS Visual Studio 2010 ultimate

I'm trying to install MS Visual Studio 2010 in my laptop, but it get stuck on this point. I've installed it several times before, but now i can't. Even I installed my windows again but the problem is same. I'm using windows 7 ultimate. Please help me if someone knows about it.
If your persistent on using the VS 2010 Beta 2 version, try this:
but I recommend to skip it and install VS 2013 as adviced by #simonzack and #Horizon_Net

Visual studio 2013 installation issue: not running installer

I'm struggling on an installation problem with visual studio ultimate 2013: after the download of the web installer I tried to open it but the installer started just for a split second and than it went away, I tried with the iso, same story, tried to repair the .net framework but nothing's changed, I also made an attempt running as administrator but even that didn't work.
Do you have any idea?
Thanks in advance.

Enable Async CTP in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 8

I've been using VS2010 to develop all my applications on my Windows 8 box for a while, no major issues everything is fine.
However, today I opened a windows phone 7 project that has used the Async CTP libraries and of course noticed that 'async' keyword is invalid.
No worries, off to install the CTP.
I installed the CTP, then restarted VS and opened the project. No dice. The reference to AsyncCtpLibrary is working (in fact I use nu get for it), but nothing I seem to do fixes this issue. From what I know it means that the Async CTP didn't successfully modify the C# compiler (or something).
Anybody have this working in Windows 8? I can't find anything anywhere so thought I'd ask the SO gurus :)
You can use Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2010 + Windows Phone 7 SDK + AsyncCTP together, although there is one small problem during the installation.
First you need to install Visual Studio 2010, then install SP1 for Visual Studio 2010, then Windows Phone SDK and then immediately AsyncCTP v3 for Visual Studio 2010 and after this run the Windows Update.
If you install updates to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 before installing AsyncCTP, the installation of AsyncCTP fails because of collision with some Visual Studio hotfixes.
I've found the solution here together with some trial&error installing and uninstalling :)
Update: for Visual Studio 2012 the only solution for async/await in other project types is the Microsoft.Bcl.Async library, available on NuGet.
