Enable Async CTP in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 8 - visual-studio-2010

I've been using VS2010 to develop all my applications on my Windows 8 box for a while, no major issues everything is fine.
However, today I opened a windows phone 7 project that has used the Async CTP libraries and of course noticed that 'async' keyword is invalid.
No worries, off to install the CTP.
I installed the CTP, then restarted VS and opened the project. No dice. The reference to AsyncCtpLibrary is working (in fact I use nu get for it), but nothing I seem to do fixes this issue. From what I know it means that the Async CTP didn't successfully modify the C# compiler (or something).
Anybody have this working in Windows 8? I can't find anything anywhere so thought I'd ask the SO gurus :)

You can use Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2010 + Windows Phone 7 SDK + AsyncCTP together, although there is one small problem during the installation.
First you need to install Visual Studio 2010, then install SP1 for Visual Studio 2010, then Windows Phone SDK and then immediately AsyncCTP v3 for Visual Studio 2010 and after this run the Windows Update.
If you install updates to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 before installing AsyncCTP, the installation of AsyncCTP fails because of collision with some Visual Studio hotfixes.
I've found the solution here together with some trial&error installing and uninstalling :)
Update: for Visual Studio 2012 the only solution for async/await in other project types is the Microsoft.Bcl.Async library, available on NuGet.


cant find windows driver option under visual c++ in visual studio (WDK is installed)

i have already installed WDK. Any help?
enter image description here
Install Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017.
Install Windows 10 SDK.
Install Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for your version of Visual Studio (there's a new version recently released for VS17).
Then you should be good to go. I've done this over and over repeatedly for a number of systems/new environments before, never ever encountered an issue when following this pattern.
I do not recommend having both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 installed at the same time, or multiple SDK versions though. I've seen way too many conflicts due to this in the past.

.csproj file unsupported in Visual Studio 2013

So I'm trying to do what I think is a very simple thing: generate a Windows Phone app with PhoneGap and open it in Visual Studio. On a totally fresh Windows installation (via Bootcamp), I've:
Downloaded Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows (the very first download button: http://developer.windowsphone.com/en-us/downloadsdk)
Created a PhoneGap Windows Phone app per the Getting Started guide.
However, every time I try to open the csproj file, I keep getting this error:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- HelloWorld, "C:\BodBot\BodBot-PG\BodBot\platforms\wp8\HelloWorld.csproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- HelloWorld, "C:\BodBot\BodBot-PG\BodBot\platforms\wp8\HelloWorld.sln"
No matter what I do. It works totally fine on Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Phone. I've tried it on VS 2013 for Desktop, and that doesn't work either. No clue what is happening here, and don't know even where to start to figure out what's wrong. I've Googled extensively to no avail; basically all instances of this error seem to have to do with previous version of VS. Pointing in any direction would be very much appreciated.
Turns out Update 2 wasn't getting installed correctly. I ended up installing Visual Studio and the Update 2 separately and Update 2 got installed successfully. Everything works now.
To build Multi device hybrid (Cordova tooling) apps with Visual Studio, you need to have Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 - Professional, Ultimate, or Premium.
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2: Global Apps e Android/iOS App

Visual Studio 2010 SDK won't install with VS 11 Developer Preview Present

Trying to install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK but it aborts with an error saying I don't have Visual Studio 2010 installed. I of course have 2010 installed. I also have the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview installed. I suspect this might be the issue. Is this known? Is there a workaround (I couldn't find one). Running on Windows 7, 64 bit.
It turns out that there is an SDK and and SDK SP1. If you have VS 2010 SP1 installed (like I have) then only the VS 2010 SDK SP1 will install. Easy as that and nothing to do with VS 11 as I thought.
It's always recommended to install your oldest version of Visual Studio first and move on up to your newest. Uninstall 11 first, then install 2010, and then install 11. You might have better luck than you have so far.
Good luck, and hope this helps.

Visual Studio 2010 - Service Pack 1 Beta rollback?

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium at my work computer. I'm evaluating the installation of the VS2010 SP1 Beta to adjust many little problems that I've noted in using VS2010.
But I don't know if the SP1 Beta is rollbackable or if If'll have to reinstall all the VS2010 when the final SP1 will arrive to us.
Could anyone advise me about the opportunity to do this?
thanks a lot
From Scott Hanselman's blog:
•If you install VS2010 SP1 beta, don't
uninstall it if you can avoid it.
Rather, wait for SP1 final which will
upgrade your beta cleanly and leave
you in the best state.
This is a copy from the readme file at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=207141 :
2.2. Uninstalling
2.2.1. On computers that have earlier versions of Visual Studio Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta removes features in
Visual Studio Tools for Office and
Visual Studio Tools for SharePoint
Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Beta removes the Visual Studio Tools
for Office (VSTO) Design Time and some
features of Visual Studio Tools for
SharePoint. The Office and Sharepoint
features in Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Beta are major upgrades and have
different product guids than those in
the Visual Studio 2010 original
release. Therefore, when SP1 Beta is
removed, the features are removed, and
the Visual Studio 2010
original-release versions must be
To resolve this issue:
In Windows Control Panel, click
Uninstall a program. In the list of
programs, right-click Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 and then click
Uninstall/Change. In the Maintenance
Mode dialog box, click Next and then
click Add or Remove Features. Select
the following features. Microsoft
Office Developer Tools (x86) or (x64)
for Office development. Microsoft
SharePoint Developer Tools for
SharePoint development. Click Update. Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta may not donwload all
required packages
When Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta is
uninstalled by using Add/Remove
Programs in the Control Panel, a
prompt for source may be displayed.
To avoid this, run setup.exe from the
original location, and uninstall by
using Setup Maintenence Mode.
To resolve this issue:
Navigate to the original installation
location for Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Beta . Run setup.exe. Select Remove.
Regarding your comment below, yes, I installed VS 2010 SP1 Beta, here are the problems I got:
I couldn't install Visual Studio SDK - Fixed - I found there was newer version for VS2010SP1Beta that I didn't realize at first.
I could not install Phone Developer SDK - Fixed as unrelated - I contacted #ScottGU and they said this is test scenario, I downloaded again and it worked as a charm
Few issues about Resharper or so (can't remember exactly, but minor for sure) - Fixed - I just got a recent build of Resharper.
If this leads to the question "Should I install it?", I'd say, if you need any of the new features in it (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg442059.aspx for listing), then just install it. It's OK. If not, wait for RTM.
If you want to discuss your specific SP1 issues instead of uninstall, no problem in that as well :)

Windows Phone 7 Development and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

Is Windows Phone 7 Development SDK available for other versions of Visual Studio 2010 than Express?
If I already have the Ultimate version do I still need to download VS2010 Express to use WP7 SDK?
When you install the Windows Phone 7 SDK it installs everything including "Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone" even if you have another non-express version of Visual Studio 2010 already installed.
If you have another version of VS2010 installed. the installer will NOT create any shortcuts for the express version. Nor will it set any file associations for it.
This has two effects:
The installer is simpler (It just gets everything and only needs logic around setting shortcuts) and so should be less buggy. - Most people have no issues with it. The few who do have problems have mostly fixed them with a repair of the install.
You can use both the Express and other version of VS2010 on the same machine. I find this particularly useful when looking at open source or demo projects which were created with the express version.
The WP7 environment will install into your existing instance of Visual Studio if you have one (and will install an Express edition if you don't)
Yes, you would need to download the full SDK. But nothing to worry since installing the SDK would automatically take care of installing the templates, and you should be able to work with your Ultimate edition with all the goodness :)
Microsoft could verify that the Visual Studio (not Express) is already installed on the machine BEFORE you download the Express version!
Still, the Express version does not interfere with your other version of Visual Studio.
