I can't install MS Visual Studio 2010 ultimate - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to install MS Visual Studio 2010 in my laptop, but it get stuck on this point. I've installed it several times before, but now i can't. Even I installed my windows again but the problem is same. I'm using windows 7 ultimate. Please help me if someone knows about it.

If your persistent on using the VS 2010 Beta 2 version, try this:
but I recommend to skip it and install VS 2013 as adviced by #simonzack and #Horizon_Net


Is it ok to install visual studio 2008 over visual studio 2015?

My system is having VS 2015 and windows 7 Enterprise.
I have some solution file, which was created in vs 2008.
After opening in vs 2008, there are some upgraded log from vs 2015.
a lot of errors needs to be resolved to make build successed.
Is it ok to install visual studio 2008 over visual studio 2015 ?
this link Can I install two different versions of Visual Studio on the same computer? does not tell if it is ok to install lower version over higher version.
It's possible, but with a bit of risk that some features of the newer VS will break. I have no experience with these two combined, but in the past things got broken for me after installing vs2005 after vs2008 or vs2010. A re-install of the newer version would be needed if this happens.
Generally, it is ok. You can have many different visual studios installed on your machine.

visual studio express 2013 launcher wont start

I am trying to install VS Express 2013 for web, when I am launching vns_full.exe I can see the visual studio logo for 1 sec and it is disappear. No errors just nothing happens. I cant find process in task manager, I don't see anything in event viewer.
I have been able to install VS 2010 with no problem. I did check the dependency that is required to run VS Express for web. I have IE 11 , MS C++ 2013 Redistributable, Windows 7 SP1 x64
I tried install reinstall different frameworks 4., 4.5.1 etc
I am not really sure what can fix my problem any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.

Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone

I have installed Visual Studio 2013 Pro and then I wanted to install Windows Phone 8 SDK. But it installed Express Edition of VS 2012. Now if I delete VS 2013, what happens with my VS 2012? Can I delete it, because I don't have enough memory for it? Can you help me, please!
They are independent, you can uninstal one without influencing the other.
You can install this version of Visual Studio on a computer that already has an earlier version installed.
If you uninstall a version of Visual Studio on a computer that has more than one version installed, the file associations for Visual Studio are removed for all versions.
More information : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms246609.aspx

Visual Studio 2010 SDK won't install with VS 11 Developer Preview Present

Trying to install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK but it aborts with an error saying I don't have Visual Studio 2010 installed. I of course have 2010 installed. I also have the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview installed. I suspect this might be the issue. Is this known? Is there a workaround (I couldn't find one). Running on Windows 7, 64 bit.
It turns out that there is an SDK and and SDK SP1. If you have VS 2010 SP1 installed (like I have) then only the VS 2010 SDK SP1 will install. Easy as that and nothing to do with VS 11 as I thought.
It's always recommended to install your oldest version of Visual Studio first and move on up to your newest. Uninstall 11 first, then install 2010, and then install 11. You might have better luck than you have so far.
Good luck, and hope this helps.

visual studio 2010 and visual studio 6

i have visual studio 2010 installed on windows 7 machine and now i want to install visual studio 6 on same.
Does it harm my visual studio 2010 or is there any way out for the same.????
Thanks in advance
I've run several flavors of Visual Studio simultaneously on the same box installed in the order they were released. MS talks about doing this here and lists a few cautions/notes about doing so. Haven't installed them out of order before though, and haven't run VS6 in years.
Here's another SO discussion talking about multiple versions.
As an aside, opening solutions with the newer version can make it difficult, if not impossible, to open it again in the older version of Visual Studio.
That said, a colleague said he had considerable issues getting VS 6 to run on Win 7.
My suggestion, if possible, would be to build up a VM with XP on it and install VS 6 on that - certainly simplifies things considerably. Just my two cents.
It shoudn't be a problem,except for webmatrix. I know there is an issue with launching visual studio from Webmatrix if the last install is not the latest see http://forums.iis.net/t/1176503.aspx for more details.
