Appinventor app behavior - app-inventor

I have made an app that calls my mobile website. The mobile website has a click-to-call button, and when touching this button in my app, I get an error message saying "Webpage not available". This is not a problem if I visit my site through the browser. Anyone having an idea what to do?

are you using the webviewer component? The webviewer is no full browser...You could add a button in App Inventor and use the phone call component alternatively.
or you could use the activity starter to start a full browser to display your page, more info see here
Open the browser to a Web page
Use these activity starter properties to open a specific web page:
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW


I can just view my website locally through IP on mobile but buttons are not working like saving data etc

view page
My client want to use a website on Android mobile but he doesn't want online. He just wants to access it within a network, but my problem is that some buttons are not working like the save button used for to save data, and the reset button to reset all fields.
I am using codeignator with xampp
I think you can run your program on your browser by internal IP to debug.
You can use the inspector of browser to check console if any error like javascript or php things happen when you click submit or reset

how to create simple bookmarker firefox addon

I don't know why creating firefox addons is difficult. Maybe it's not my duty to create a new addons for company.
After 2 week in searching how to create firefox addons, I should say I don't know.
We need a simple addons for sending url of visited site to our server with a little information.
It should have a form with some fields : title, description and a selection area with submit button.
When clicking submit it should send these information with url of this page to our server.
How can I do this?
You will want to use page-mod -
You should insert a content script, which will port message back to your main.js telling it the information of that web page. Docs on port -
When your main.js receives that message, then you would use the request module to send it to your server.
Now to get started follow this very simple guide to make your first addon -

Using Yammer embed to display feeds

I am using Yammer embed to show a group feed on a page in my ASP.NET MVC3 application. I have created a div whose Id is embedded-feed. I am using below javascript code to show a group feed.
<script src=""></script>
<script data-app-id="<<valid app id>>" type="text/javascript">
container: "#embedded-feed",
network: "<<valid-site>>.com",
feedType: "group",
feedId: "<<Id for feed>>"
Upon loading the page, Yammer widget shows up with login button. When I click on login button, it opens up a new browser window and I get a pop up with the message - "The web page you are viewing is trying to close the tab. Do you want to close the tab?" I have already added to trusted sites. Please share if you have any thoughts on what am I missing here.
Add to trusted sites in Internet Explorer settings...
uncheck the checkbox to very server security.

How can I open the app from the url of calendar like Blackberry travel?

I´m developing an app like Blackberry Travel. In Blackberry Travel, when add a flight, it adds in the calendar. In this event has 'Notes', where appears a url to load the app and see the flight.
I need doing the same, but only the load the app behavior. So, I have two question:
How can I open the app from the url? I saw this but, when I use the sample HttpFilterDemo, when I click in the url that I typed in an event of the calendar, never execute setRequestProperty method.
How can I show 'Open with Blackberry' when I click in the url ?
It´s done!
A perfect example in blackberry developer documentation

Trigger audio stop in iframe when parent window navigates away (hashbang)

I have a web app in an iframe (Facebook Tab App) on a web page (Facebook).
The web app plays audio and when the user navigates away, usually by clicking on another Facebook link, the page loads another Facebook page and the audio stops.
This works on all browsers except Internet Explorer (IE9). Audio continues to play when I navigate to another Facebook page.
Facebook seems to use the approach where many of their pages are displayed (using hashbang #! approach) without standard page reloading. For me: this means the web app's audio continues to play (the iframe is somehow orphaned?).
The audio stops playing when you navigate to another site that doesn't use the #! URL syntax and the browser properly reloads those pages.
What can I do to ensure the audio stops in my web app (Facebook Tab App) when I navigate to another Facebook page? I'm looking at how to:
Detect an appropriate event in the parent
Explicitly turn off the audio in my web app
I managed to resolve this by hooking onto the unload event on the window, like
$(window).unload(function() {
var a = $("#audio");
