In VS 2012,How to publish a web application which has more than one class project & third party dll’s? - visual-studio

In VS 2012,How to publish a web application which has more than one class project & third party dll’s?
I am working on Visual Studio 2012 using .Net Framework 4.0, targeting x64
My Web Project Solution has two class projects. One of the class project has a third party dll (Chilkat) for doing the SFTP functionality.
When I deploy the published version web application, do I need to move the third party dll to web bin folder path?
In the server, Third Party dll works fine for .exe version of windows application. But dll doesn’t work, if I move the dll to Inetpub – Web directory.
I am trying to find the solutions to resolve the problem.

See this page, you may find it useful.


How to host an MSIX package for url installation of a WinForms desktop app

I created an MSIX package for a WinForms desktop application using the Visual Studio Windows Application Packaging Project Wizzard with below settings:
sideloading, automatic updates enabled, installer location from url
I copied the package (all files) to a hosted website sub-folder (whose domain I own) but I do not know how to make the package available for installation on client desktops (i.e: give my clients a link to the package where they can start the installation). The package includes an Index.html which I tested by adding its url into the browser address field, but I got
The website cannot be reached
So I figured, that I need to host a small website with a download link that points to the Index.html.
But I wonder if there is a shorter/simpler approach - any help will be appreciated to point me to a more simple approach than hosting an entire website.
You need to leverage the appinstaller file built by Visual Studio next to your MSIX package.
In the linked article above we explain how the appinstaller file works with a small example.
Here are also more details about configuring auto-updates for sideloaded MSIX packages.

How to Fix: An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest was not found:package: 'System.Data.SqlClient'

We are new to .Net Core and are trying to deploy our first application that uses it. We are deploying to a Windows server which has .NET Core Windows Server Hosting Module (2.2.0), the .NET Core Runtime (2.2.0) and I even installed the SDK (2.2.103) to see if that could solve the problem, which it did not.
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (accesslog.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'System.Data.SqlClient', version: '4.5.1'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll'
So, here is my issue...the above error is being generated when we try to run a .NET Core application via the "dotnet filename.dll" method. We "publish" the application to generate all needed dependencies, or so I thought. The publish (and thus application) folder contain "A" version of this file (System.Data.SQlClient.dll), but apparently not the right one (version in publish path shows 4.6.26606.5), but yet that is the one being generated by Visual Studio.
Oddly, we also have an ASP.NET application on this same server which runs fine and references the same file.
Any help, guidance, troubleshooting steps, etc would be GREATLY appreciated.

Visual studio deploys wrong file

I have raspberry PI project on Windows IoT which have one main UWP app and couple .NET Standard 2.0 assemblies. Couple of assemblies have reference to HTTPnet nuget and this nuget internally have version for full framework, UWP and .NET Standard. In Visual studio when I expand Dependencies for HTTPnet it shows everywhere that it is using .NET standard but after deploy and run I have exception that HTTPnet.Netstandard.dll file is not found. After investigating RPI filesystem I noticed that deployed dll is HTTPnet.UniversalWindows.dll and HTTPnet.Netstandard.dll is missing.
The question is how to force using .net standard on deploy?
For now I added HTTPnet.Netstandard.dll to my UWP references but this is not good solution in long terms.

Visual Studio 2010 - Web deployment project includes framework DLLs

I have just upgraded a solution with two web deployment projects from VS 2008 to 2010 (upgrading all the projects to .net 4.0 as I went).
I installed the new VS2010 web deployment projects to allow me to open my old build projects (these build up my web sites, clean up a few files and zip them for upload).
I've got these working again, but when I look at the built files, all the referenced .net framework files (e.g. System.Web.dll etc) have been included in the deployed site. Does anybody know why this might be happening and how to turn it off?
Maybe you are using a component (DLL) which is using that files probably by needing specific file version of some framework libraries. VS will automatically copy dependencies of a dependency.
It seems you're using .Net framework Client profile version. Please check the .Net framework version selected for upgraded projects under Project properties.
Here is the MSDN article on .Net framework client profile:
One reason could be the Copy Local = True property of the referenced .net framework files.

Why does Windows application is requiring .Net 3.5 framework

I have the Target Framework set to 2.0 on my windows application, yet when I try to install my app on the server, after publishing it through VS 2008, it is trying to install .Net 3.5 on the server.
I do not want to install 3.5 on my server.
When I copy the files from my local /bin/debug/ to the server and double click on the exe, nothing happens. On my local machine, my app runs.
How can I make this app run on the server without it needing the .Net 3.5 framework?
Do any of your dependencies require .NET 3.5? Do you have anything in any config files which might require .NET 3.5?
I suggest you take a copy of what you've got for safekeeping, and then cut it down to the very smallest app which demonstrates the problem. In fact, you might want to start from scratch with a "no-op" app and see whether that has the same behaviour.
Check unused references, perhaps? Are you actually getting an error about the 3.5 framework?
Try building the application in release mode and deploy it to the server. You will need to grab the application from the /bin/release folder instead of the /bin/debug folder.
Also, check the target framework under the application section of the project properties.
If you're using Visual Studio to build your setup project, open the setup project's properties and look through the settings. One setting says which .Net version will be demanded by the installer package. You have to set that; it doesn't inherit from known properties of your other projects.
