Why does Windows application is requiring .Net 3.5 framework - windows

I have the Target Framework set to 2.0 on my windows application, yet when I try to install my app on the server, after publishing it through VS 2008, it is trying to install .Net 3.5 on the server.
I do not want to install 3.5 on my server.
When I copy the files from my local /bin/debug/ to the server and double click on the exe, nothing happens. On my local machine, my app runs.
How can I make this app run on the server without it needing the .Net 3.5 framework?

Do any of your dependencies require .NET 3.5? Do you have anything in any config files which might require .NET 3.5?
I suggest you take a copy of what you've got for safekeeping, and then cut it down to the very smallest app which demonstrates the problem. In fact, you might want to start from scratch with a "no-op" app and see whether that has the same behaviour.

Check unused references, perhaps? Are you actually getting an error about the 3.5 framework?

Try building the application in release mode and deploy it to the server. You will need to grab the application from the /bin/release folder instead of the /bin/debug folder.
Also, check the target framework under the application section of the project properties.

If you're using Visual Studio to build your setup project, open the setup project's properties and look through the settings. One setting says which .Net version will be demanded by the installer package. You have to set that; it doesn't inherit from known properties of your other projects.


How do you test Windows Phone 7 app upgrades?

Version 1.5 of my Windows Phone app uses Version 1 of a 3rd party Isolated Storage library. I Version 2 of this library has performance improvements and bug fixes. I would like to upgrade my app (make it Version 1.6) to the new version but would like to test that data is not lost during upgrade.
I deployed version 1.5 to the phone and when I deploy version 1.6 from VS2010, the previous app and data are lost. My app is not upgraded but simply replaced.
How to I test the upgrade?
You should deploy from within Visual Studio after rebuilding the xap, not using the xapdeploy tool - see this article for an example:http://gusperez.com/wp/2010/12/22/update-testing-your-windows-phone-7-apps/
I'm guessing that you have 2 separate project which each have the same ProductID (in WMAppManifest.xml). This would explain why the first app is being uninstalled when the second app is deployed.
I'd test this by manually setting the contents of Isolated on the first run of the new version of the app.
There are 2 approaches you can take:
- Manually set the contents of the files in IS (either in code or during debug)
- Use a tool like Isolated Storage Explorer
I would probably do something like:
You can use Isolated Storage Explorer Tool (ISETool) to copy the isolated storage files from your old version into a directory (which you would commit to source control).
Create a Build Configuration called "Debug - Upgrade from 1.5"
Define a Post-Build Event that copies the data from the 1.5 backup directory to the emulator (it will need to be running; you may want to create a separate command line that starts the emulator)
Now you should be able to just hit F5 (after the emulator is already running) to test your upgrade over and over.
(Ideally, if Visual Studio used MSBuild to do the Deployments to the emulator/phone, we could simply hook into that process and update the IS after deployment but before execution. Sadly, that is not the case)

Visual Studio 2010 - Web deployment project includes framework DLLs

I have just upgraded a solution with two web deployment projects from VS 2008 to 2010 (upgrading all the projects to .net 4.0 as I went).
I installed the new VS2010 web deployment projects to allow me to open my old build projects (these build up my web sites, clean up a few files and zip them for upload).
I've got these working again, but when I look at the built files, all the referenced .net framework files (e.g. System.Web.dll etc) have been included in the deployed site. Does anybody know why this might be happening and how to turn it off?
Maybe you are using a component (DLL) which is using that files probably by needing specific file version of some framework libraries. VS will automatically copy dependencies of a dependency.
It seems you're using .Net framework Client profile version. Please check the .Net framework version selected for upgraded projects under Project properties.
Here is the MSDN article on .Net framework client profile:
One reason could be the Copy Local = True property of the referenced .net framework files.

Windows CE project with libraries problem

I am developing a Windows CE application which uses some libraries provided by other parts of our company.
When I deploy my application on "My Computer" (.NET compact application running on standard PC), everything works, but when I deploy to the device, the application hangs when trying to use methods from the library. The system also hangs. My Visual Studio 2008 sometime hangs, but sometime throws an exception "TypeLoadException: Could not load type from assembly Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nu".
I couldn't include .NET Compact framework 3.5 because the image wouldn't compile, so I am using version 2.0. I use Visual Studio 2008 with deploy .NET framework option.
Most probably the problem is with version of the library you are using. Please cross check it.
Hope this link will help you.
I'm a bit confused.
First of all, what are the libraries "provided by other parts of [y]our company" build against? Are they Compact Framework assemblies (they must be)? What version of the Framework were they build against? Reflector can tell you this if you don't know.
Second, why can't you compile it with 3.5? What sort of errors are you seeing? The code should be 100% forward compatible, so if it won't build, there's a red flag going up.
Lastly, what version of the CF is installed on the target hardware? FOr example, are you trying to push a CF 2.0 app to a device with CF 3.5 already installed? If so, do you have an app.config file that provides the framework compatibility options so it knows it can run your assembly?
The problem was that libraries were compiled with for 3.5 target framework, and the application which uses them form 2.0 framework. In that case, 3.5 framework wasn't depoloyed and application would stop working as soon as call to the library methods was made.

VS 2010 Setup Project Requires .NET 4.0, but it is already installed

I have a VS 10 project using .Net 4.0 and I use lots of stuff that do require 4.0. I created a VS Setup project added the primary output from my project and built it. I then installed it and everything worked fine. A few days later I am ready to do a new build so I rebuild my project and then the setup project. Now when I run the msi it tells me that .Net Framework 4.0 is required.... I figured I screwed it up so I just create a new setup project, and that works fine. But again a few days later (restarted VS in there probably and maybe even the computer) I rebuild and get the error telling me that .Net 4.0 is required. I did it a few times just to verify and it consistently happens and I cannot figure out why.
The project I am building and installing has a windows service that is set as the startup project. I will switch that to a console app object for local testing purposes and build and test the project (not the setup project). This is the only thing I can think of that may be impacting the build, but again, I cannot figure out why.
Any help is appreciated.
This error message is thrown when the Launch Conditions in the Setup Project aren't met.
Go to View > Editor > Launch Conditions
Change the .Net Framework version value to
match the version your setup project
is compiled into. By default, the 2010 setup and deployment project condition is set to .NET 4.0 Client Profile.

.Net Framework 3.5 is needed for installing my VB 2008 Project?

Using VS 2008
I created a setup file for my Project, I run the setup file in my system, and My Project is working fine.
If I install my project to another system, is asking .Net Framework 3.5 at the setup time.
.Net Framework 3.5 is needed for installing my Project?
Before i installing my project, i install the .net framework 3.5, It taking to much time to setup?
How to solve this? or any other way to create a Project setup ?
Can any one help to solve my setup problem.
What you need to do is right click on the setup project in the SolutionExplorer and select the Properties menu option. You can then click on the Prerequisites button. This allows you to control what your setup program needs/wants in order to install your code.
If you don't need .NET 3.5 then just unselect it. This is just one more annoying thing that VS2008 does, you select .NET 2.0 as your target framework but it leaves .NET 3.5 as a pre-req.
If it is important for you that your program does ot require .NET 3.5, you can set up your project to target .NET 2.0. The the setup project will also see this, and (hopefully) remove the dependency when you update it.
If your project is VB.NET, you can set the Target Framework version here:
Project Properties -> Compile -> Advanced Compile Options...
If Your project is C#, it is here:
Project Properties -> Application
If you do this, of course you will not have available any .NET 3 specific functionality.
Do you rely on .net 35 features in your code. If not you can recompile with the project settings targetting .net 3.0 or 2.0.
The .NET 3.5 framework has two different installers to choose from: the bootstrapper and the full package.
The bootstrapper installer is small in size (2.7 MB). It's small because it downloads the required files from the internet when executed on the target machine. Depending upon the target's network bandwidth, it may take a long time to run.
The full package installer is large (237 MB), and does not require an internet connection to run.
If you are currently using the bootstrapper installer, you should try downloading the full package installer and running that on the target machines.
(That is, if you actually need .NET 3.5)
You can select either installer from here.
