Visual studio deploys wrong file - visual-studio

I have raspberry PI project on Windows IoT which have one main UWP app and couple .NET Standard 2.0 assemblies. Couple of assemblies have reference to HTTPnet nuget and this nuget internally have version for full framework, UWP and .NET Standard. In Visual studio when I expand Dependencies for HTTPnet it shows everywhere that it is using .NET standard but after deploy and run I have exception that HTTPnet.Netstandard.dll file is not found. After investigating RPI filesystem I noticed that deployed dll is HTTPnet.UniversalWindows.dll and HTTPnet.Netstandard.dll is missing.
The question is how to force using .net standard on deploy?
For now I added HTTPnet.Netstandard.dll to my UWP references but this is not good solution in long terms.


In Visual Studio 2019, .net Core 2.1, how do I add .net Framework assembly to the project

I am working in Visual Studio 2019, and .net Core 2.1.1.
I am currently working on trying to get Identity Server 4's WsFederation integrated. In the latest instructions I could find, he mentions adding System.IdentityModel to the app through the project.json. Project.json seems to be deprecated now in .net core projects, and I am having a hell of a time figuring out how to add a freaking .net assembly to my project. Do I really need to just copy the file into the project and reference, cause that just seems wrong.
Instructions I am using:
Seems to all come back to the project type. I had created the project with AspnetCore and so I couldn't reference any .net framework assemblies, because you can't go back once you have made that choice. However, if you create the project specifically under the .net framework, you can move forward into the core frameworks, and hosting libraries of core. Which then allowed me to pull in the System.IdentityModel assemblies I needed to continue forward.

FSharp.Core for Windows Phone 7.1 and F# 3.0

The F# 2.0 distribution had a version of FSharp.Core compiled for WindowsPhone 7.1/Silverlight 4, but F# 3.0 doesn't, and the portable version only supports Silverlight 5 or Windows Phone 8. Has anyone been able to compile a version of FSharp.Core for F# 3.0 targeting Silverlight 4 or Windows Phone 7.1 from source? What are the defines required?
On the fsharp compiler github repo, there's a target named portable-net4+sl4+wp71+win8, but in reality that's portable class library Profile47, which supposedly only support .NET 4.5, Silverlight 5.0 and Windows Store apps. It's the same as what's installed with VS2012. If you try to use it with a WP 7.1 project, it will fail at runtime complaining about missing IStructuralEquatable. It should really be named portable-net45+sl5+win8. There's a wp7 target also in the proj files, but it's currently not compiling
I managed to compile it, but since I don't normally use F#, I don't know how to test it. Have you followed the instructions for compiling? Just type the following commands in the VS Developer Prompt
cd src
msbuild fsharp-proto-build.proj
msbuild fsharp-library-build.proj
msbuild fsharp-compiler-build.proj
msbuild fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=portable-net4+sl4+wp71+win8
Note that I did it with Visual Studio 2012 Professional. If you want, I can send you compiled dll and you can try it.
Got both the wp7 target and Portable88 target compiling from F# source after a couple of changes
Still need to thoroughly test at runtime, though

How MSBuild multitargeting works

I will try to explain this as clear as I can
I want to fully understand how MSBuild multitargeting works.
I have read several articles from Microsoft and I think I understand the basic but I want to be sure I am not missing anything.
According to Microsoft:
By using Visual Studio, you can compile an application to run on any one of several versions of the .NET Framework. For example, you can compile an application to run on the .NET Framework version 2.0, and compile the same application to run on the .NET Framework version 4. The ability to compile to more than one framework is named multitargeting.
Visual Studio runs under the most current version of the .NET Framework that is installed on the development computer.
So do this mean that Visual Studio always calls MSBuild from the latest framework installed? assuming Visual Studio 2010 is installed, it will always call: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MsBuild.exe when building any project targettting any .Net Framework version right???
If yes, then the ability to target old .Net Framewrok versions is based on the ToolsVersion and/or TargetFrameworkVersion properties right???
If yes again, it would mean that just installing the latest framework (and also the older frameworks but not installing visual studio) in my Continuous Integration box, I could point to build always any solution to: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MsBuild.exe and just specify the ToolsVersion argument (if required, since each project can have its own target version specified in the TargetFrameworkVersion which it would cause to target an older .Net Framework version).
Following this I think my CI box would be building like Visual Studio does. Am I right? What am I missing? Is there a way to be completely sure?
I did a quick test, and I think it works :p the projects are being built according to the .Net Framework specified but like I said I want to be sure I am not missing anything.
Any thoughts?
The simple reason to want to do that is because I have several custom MSBuild scripts that are reusable accross projects, but some of the functionality in these scripts require MSBuild 4.0 and also I have several MSBuild tasks built on top of the framework 4.0 so if I have for example a solution targetting the Framework 2.0 and I try to build it using: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MsBuild.exe I get MSBuild errors trying to load my custom targets
Yes, you've got it mostly correct. Calling MSBuild from the 4.0 directory will do the correct thing against previous versions. They only thing I wanted to add was that 3.5 must be on the box to actually build projects targeting 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5.
This page here: calls out the what versions Windows comes with what version of the framework pre-installed.

Visual Studio 2010 - Web deployment project includes framework DLLs

I have just upgraded a solution with two web deployment projects from VS 2008 to 2010 (upgrading all the projects to .net 4.0 as I went).
I installed the new VS2010 web deployment projects to allow me to open my old build projects (these build up my web sites, clean up a few files and zip them for upload).
I've got these working again, but when I look at the built files, all the referenced .net framework files (e.g. System.Web.dll etc) have been included in the deployed site. Does anybody know why this might be happening and how to turn it off?
Maybe you are using a component (DLL) which is using that files probably by needing specific file version of some framework libraries. VS will automatically copy dependencies of a dependency.
It seems you're using .Net framework Client profile version. Please check the .Net framework version selected for upgraded projects under Project properties.
Here is the MSDN article on .Net framework client profile:
One reason could be the Copy Local = True property of the referenced .net framework files.

Windows CE project with libraries problem

I am developing a Windows CE application which uses some libraries provided by other parts of our company.
When I deploy my application on "My Computer" (.NET compact application running on standard PC), everything works, but when I deploy to the device, the application hangs when trying to use methods from the library. The system also hangs. My Visual Studio 2008 sometime hangs, but sometime throws an exception "TypeLoadException: Could not load type from assembly Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nu".
I couldn't include .NET Compact framework 3.5 because the image wouldn't compile, so I am using version 2.0. I use Visual Studio 2008 with deploy .NET framework option.
Most probably the problem is with version of the library you are using. Please cross check it.
Hope this link will help you.
I'm a bit confused.
First of all, what are the libraries "provided by other parts of [y]our company" build against? Are they Compact Framework assemblies (they must be)? What version of the Framework were they build against? Reflector can tell you this if you don't know.
Second, why can't you compile it with 3.5? What sort of errors are you seeing? The code should be 100% forward compatible, so if it won't build, there's a red flag going up.
Lastly, what version of the CF is installed on the target hardware? FOr example, are you trying to push a CF 2.0 app to a device with CF 3.5 already installed? If so, do you have an app.config file that provides the framework compatibility options so it knows it can run your assembly?
The problem was that libraries were compiled with for 3.5 target framework, and the application which uses them form 2.0 framework. In that case, 3.5 framework wasn't depoloyed and application would stop working as soon as call to the library methods was made.
