bash parameter expansion within a scalar variable via echo - bash

title: bash parameter expansion within a scalar variable
I have a bash script which runs a diff between two files.
If there is a diff, I want it to print statement1 and statement2
They are long so i put them into variables, but the echo statement
will not expand the parameter.
Can this be done in bash?
set -x
statement1="There is a change in ${i}, please check the file"
statement2="or cp /home/casper/${i} /data/scripts/$i"
for i in file1 file2l file3 file4 file5 ; do
sleep 1 ;
if diff $source/$i $target/$i 2>&1 > /dev/null ; then
echo " "
echo "$statement1 "
echo "$statement2 "
exit 0
The script seems to work - it finds a diff when it needs to find one.
However this is what it prints out.
There is a change in , please check the file
or cp /home/casper/ data/scripts/
I want it to say
There is a change in file2, please check the file
or cp /home/casper/file2 /data/scripts/file2

The problem is that $i is expanded when you define statement1 and statement2, not when you expand them. Use a shell function to output the text.
notification () {
echo "There is a change in $1, please check the file"
echo "or cp /home/casper/$1 /data/scripts/$1"
for i in file1 file2l file3 file4 file5 ; do
sleep 1 ;
if diff "$source/$i" "$target/$i" 2>&1 > /dev/null ; then
echo " "
notification "$i"
exit 0

This can be done using eval:
TEMPLATE_MSG="aaa \${VALUE} ccc"
eval echo "${TEMPLATE_MSG}"
But I don't recommend it, because eval is evil :-) Other option is using pattern substitution:
TEMPLATE_MSG="aaa #1# ccc"
echo "${TEMPLATE_MSG/#1#/${VALUE}}"
So you put some unique pattern in your message (e.g. #1#) and then, when you print the message, you replace it with the content of variable.


wildcard * not behaving in expected way in bash script

I have a bash script as shown below. I run this in a directory containing files such as input1.inp and other files like and submission.sub in order to make some simple modifications to them:
sed -i -e '25d' *.inp
echo "*xyz -2 2" >> *.inp
sed -n '3,7p' * >> *.inp
echo "Q -1 0 0 3" >> *.inp
echo "Q +1 0 0 -3" >> *.inp
echo "*" >> *.inp
sed -i -e s/"replace1"/"replace2"/g *.sub
rm *.out
If I am in this directory, and I run all the commands individually in the terminal (line by line in the script), everything works fine. However, when I try to group all these commands into the script as shown above, I get an error - essentially after the line sed -i -e '25d' *.inp, the script stops and a file called *.inp is created in my directory. If I try to run the echo command separately after that, it says the command is ambiguous (presumably because of the existence of this *.inp file).
Why don't my wildcards work the same way in the script as they did when I ran them separately and sequentially in the terminal, and what can I do so that they work properly in the script?
Using wildcards this way is hazardous; the easy advice is "don't". Evaluate them only once, and then you can check their outputs before trying to use them.
In the below, we define an assert_only_one function that stops your script when an array -- assigned from a glob -- contains less or more than exactly one element. Consequently, we're able to write code that more clearly and explicitly describes our desired behavior.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob # Stop *.xyz evaluating to '*.xyz' if no such files exist
assert_only_one() {
local glob; glob=$1; shift
case $# in
0) echo "ERROR: No files matching $glob exist" >&2; exit 1;;
1) return 0;;
*) echo "ERROR: More than one file matching $glob exists:" >*2
printf ' %q\n' "$#" >&2
exit 1;;
inp_files=( *.inp ); assert_only_one '*.inp' "${inp_files[#]}"
sub_files=( *.sub ); assert_only_one '*.sub' "${sub_files[#]}"
xyz_files=( * )
sed -i -e '25d' "${inp_files[0]}"
echo "*xyz -2 2"
sed -n '3,7p' "${xyz_files[#]}"
echo "Q -1 0 0 3"
echo "Q +1 0 0 -3"
echo "*"
} >>"${inp_files[0]}"
sed -i -e s/"replace1"/"replace2"/g -- "${sub_files[#]}"
rm -- *.out

How can I use process substitution strings in BASH?

I know I can do something like
cat <(cat somefile)
But I want to build up a string of <().
for file in *.file; do
mySubs="${mySubs} <(cat ${file})"
cat ${mySubs} #cat <(cat 1.file) <(cat 2.file) ... <(cat something.file)
Without having to use eval.
Use named pipes directly. Use mktemp to create temporary file names for each pipe so that you can remove them after you are done.
for f in file1 file2 file3; do
mkfifo "$t"
someCommand "$f" > "$t" &
someOtherCommand "${pipes[#]}"
rm "${pipes[#]}"
I'm assuming cat is a standin for a more complicated command. Here, I'm explicitly wrapping it to show that:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
someCommand() { echo "Starting file $1"; cat "$1"; echo "Ending file $1"; }
wrap_all() {
## STAGE 1: Assemble the actual command we want to run
local fd cmd_len retval
local -a cmd fds fd_args
cmd_len=$1; shift
while (( cmd_len > 0 )); do
cmd+=( "$1" )
cmd_len=$((cmd_len - 1))
## STAGE 2: Open an instance of someCommand for each remaining argument
local fd; local -a fds
fds=( )
for arg; do
exec {fd}< <(someCommand "$arg")
fds+=( "$fd" )
fd_args+=( "/dev/fd/$fd" )
## STAGE 3: Actually run the command
"${cmd[#]}" "${fd_args[#]}"; retval=$?
## STAGE 4: Close all the file descriptors
for fd in "${fds[#]}"; do
exec {fd}>&-
return "$retval"
Invocation as:
echo "one" >one.txt; echo "two" >two.txt
wrap_all 1 cat one.txt two.txt
...which outputs:
Starting file one.txt
Ending file one.txt
Starting file two.txt
Ending file two.txt
Note that this requires bash 4.1 for automatic FD allocation support (letting us avoid the need for named pipes).

Variable scope in Bash [duplicate]

Please explain to me why the very last echo statement is blank? I expect that XCODE is incremented in the while loop to a value of 1:
OUTPUT="name1 ip ip status" # normally output of another command with multi line output
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]
echo "Status WARN: No messages from SMcli"
echo "$OUTPUT"|while read NAME IP1 IP2 STATUS
if [ "$STATUS" != "Optimal" ]
echo "CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS"
echo $((++XCODE))
echo "OK: $NAME - $STATUS"
echo $XCODE
I've tried using the following statement instead of the ++XCODE method
XCODE=`expr $XCODE + 1`
and it too won't print outside of the while statement. I think I'm missing something about variable scope here, but the ol' man page isn't showing it to me.
Because you're piping into the while loop, a sub-shell is created to run the while loop.
Now this child process has its own copy of the environment and can't pass any
variables back to its parent (as in any unix process).
Therefore you'll need to restructure so that you're not piping into the loop.
Alternatively you could run in a function, for example, and echo the value you
want returned from the sub-process.
The problem is that processes put together with a pipe are executed in subshells (and therefore have their own environment). Whatever happens within the while does not affect anything outside of the pipe.
Your specific example can be solved by rewriting the pipe to
while ... do ... done <<< "$OUTPUT"
or perhaps
while ... do ... done < <(echo "$OUTPUT")
This should work as well (because echo and while are in same subshell):
cat /tmp/randomFile | (while read line
LINE="$LINE $line"
done && echo $LINE )
One more option:
cat /some/file | while read line
echo $var | xsel -i -p # redirect stdin to the X primary selection
var=$(xsel -o -p) # redirect back to stdout
echo $var
Here, xsel is a requirement (install it).
Alternatively, you can use xclip:
xclip -i -selection clipboard
instead of
xsel -i -p
I got around this when I was making my own little du:
ls -l | sed '/total/d ; s/ */\t/g' | cut -f 5 |
( SUM=0; while read SIZE; do SUM=$(($SUM+$SIZE)); done; echo "$(($SUM/1024/1024/1024))GB" )
The point is that I make a subshell with ( ) containing my SUM variable and the while, but I pipe into the whole ( ) instead of into the while itself, which avoids the gotcha.
OUTPUT="name1 ip ip status"
+export XCODE=0;
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]
echo "CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS"
- echo $((++XCODE))
+ export XCODE=$(( $XCODE + 1 ))
echo $XCODE
see if those changes help
Another option is to output the results into a file from the subshell and then read it in the parent shell. something like
cat /tmp/randomFile | while read line
LINE="$LINE $line"

Check if file exists [BASH]

How do I check if file exists in bash?
When I try to do it like this:
if [ ! -e "$FILE1" ]
echo "requested file doesn't exist" >&2
exit 1
<more code follows>
I always get following output:
requested file doesn't exist
The program is used like this: [-g] [-p] [-r FUNCTION_ID|-d FUNCTION_ID] FILE
Any ideas please?
I will be glad for any help.
P.S. I wish I could show the entire file without the risk of being fired from school for having a duplicate. If there is a private method of communication I will happily oblige.
My mistake. Fas forcing a binary file into a wrong place. Thanks for everyone's help.
Little trick to debugging problems like this. Add these lines to the top of your script:
export PS4="\$LINENO: "
set -xv
The set -xv will print out each line before it is executed, and then the line once the shell interpolates variables, etc. The $PS4 is the prompt used by set -xv. This will print the line number of the shell script as it executes. You'll be able to follow what is going on and where you may have problems.
Here's an example of a test script:
#! /bin/bash
export PS4="\$LINENO: "
set -xv
FILE1="${#:$OPTIND:1}" # Line 6
if [ ! -e "$FILE1" ] # Line 7
echo "requested file doesn't exist" >&2
exit 1
echo "Found File $FILE1" # Line 12
And here's what I get when I run it:
$ ./ .profile
6: FILE1=.profile
if [ ! -e "$FILE1" ]
echo "requested file doesn't exist" >&2
exit 1
echo "Found File $FILE1"
7: [ ! -e .profile ]
12: echo 'Found File .profile'
Found File .profile
Here, I can see that I set $FILE1 to .profile, and that my script understood that ${#:$OPTIND:1}. The best thing about this is that it works on all shells down to the original Bourne shell. That means if you aren't running Bash as you think you might be, you'll see where your script is failing, and maybe fix the issue.
I suspect you might not be running your script in Bash. Did you put #! /bin/bash on the top? [-g] [-p] [-r FUNCTION_ID|-d FUNCTION_ID] FILE
You may want to use getopts to parse your parameters:
#! /bin/bash
USAGE=" Usage: [-g] [-p] [-r FUNCTION_ID|-d FUNCTION_ID] FILE
while getopts gpr:d: option
case $option in
g) g_opt=1;;
p) p_opt=1;;
r) rfunction_id="$OPTARG";;
d) dfunction_id="$OPTARG";;
echo "Invalid Usage" 1>&2
echo "$USAGE" 1>&2
exit 2
if [[ -n $rfunction_id && -n $dfunction_id ]]
echo "Invalid Usage: You can't specify both -r and -d" 1>&2
echo "$USAGE" >2&
exit 2
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
[[ -n $g_opt ]] && echo "-g was set"
[[ -n $p_opt ]] && echo "-p was set"
[[ -n $rfunction_id ]] && echo "-r was set to $rfunction_id"
[[ -n $dfunction_id ]] && echo "-d was set to $dfunction_id"
[[ -n $1 ]] && echo "File is $1"
To (recap) and add to #DavidW.'s excellent answer:
Check the shebang line (first line) of your script to ensure that it's executed by bash: is it #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash?
Inspect your script file for hidden control characters (such as \r) that can result in unexpected behavior; run cat -v scriptFile | fgrep ^ - it should produce NO output; if the file does contain \r chars., they would show as ^M.
To remove the \r instances (more accurately, to convert Windows-style \r\n newline sequences to Unix \n-only sequences), you can use dos2unix file to convert in place; if you don't have this utility, you can use sed 's/'$'\r''$//' file > outfile (CAVEAT: use a DIFFERENT output file, otherwise you'll destroy your input file); to remove all \r instances (even if not followed by \n), use tr -d '\r' < file > outfile (CAVEAT: use a DIFFERENT output file, otherwise you'll destroy your input file).
In addition to #DavidW.'s great debugging technique, you can add the following to visually inspect all arguments passed to your script:
i=0; for a; do echo "\$$((i+=1))=[$a]"; done
(The purpose of enclosing the value in [...] (for example), is to see the exact boundaries of the values.)
This will yield something like:
Note, though, that nothing at all is printed if no arguments were passed.
Try to print FILE1 to see if it has the value you want, if it is not the problem, here is a simple script (site below):
if [ -f "$file" ]
echo "$file found."
echo "$file not found."
Instead of plucking an item out of "$#" in a tricky way, why don't you shift off the args you've processed with getopts:
while getopts ...
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))

Bash variable scope

Please explain to me why the very last echo statement is blank? I expect that XCODE is incremented in the while loop to a value of 1:
OUTPUT="name1 ip ip status" # normally output of another command with multi line output
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]
echo "Status WARN: No messages from SMcli"
echo "$OUTPUT"|while read NAME IP1 IP2 STATUS
if [ "$STATUS" != "Optimal" ]
echo "CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS"
echo $((++XCODE))
echo "OK: $NAME - $STATUS"
echo $XCODE
I've tried using the following statement instead of the ++XCODE method
XCODE=`expr $XCODE + 1`
and it too won't print outside of the while statement. I think I'm missing something about variable scope here, but the ol' man page isn't showing it to me.
Because you're piping into the while loop, a sub-shell is created to run the while loop.
Now this child process has its own copy of the environment and can't pass any
variables back to its parent (as in any unix process).
Therefore you'll need to restructure so that you're not piping into the loop.
Alternatively you could run in a function, for example, and echo the value you
want returned from the sub-process.
The problem is that processes put together with a pipe are executed in subshells (and therefore have their own environment). Whatever happens within the while does not affect anything outside of the pipe.
Your specific example can be solved by rewriting the pipe to
while ... do ... done <<< "$OUTPUT"
or perhaps
while ... do ... done < <(echo "$OUTPUT")
This should work as well (because echo and while are in same subshell):
cat /tmp/randomFile | (while read line
LINE="$LINE $line"
done && echo $LINE )
One more option:
cat /some/file | while read line
echo $var | xsel -i -p # redirect stdin to the X primary selection
var=$(xsel -o -p) # redirect back to stdout
echo $var
Here, xsel is a requirement (install it).
Alternatively, you can use xclip:
xclip -i -selection clipboard
instead of
xsel -i -p
I got around this when I was making my own little du:
ls -l | sed '/total/d ; s/ */\t/g' | cut -f 5 |
( SUM=0; while read SIZE; do SUM=$(($SUM+$SIZE)); done; echo "$(($SUM/1024/1024/1024))GB" )
The point is that I make a subshell with ( ) containing my SUM variable and the while, but I pipe into the whole ( ) instead of into the while itself, which avoids the gotcha.
OUTPUT="name1 ip ip status"
+export XCODE=0;
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]
echo "CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS"
- echo $((++XCODE))
+ export XCODE=$(( $XCODE + 1 ))
echo $XCODE
see if those changes help
Another option is to output the results into a file from the subshell and then read it in the parent shell. something like
cat /tmp/randomFile | while read line
LINE="$LINE $line"
