What's the difference between ReadDirectoryChangesW() and FindFirstChangeNotification() APIs? - readdirectorychangesw

I want to know any change files of the specific directory. So, I figured out ReadDirectoryChangesW() and FindFirstChangeNotification() - FindNextChangeNotification() APIs.
Then, I implemented using ReadDirectoryChangesW() function. But, I don't know the why there are FindFirst...blabla APIs.
I think that ReadDirectoryChangesW() function can do all of works of FindFirst... APIs.
What's the difference?

Creates a change notification handle and sets up initial change notification filter conditions. {...} This function does not indicate the change that satisfied the wait condition. To retrieve information about the specific change as part of the notification, use the ReadDirectoryChangesW function.
Retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified
directory. The function does not report changes to the specified
directory itself.
If you want to register a file listener then use FindFirstChangeNotification but keep in mind that this function DOESN'T wait for a change, in order to achieve that you need to use WaitForSingleObject AFTER registering the file listener.
If you don't care about the type of the change in the path you are listening then there is no need to use ReadDirectoryChangesW. If you need to know what is the exact change that triggered WaitForSingleObject then you need to use ReadDirectoryChangesW.


Cancel currently running function/goroutine

I'm using gin-gonic as HTTP handler. I want to prerender some graphical resources after my users make POST request. For this, I put a middleware that assign a function (with a timer inside) to a map[string]func() and call this function directly after assignation.
The problem is, when the user make two subsequent request, the function is called twice.
Is there any way to clear function ref and/or his currently running call like a clearInterval or clearTimeout in Javascript ?
No; whatever function you've scheduled to run as a goroutine needs to either return or call runtime.Goexit.
If you're looking for a way to build cancellation into your worker, Go provides a primitive to handle that, which is already part of any HTTP request - contexts. Check out these articles from the Go blog:
Concurrency Patterns: Context
Pipelines and cancellation
I suppose your rendering function is calling into a library, so you don't have control over the code where the bulk of the time is spent. If you do have such control, just pass a channel into the goroutine, periodically check if the channel is closed, and just return from the goroutine if that happens.
But actually I would recommend a different, and simpler, solution: keep track (in a map) of the file names (or hashes) of the files that are currently being processed, and check that map before launching a second one.

How to use Event::queue in laravel?

I've read a lot about Event::queue but I just cant get my head around it, so i have something like:
and in the controller I use
But because this takes sometime before sending the user to somewhere else, I instead want to use
To fire the event after the user has been redirected, but I don't know how.
(In the app/config/app.php i have the queue driver set to sync)
a small note about firing the event ,u can do all ur work just like normal ,and add all the Event::flush() as a filter ,then just call that filter through ->after() or afterFilter().
First, let me make something clear. Event::queue has nothing to do with the Queue facade and the query driver in the config. It won't enable you to fire the event after the request has happened.
But you can delay the firing of an event and therefore "prepare" it.
The usage is pretty basic. Obviously you need one or many Event::listen (well it works without them but makes no sense at all)
Event::listen('send_notification', function($text){
// send notification
Now we queue the event:
Event::queue('send_notification', array('Hello World'));
And finally, fire it by calling flush
In your comment you asked about flushing multiple events at once. Unfortunately that's not really possible. You have to call flush() multiple times
If you have a lot of events to flush you might need to think about your architecture and if it's possible to combine some of those into one event with multiple listeners.
Flushing the Event after redirect
Event::queue can't be used to fire an event after the request lifecycle has ended. You have to use "real" queues for that.

Flux Dispatch.dispatch(...): Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch

My code
So when I get sign-in success callback I want to make redirect,
redirect works through dispatcher too.
And I am getting Dispatch.dispatch(...): Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch.
Is there any hack to call action in the middle ?
I don't see where in the gist that you posted you are doing the redirect. I only see the AUTH_SIGNIN and AUTH_SIGNIN_SUCCESS actions, and they look pretty straightforward.
But no, there is no hack to create an action in the middle of a dispatch, and this is by design. Actions are not supposed to be things that cause a change. They are supposed to be like a newspaper that informs the application of a change in the outside world, and then the application responds to that news. The stores cause changes in themselves. Actions just inform them.
If you have this error, then you need to back up and look at how you're handling the original action. Most often, you can set up your application to respond to the original action, accomplish everything you need to do, and avoid trying to create a second action.
You can make it work by "scheduling" the next action instead of calling it directly, here is an example code:
// instead of doing this
// go like this
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
This will cause your next dispatch to be called later out of the current dispatch process, and no error will happen.
If your dispatch code is on a callback any kind of other async operation that will work as well (for example in a response for an Ajax request).
I'm using this style to make some forms respond to generic data here and I'm facing no issue, at least the way I'm using it.
you can user the "defer" option in the dispatcher.
In your case it would be like:
You can check if the dispatcher is dispatching, such as:
if(!MyDispatcher.isDispatching()) {

Difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response

I'm trying to use Backbone.Marionette, and I read the docs on github about wreqr.
So, whats the difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response. And when to use one or another?
They bascially all use messaging, and their difference is mainly semantic:
event aggregator: send a message when something happens. Code somewhere else might be listening for that message, but maybe not
request/response: have code send a request, and it will expect a response (e.g. send me refreshed data)
commands: code in one place commands code somewhere else to carry out an action. There usually isn't a return value.
I would like to add to David Sulc's answer.
Request/response is very different from event aggregator and commands. It is used for cases where one part your code requests something from another part of the code. A response would always be expected. Now lets see how event aggregator and commands are different.
Marionette's Event Aggregator allows you to implement publish-subscribe behaviour. Using the 'on' method you can subscribe to an event and bind an event to any object. You cannot implement this binding behaviour using commands. Also you can have multiple objects listening to any particular event. There may also be a case where no object is bound to or listening to any event.
Commands are specifically meant for performing some action in some other part of the code. There can only be 1 handler for a particular command, unlike events where you can have multiple listeners.
So to summarize, the use cases for each would be:
1) Request/Response: When you need some response from another part of the code.
2) Event Aggregator: When you want to bind objects to events
3) Commands: You just want some other part of your code to perform a task.

what is the difference between event listerners and subscribers in symfony2 [duplicate]

I'm working in the Symfony2 framework and wondering when would one use a Doctrine subscriber versus a listener. Doctrine's documentation for listeners is very clear, however subscribers are rather glossed over. Symfony's cookbook entry is similar.
From my point of view, there is only one major difference:
The Listener is signed up specifying the events on which it listens.
The Subscriber has a method telling the dispatcher what events it is listening to
This might not seem like a big difference, but if you think about it, there are some cases when you want to use one over the other:
You can assign one listener to many dispatchers with different events, as they are set at registration time. You only need to make sure every method is in place in the listener
You can change the events a subscriber is registered for at runtime and even after registering the subscriber by changing the return value of getSubscribedEvents (Think about a time where you listen to a very noisy event and you only want to execute something one time)
There might be other differences I'm not aware of though!
Don't know whether it is done accidentally or intentionally.. But subscribers have higher priority that listeners - https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/DependencyInjection/CompilerPass/RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass.php#L73-L98
From doctrine side, it doesn't care what it is (listener or subscriber), eventually both are registered as listeners - https://github.com/doctrine/common/blob/master/lib/Doctrine/Common/EventManager.php#L137-L140
This is what I spotted.
You should use event subscriber when you want to deal with multiple events in one class, for example in this symfony2 doc page article, one may notice that event listener can only manage one event, but lets say you want to deal with several events for one entity, prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist etc... if you use event listener you would have to code several event listener, one for each event, but if you go with event subscriber you just have to code one class the event susbcriber, look that with the event subscriber you can manage more than one event in one class, well thats the way i use it, i preffer to code focused in what the model business need, one example of this may be went you want to handle several lifecycle events globaly only for a group of your entities, to do that you can code a parent class and defined those global methods in it, then make your entities inherit that class and later in your event susbcriber you subscribe every event you want, prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist etc... and then ask for that parent class and execute those global methods.
Another important thing: Doctrine EventSubscribers do not allow you to set a priority.
Read more on this issue here
Both allow you to execute something on a particular event pre / post persist etc.
However listeners only allow you to execute behaviours encapsulated within your Entity. So an example might be updating a "date_edited" timestamp.
If you need to move outside the context of your Entity, then you'll need a subscriber. A good example might be for calling an external API, or if you need to use / inspect data not directly related to your Entity.
Here is what the doc is saying about that in 4.1.
As this is globally applied to events, I suppose it's also valid for Doctrine (not 100% sure).
Listeners or Subscribers
Listeners and subscribers can be used in the same application indistinctly. The decision to use either of them is usually a matter
of personal taste. However, there are some minor advantages for each
of them:
Subscribers are easier to reuse because the knowledge of the events is kept in the class rather than in the service definition.
This is
the reason why Symfony uses subscribers internally;
Listeners are more flexible because bundles can enable or disable each of them conditionally depending on some configuration value.
From the documentation :
The most common way to listen to an event is to register an event
listener with the dispatcher. This listener can listen to one or more
events and is notified each time those events are dispatched.
Another way to listen to events is via an event subscriber. An event
subscriber is a PHP class that's able to tell the dispatcher exactly
which events it should subscribe to. It implements the
EventSubscriberInterface interface, which requires a single static
method called getSubscribedEvents().
See the example here :
