Difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response - events

I'm trying to use Backbone.Marionette, and I read the docs on github about wreqr.
So, whats the difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response. And when to use one or another?

They bascially all use messaging, and their difference is mainly semantic:
event aggregator: send a message when something happens. Code somewhere else might be listening for that message, but maybe not
request/response: have code send a request, and it will expect a response (e.g. send me refreshed data)
commands: code in one place commands code somewhere else to carry out an action. There usually isn't a return value.

I would like to add to David Sulc's answer.
Request/response is very different from event aggregator and commands. It is used for cases where one part your code requests something from another part of the code. A response would always be expected. Now lets see how event aggregator and commands are different.
Marionette's Event Aggregator allows you to implement publish-subscribe behaviour. Using the 'on' method you can subscribe to an event and bind an event to any object. You cannot implement this binding behaviour using commands. Also you can have multiple objects listening to any particular event. There may also be a case where no object is bound to or listening to any event.
Commands are specifically meant for performing some action in some other part of the code. There can only be 1 handler for a particular command, unlike events where you can have multiple listeners.
So to summarize, the use cases for each would be:
1) Request/Response: When you need some response from another part of the code.
2) Event Aggregator: When you want to bind objects to events
3) Commands: You just want some other part of your code to perform a task.


Axon - Synchronous Saga / Command Validation - Uniqueness

I'd like to create a synchronous saga process from sendAndWait command on REST controller to #Endsaga (including middle steps).
The #Endsaga only would be reached after query-side (separated project) send an event (success or failure from read-store query-side), informing Saga about whats happened.
This is part of a validation process to uniqueness email customer using saga pattern described on link below:
I'm not sure how to properly make this configuration in Axon.
Can you help me?
My personal opinion is that option 2 (from the article you have mentioned) is the most pragmatic. I would not agree with cons mentioned for DB on the Command side.
For checking uniqueness, I would use a small command side projection (within command component/package). In Axon, this would be a regular Event handler that will handle events and populate a small table in a denormalized way so you are able to use it for uniqueness checking in your command handler latter.
This event handler/processor should be of type Subscribing (https://docs.axoniq.io/reference-guide/configuring-infrastructure-components/event-processing/event-processors#event-processors)
Subscribing event processors will use the same transaction to store event and projection. That is why it is important to use this particular type of event processor here. It is immediately consistent.
Do not expose Axon queries API on top of this repository (projection), simply inject this repository into your aggregate handlers to chek uniqueness. This way the projection API will be only available to your command component to use it and not exposed to the outside world.

Order of wl_display_dispatch and wl_display_roundtrip call

I am trying to make sense of which one should be called before and which one later between wl_display_dispatch and wl_display_roundtrip. I have seen both order so wondering which one is correct.
1st order:
wl_display_get_registry(display); wl_registry_add_listener() // this call is just informational
what i think : wl_display_dispatch() will read and dispatch events from display fd, whatever is sent by server but in between server might be still processing requests and for brief time fd might be empty.
wl_display_dispatch returns assuming all events are dispatched. Then wl_display_roundtrip() is called and will block until server has processed all request and put then in event queue. So after this, event queue still has pending events, but there is no call to wl_display_dispatch(). How those pending events will be dispatched ? Is that wl_display_dispatch() wait for server to process all events and then dispatch all events?
2nd order:
wl_display_get_registry(display); wl_registry_add_listener() // this call is just informational
In this case, wl_display_roundtrip() wait for server to process all events and put them in event queue, So once this return we can assume all events sent from server are available in queue. Then wl_display_dispatch() is called which will dispatch all pending events.
Order 2nd looks correct and logical to me, as there is no chance of leftover pending events in queue. but I have seen Order 1st in may places including in weston client examples code so I am confused whats the correct order of calling.
It would be great if someone could clarify here.
Thanks in advance
2nd order is correct.
client can't do much without getting proxy(handle for global object). what i mean is client can send request by binding to the global object advertised by server so for this client has to block until all global object are bind in registry listener callback.
for example for client to create surface you need to bind wl_compositor interface then to shell interface to give role and then shm(for share memory) and so on.wl_display_dispatch cannot guaranty all the events are processed if your lucky it may dispatch all events too but cannot guarantee every-time. so you should use wl_display_roundtrip for registry at-least.

Ruby Sockets and parallel event handling

I'm writing a library that can interact with a socket server that transmits data as events to certain actions my library sends it.
I created an Actions module that formats the actions so that the server can read it. It also generates an action_id, because the events parser can identify it with the action that sent it. There are more than one event per action possible.
While I'm sending my action to the server, the event parser is still getting data from the server, so they work independent from each other (but then again they do work together: events response aggregator triggers the action callback).
In my model, I want to get a list of some resource from the server. The server sends its data one line at a time, but that's being handled by the events aggregator, so don't worry about that.
Okay, my problem:
In my model I am requesting the resources, but since the events are being parsed in another thread, I need to do a "infinite" loop that checks if the list is filled, and then break out to return it to the consumer of the model (e.g. my controller).
Is there another (better) way of doing this or am I on the right track? I would love your thoughts :)
Here is my story in code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8652934
Check out Ruby EventMachine.
It's designed to simplify this sort of reactor pattern application.
It depends on the implementation. In the code you provide you're not showing how actually the request and responses are processed.
If you know exactly the number of responses you're supposed to receive, in each one you could check if all are completed, then execute an specific action. e.g.
# suppose response_receiver is the method which receives the server response
def response_receiver data
#responses_list << data
if #response_list.size == #expected_size
# Execute some action

what is the difference between event listerners and subscribers in symfony2 [duplicate]

I'm working in the Symfony2 framework and wondering when would one use a Doctrine subscriber versus a listener. Doctrine's documentation for listeners is very clear, however subscribers are rather glossed over. Symfony's cookbook entry is similar.
From my point of view, there is only one major difference:
The Listener is signed up specifying the events on which it listens.
The Subscriber has a method telling the dispatcher what events it is listening to
This might not seem like a big difference, but if you think about it, there are some cases when you want to use one over the other:
You can assign one listener to many dispatchers with different events, as they are set at registration time. You only need to make sure every method is in place in the listener
You can change the events a subscriber is registered for at runtime and even after registering the subscriber by changing the return value of getSubscribedEvents (Think about a time where you listen to a very noisy event and you only want to execute something one time)
There might be other differences I'm not aware of though!
Don't know whether it is done accidentally or intentionally.. But subscribers have higher priority that listeners - https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/DependencyInjection/CompilerPass/RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass.php#L73-L98
From doctrine side, it doesn't care what it is (listener or subscriber), eventually both are registered as listeners - https://github.com/doctrine/common/blob/master/lib/Doctrine/Common/EventManager.php#L137-L140
This is what I spotted.
You should use event subscriber when you want to deal with multiple events in one class, for example in this symfony2 doc page article, one may notice that event listener can only manage one event, but lets say you want to deal with several events for one entity, prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist etc... if you use event listener you would have to code several event listener, one for each event, but if you go with event subscriber you just have to code one class the event susbcriber, look that with the event subscriber you can manage more than one event in one class, well thats the way i use it, i preffer to code focused in what the model business need, one example of this may be went you want to handle several lifecycle events globaly only for a group of your entities, to do that you can code a parent class and defined those global methods in it, then make your entities inherit that class and later in your event susbcriber you subscribe every event you want, prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist etc... and then ask for that parent class and execute those global methods.
Another important thing: Doctrine EventSubscribers do not allow you to set a priority.
Read more on this issue here
Both allow you to execute something on a particular event pre / post persist etc.
However listeners only allow you to execute behaviours encapsulated within your Entity. So an example might be updating a "date_edited" timestamp.
If you need to move outside the context of your Entity, then you'll need a subscriber. A good example might be for calling an external API, or if you need to use / inspect data not directly related to your Entity.
Here is what the doc is saying about that in 4.1.
As this is globally applied to events, I suppose it's also valid for Doctrine (not 100% sure).
Listeners or Subscribers
Listeners and subscribers can be used in the same application indistinctly. The decision to use either of them is usually a matter
of personal taste. However, there are some minor advantages for each
of them:
Subscribers are easier to reuse because the knowledge of the events is kept in the class rather than in the service definition.
This is
the reason why Symfony uses subscribers internally;
Listeners are more flexible because bundles can enable or disable each of them conditionally depending on some configuration value.
From the documentation :
The most common way to listen to an event is to register an event
listener with the dispatcher. This listener can listen to one or more
events and is notified each time those events are dispatched.
Another way to listen to events is via an event subscriber. An event
subscriber is a PHP class that's able to tell the dispatcher exactly
which events it should subscribe to. It implements the
EventSubscriberInterface interface, which requires a single static
method called getSubscribedEvents().
See the example here :

Eventbus event order

I'm using the SimpleEvent bus to send data from my centralized data reviver to the Widgets. This works really fine, I get one set of new Data form the server, the success method of the RPC call puts it on the Eventbus, each widget looks if the data is for it, if yes it 'displays' it, if not, it does nothing.There is only one data set per request and the widgets don't depend on other data being already sent.
Now I have a Tree widget. The child nodes of the Tree are created throw this data sets too, and this child nodes register itself to the Eventbus to revive the data for their child nodes. The data shall be received in on rush (for performance reasons obv), so I will get multiple data sets which are put on the Eventbus at the 'same time' (in a for loop). I only control the order in which they are put there (first the root, then the data for the first child......). How does the Eventbus now proceeds the events?
Does he wait till the first event is completed, so the first child of
the tree already finished creation and register itself to the
Eventbus, to revive the data to create it's child's.
Does he handle them simultaneous, so a widget isn't even registered to the Eventbus.
Does he mix up the order?!?!
Current solution approaches:
The best solution I can think of, is to only put new events on the
Eventbus when the previous got completed. However I found a method
which does so, or if it is the standard behavior of the Eventbus .
Fire a request processing finished event, when a event was processed by a widget. Yucks... this leads to a lot of additional code and causes big problems, when data is put on the Eventbus which doesn't belong to any widget....
Register a static variable which is set to true when the request got handled and the Eventbus waits this long till he puts the next request on the Eventbus (Quiet similar to two, but way worse coding style and the same problems)
All events are handled by the root tree element, which sends them upwards to the respective child's.
Which solution would you prefer and why?
PS: my favorite answer would be that 1. is the standard behavior of the Eventbus^^
PPS: The solution should also be working on when introducing Webworkers.
The EventBus#fireEvent is synchronous. It's by design. You can pass an event to the bus, have handlers possibly modify it, and when execution returns to your method you can check the event; this is used for PlaceChangeRequestEvent and its setMessage for instance.
FYI, if a handler throws an exception, it won't prevent other handlers from being executed. The fireEvent will then wrap the exceptions (plural; several handlers can throw) in an UmbrellaException.
Although EventBus is a nice way of de-coupling parts of your application it doesn't mean it should be "overused".
I also think you should be careful not to circumvent the asynchronous behavior of your client-side code by introducing synchronous/blocking like behavior.
Javascript is single threaded so I don't think you can have two events at the same time. They will be executed one after the other.
If you fire an event on the EventBus (i.e. SimpleEventBus) it will just iterator through the list of attached handlers and execute them. If no handler is attached nothing happens.
I personally would prefer the 4th. approach especially if you plan to use a CellTree some time in the future. The Tree widget/CellTree widget handles the event and constructs its structure by traversing through the object.
