How to host a website in Amazon ec2 windows server 2008 r2 - amazon-ec2

I have created a virtual server in amazon es2. My server is windows server 2008 r2. it already has iis installed. I have also hosted my a site. Problem is , I do not know what is my name server is?
I have a domain suppose Now what the name server I will put in my domain name registration website? I could not find where to get the name server

It sounds like you want to use Amazon's Route53, which is their DNS solution. Log into AWS, choose Route53 from the main menu, and within Route53 you'll want to create a Hosted Zone for, then within that zone create an A record for that is an alias for your ec2 instance. When you create the hosted zone it will list the names of the DNS servers that you will want to use.


Wix Domain Route to AWS Instance

I have a domain at my WIX Account. I have an AWS EC2 Instance. For URL Masking, I approched this URL link:
Therefore, I created a Hosted Zone in AWS Route53 as it says. I added A Record Set and CNAME Record Set. I changed domain Host points to in the Wix to the AWS EC2 Instance Public IP Address.
Wix Domain Host
Then when I wanted to change the Name Servers in the Wix, it said to not editable fields in the Name Servers.
Name Servers are not editable
So domain is working without the www. If I use www, it stays to the user on the WIX site otherwise it forwards to the AWS EC2 Instance site but I want to use www so I changed CName to my WIX Domain CNAME.
But www is not working for my AWS EC2 Instance, it stays the old one WIX Site URL and when I try to reach without www, it takes to the user on the AWS EC2 Site.
I want to know whether I am going to right way or if I am wrong please correct me in this problem.
Can you explain the problem you are trying to solve?
If you are trying to obscure web pages and create a proxy model then the best way to accomplish this it to use the wix-router capability.

Can we bring two ec2 instances under one active directory

I am trying to communicate between two ec2 instances which are having windows server 2008 installed. On one of the server I have installed Active directory and I want to bring another ec2 instance under one active directory.
I'm new to Amazon with active directory.
The problem I am trying to address is Installing dynamics CRM on these two ec2 instances. From my assumption or understanding, CRM requires a CRM web server and SQL server under 1 Active directory.
Any comments with links or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Active Directory relies on DNS, so it all depends how you setup DNS for your instances.
But in summary if instance A is the domain controller for and instance B wants to join the domain then you have to make sure that instance B can get to instance A by resolving to the right IP address of A.
When you create an Active Directory domain controller, the controller itself automatically becomes a DNS server so the easiest way is just to make the default DNS server for instance B the actual IP address of instance A (you should be able to use the internal Amazon IP address as long as it's pingable)
Hope this helps.

Set DNS on VM in Windows Azure

When create a VM on Windows Azure, and set up an IIS server I can access by dns provided by Azure.
There is a way, for set my domain to an application?
Like, on iis of my VM.
Use your own domain/DNS management and setup a CNAME alias for the Azure generated DNS entry.

Setup a internet domain on windows server, on EC2?

sorry for this newbie question, as a Developer I never setup a web domain dns on a windows server. I already buy my .com domain, i will get an instance on amazon ec2. How I setup the dns on windows server 2008, to get traffic to my domain? Any tutorial? I have looked, but all i find is setup a local domain. Any tip for Amazon EC2?
For most domain name hosts, they'll have some sort of way for you to link the domain name to a particular ip address or other domain name, both of which you can get from Amazon AWS. You can link an elastic ip that is associated with your instance and it'll work like a charm.
Assign an Elastic IP address to your server
Use your ISP's/Domain registrar's DNS tools to point your domain name at this ip address. The exact steps here will vary depending on who controls your domains DNS settings.
In iis, right-click on your site and choose edit bindings. Set your domain name as the host name (eg

Permission denied issues with Amazon EC2 and S3 hosting

I hired a freelancer to develop a PHP CI application hosted on Amazon EC2, and the app doesn't work. I am using Wowza with EC2 and S3. I have been seeing permission denied problems. I have Ubuntu and I'm trying to install a LAMP server and run public DNS on the instance. I have set up SSH as well.
I found the elastic IP of the instance we are running and used GoDaddy domain manager. I thought that simply pointing the domain to the instance would work. Do I have to change the nameservers on GoDaddy's side as well? Where would I find the right ones?
I have very little server-side understanding. I'm sure the solution is just a simple change, something like one line of code, a different user name or a different ID number. What do I need to do?
you should point your domain to your elastic ip of your EC2 instance. This should be done from where you host your DNS server. If you don't have one, you can change the settings inside the godaddy account to point to your DNS service.
