Setup a internet domain on windows server, on EC2? - amazon-ec2

sorry for this newbie question, as a Developer I never setup a web domain dns on a windows server. I already buy my .com domain, i will get an instance on amazon ec2. How I setup the dns on windows server 2008, to get traffic to my domain? Any tutorial? I have looked, but all i find is setup a local domain. Any tip for Amazon EC2?

For most domain name hosts, they'll have some sort of way for you to link the domain name to a particular ip address or other domain name, both of which you can get from Amazon AWS. You can link an elastic ip that is associated with your instance and it'll work like a charm.

Assign an Elastic IP address to your server
Use your ISP's/Domain registrar's DNS tools to point your domain name at this ip address. The exact steps here will vary depending on who controls your domains DNS settings.
In iis, right-click on your site and choose edit bindings. Set your domain name as the host name (eg


How to host a website in Amazon ec2 windows server 2008 r2

I have created a virtual server in amazon es2. My server is windows server 2008 r2. it already has iis installed. I have also hosted my a site. Problem is , I do not know what is my name server is?
I have a domain suppose Now what the name server I will put in my domain name registration website? I could not find where to get the name server
It sounds like you want to use Amazon's Route53, which is their DNS solution. Log into AWS, choose Route53 from the main menu, and within Route53 you'll want to create a Hosted Zone for, then within that zone create an A record for that is an alias for your ec2 instance. When you create the hosted zone it will list the names of the DNS servers that you will want to use.

Map my domain name with my own server

Hi I am having my own domain and i am having my own server (windows 2008) and a Public static IP.
Now i want to host my site in my own server.
Please give me the step by step information to get it done.
You need to register your domain with some DNS hosting service (DNS provider), there is such an astronomic number of these on the web that I do not want to spam the site. Google.
Also, collocation center where you keep this server (and from where you have probably obtained that public IP) may also provide DNS services.
From the other side, any computer can be configured as the name server but this will probably not work Internet wide and can be used inside the local network only (combined with DHCP service). If there is an easy way to make this Internet wide, I would also be very interested in, but I doubt.
Your operating system is not much relevant to this question.
I registered my domain already in ernet by indian Government and I got my Public Static IP from BSNL India. I hosted my site already and i am able to access my site already using the ip. Now i want to map my domain with the server that i have so that i can access my domain using a domain name.
I tried the steps in But when i add the name server information it says cannot resolve hostname??? that s why i want to know where i am making mistake..
I once again tried the steps at and got it right..Now i have updated the name server info at my domain registrar ernet and waiting for it to be updated. Thanks fo the people helped me

Amazon AWS - Windows Instance Setup

I have a domain which is pointed to the right DNS server and verified by someone else and is working correctly:
However, even though I setuped the domain correctly on the server with IIS, it's not working correctly.
Can anyone point me to the right direction? Is there any additional setup I need to make to get it working?
Server IP :
Using the internal IP, it works but not with the server ip with port/url.
I am not sure if I understand your problem, but my approach would be:
Allocating EC2 Elastic IP Address.
Associating such an address with your running EC2 instance.
Pointing your domain name to this IP address.
Adding inbound TCP rule for all IP sources ( in Security Group settings belonging to your EC2 instance.
Keep in mind that windows instances in AWS come with the software (windows) firewall enabled by default. Make sure that you have the correct firewall policies in place in the software firewall as well as the security group.

Hosting with Static/Fixed IP Address

I have been search for a host that has static/fixed ip address. Right now i use mediatemple's grid server and because it is a shared environment the ip address is dynamic and changes randomly.
My issue is that i have a script on my sever that fetches data from an ftp site. To access the data via ftp, i have to authenticate using an ip address, username and password. Because the ip address is ever changing, i cannot access the data.
One alternative was asking the data company if they would accept a range of ip address or a wildcard but they will not. they will only approve one ip address for download.
The other option was to purchase a self managed server. I do not want to manage my own server nor do i have the expertise to do so. So I need a solution like a shared environment (low cost) with a cpanel but one that has fixed ip address.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
You should look for "managed server" or "VPS" solutions.
Which host you choose is up to you. Many hosts offer such solutions, and a smaller host might fit your budget better than a "big name" hosting company.
This is really surprising ... usually in a shared hosting account where your site is hosted on a shared IP, the shared IP address is always fixed it rarely changes. I think you're right now on CDN hosting, so your data delivery IP address varies according to your VISITOR location.
I am hosting my various sites like and etc at ... on shared hosting and their IP address is fixed since the hosting setup.
I suggest you to change your hosting provider. You don't need VPS at this moment.
I found a solution. Godaddy vps virtual server starting at only $29.

How can I test my DNS and site configuration

I've received a few messages from users of my site that they can not access it from home.
They can access the server from the IP, but not by the domain name.
I think it has something to do with the way my DNS is configured. I setup my own DNS server about 4 years ago on my server, which I probably should not have done, and I'm not sure if everything is configured correctly. There are plenty of people who can access the site without any problems, but some users get 'server can not be found'.
Server Details: Windows 2003 co-located server at a small local hosting company.
Are there good tools or sites that can test and provide configuration recommendations? How do I test this problem when it works fine for me and so many other users? What type of questions should I ask users that can't access the site?
Can I provide / point to another DNS server that can be used if the first server isn't working?
Nevertheless here some pointers:
Questions that you can ask the users:
Run the following command: nslookup The result should be the IP they could access by IP. If it's a wrong IP or no IP, then this hostname A / CNAME record isn't propagated correctly to the outside world.
It could be a ipv4/v6 problem. Maybe the DNS resolves to a ipv6 IP by AAAA record and your ISP (or any provider inbetween) doesn't support ipv6 correctly yet. Under windows, you can ping -6 or ping -4 to see if it resolves to anything at all.
Possible workaround:
Tell your users to hardcode the IP of your server into their HOSTS file...
DNS problems are usually lying at the companies infrastructure though (e.g. not propagating the DNS notifications correctly, wrong DNS servers at your registrar, wrong DNS configuration on your DNS server...)
There's an excellent on-line resource to verify your DNS settings:
If you think the problem is in your DNS server and you don't need it this way anyway, you can just turn your DNS to any DNS hosting - see my biased list. Setup your DNS records from scratch with any DNS provider and tell your domain registrar to use that provider nameservers. Often registrars themselves provide DNS servers as well.
As for questions to ask users, Khoi explained everything.
