Permission denied issues with Amazon EC2 and S3 hosting - amazon-ec2

I hired a freelancer to develop a PHP CI application hosted on Amazon EC2, and the app doesn't work. I am using Wowza with EC2 and S3. I have been seeing permission denied problems. I have Ubuntu and I'm trying to install a LAMP server and run public DNS on the instance. I have set up SSH as well.
I found the elastic IP of the instance we are running and used GoDaddy domain manager. I thought that simply pointing the domain to the instance would work. Do I have to change the nameservers on GoDaddy's side as well? Where would I find the right ones?
I have very little server-side understanding. I'm sure the solution is just a simple change, something like one line of code, a different user name or a different ID number. What do I need to do?

you should point your domain to your elastic ip of your EC2 instance. This should be done from where you host your DNS server. If you don't have one, you can change the settings inside the godaddy account to point to your DNS service.


Wix Domain Route to AWS Instance

I have a domain at my WIX Account. I have an AWS EC2 Instance. For URL Masking, I approched this URL link:
Therefore, I created a Hosted Zone in AWS Route53 as it says. I added A Record Set and CNAME Record Set. I changed domain Host points to in the Wix to the AWS EC2 Instance Public IP Address.
Wix Domain Host
Then when I wanted to change the Name Servers in the Wix, it said to not editable fields in the Name Servers.
Name Servers are not editable
So domain is working without the www. If I use www, it stays to the user on the WIX site otherwise it forwards to the AWS EC2 Instance site but I want to use www so I changed CName to my WIX Domain CNAME.
But www is not working for my AWS EC2 Instance, it stays the old one WIX Site URL and when I try to reach without www, it takes to the user on the AWS EC2 Site.
I want to know whether I am going to right way or if I am wrong please correct me in this problem.
Can you explain the problem you are trying to solve?
If you are trying to obscure web pages and create a proxy model then the best way to accomplish this it to use the wix-router capability.

Redirecting IP to AWS results in NGINX landing page

I have a portfolio site hosted on AWS. When I first deployed the site to AWS, a site built in Ruby, I installed NGINX on the AWS instance. I went to and redirected the IP address of my domain to point to the public IP address of the AWS instance. Everything was working fine. The site could be accessed with the AWS IP address or the domain name.
Things were fine until AWS retired the server my instance was on. I created a new instance and a new .pem key and deployed to the new instance. I repointed my domain the new AWS instance IP address. I can access the site without issue when using the IP address, If I try and access it through the domain,, I get the Welcome to NGINX landing page.I have deleted the previous instance thinking that maybe it was preventing the site from loading. I do not know very much about setting up servers and how to resolve issues like this. I would appreciate any help on this. It is frustrating that it worked the first time but now will not.
Thanks for any help.

Adding a CNAME to an AWS EC2 Public Domain Name

I have a test application running at
(This is a Test application, it wont be live for long. When I try to add a CNAME to this, like the screenshot below
. is added by the DNS system.
However, my app seems to be accessible only via or
I can make it to resolve it either one of them.
But adding anything, does not seem to resolve with a CNAME. It gives 503 Service Unavailable.
I am using AWS EC2 to host the app with a HAProxy Load Balancer.
Using Google Domains for DNS Name.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting this problem?
All dns entries have a dot in the end like
It's not suggested to create CNAMEs to your ec2 instance because that IP may vary in time and it's not reassignable, that's what elastic ip's are made for, just create an elastic IP, assign it to your ec2 instance and assign it as an A record on your DNS provider.
Amazon AWS documentation
First create elastic IP and assign to your instance. Then create A record and point IP. Your site should work normal.

Configuring Amazon EC2 for a dynamic website

I am curious about Amazon webservices and so I thought of creating a dynamic webpage with Amazon EC2. I created an instance, installed apache and php and made sure it is working in EC2(using remote access). I have assigned a elastic IP to the instance. My question is how to access the webpage that I created in the instance. I am not sure what to give the servername in httpd.conf. My goal is access the page like http://amazonaddress/test.php
I am using windows server, but I think it is basically the same. My documents are in the same folder as mentioned in conf file. But when I use my elastic IP, it isn't working . Not even the basic index page in the apache htdocs(that's the home folder according to conf). To throw more light I will explain what I have done till now.
I have created a micro instance(EC2) and logged into it using remote desktop. I have installed apache msi file and php after that. I have created a elasticIP and attached the instance and to my security group I have added http service to port 80. I have tested if localhost is working in my remote machine(points to index.html). After that I have tried accessing it using elastic IP and it just times out. Is there any step I have missed?
You can access it via where you replace the with your elastic IP address.
Then you want to setup DNS for your domain name. So you'll need to create an A Record mapping to whatever your elastic IP address is. You can usually do this via your domain name registrar as most of them also run basic DNS services for free.
You can access an ec2 instance using it's public DNS name (or elastic IP since you already have one of those), which can be seen in the instances description tab. Configuring your personal domain name to point to that server will involve creating an A Record mapping to that public IP.
Assuming apache has been setup correctly, that's all you should need to do to get started (and your test.php page is in /var/www/). For your purposes, you probably shouldn't even need to modify the httpd.conf file at all.
Also, be sure to remember to open a port on the security group (under Network & Security from the EC2 Console) that the instance belongs to. In your example, you will want to open port 80 inbound with source (unless you want to limit access to a specific IP range).
Hope this helps.

I cannot acess to the website host on Amazon EC2 instance even I think the configuration is right

I have a free Amazon EC2 instance. And I installed Apache web server on it. I have the DNS record for my domain point to the ip for the EC2 instance. I can not access to my website. Then I looked up and allow the http inbound. But I still failed to access my web? What might be the reason. Anybody gives me a clue?
Go to the AWS management console and look at the Security Group the instance is in. Then make sure you have the port open that you are trying to connect to (most likely 80). To open it to the world set the ip range to and to open it to a specific ip (like only your house) set it to
That is almost always the reason people have problems connecting when they are new to AWS. I wrote this post, which should help get you setup.
