Why custom command line arguments do not work when TopShelf service is installed as Win Service? - asp.net-web-api

They work perfectly as console application. This is what I do:
private static int Main()
string databaseName = null;
string databaseUser = null;
string databasePwd = null;
string port = null;
string logDirectory = null;
string strLogLevel = null;
var exitCode = HostFactory.Run(configurator =>
configurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("dbname", d => { databaseName = d; });
configurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("dbuser", d => { databaseUser = d; });
configurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("dbpassword", d => { databasePwd = d; });
configurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("port", p => { port = p; });
configurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("logdirectory", l => { logDirectory = l; });
configurator.AddCommandLineDefinition("loglevel", l => { strLogLevel = l; });
int intPort = 7909;
if (port != null)
intPort = Convert.ToInt32(port);
SystemDataApplication.LogLevel logLevel = SystemDataApplication.LogLevel.Info;
if (strLogLevel != null)
logLevel = (SystemDataApplication.LogLevel)Convert.ToInt32(strLogLevel);
configurator.Service<SystemDataApplication>(service =>
service.ConstructUsing(() => new SystemDataApplication(databaseName, databaseUser, databasePwd, intPort, logDirectory, logLevel));
service.WhenStarted(a => a.Start());
service.WhenStopped(a => a.Stop());
configurator.SetDescription("An application to fetch system data.");
configurator.SetDisplayName("System Data Service");
return (int)exitCode;
As console application it is printed in trace-log that all these are ok. If I install it (all custom arguments in command) and start it (all custom arguments in command) from command line they are empty in trace-log.

As I asked this question in a stupid way, the correct answer can be only that it is not supported in Topshelf.


Epson js SDK unable to use multiple printers

We're developing this javascript based web application that is supposed to print receipts using the epson javascript sdk.
Right now we've got this poc where multiple printers can be added to the app and where receipts can be printed per individual printer.
The problem is that the receipt will ONLY be printer from the last added printer.
Further investigating tells us that the sdk just uses the last added (connected) printer. This can be seen at the following images.
In the first image there are 2 printers setup. Notice the different ip addresses.
In the second image we log what EpsonPrinter instance is being used while printing. Notice the ip address is clearly the first printer.
In the third image we trace the network. Notice the ip address that is actually used (ignore the error).
We created our own EpsonPrinter class that can be found here or here below.
export default class EpsonPrinter {
name = null
ipAddress = null
port = null
deviceId = null
crypto = false
buffer = false
eposdev = null
printer = null
intervalID = null
restry = 0
constructor (props) {
const {
name = 'Epson printer',
port = 8008,
deviceId = 'local_printer',
crypto = false,
buffer = false
} = props
this.name = name
this.ipAddress = ipAddress
this.port = port
this.deviceId = deviceId
this.crypto = crypto
this.buffer = buffer
this.eposdev = new window.epson.ePOSDevice()
this.eposdev.onreconnecting = this.onReconnecting
this.eposdev.onreconnect = this.onReconnect
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = this.onDisconnect
onReconnecting = () => {
onReconnect = () => {
onDisconnect = () => {
if (this.intervalID === null ){
this.intervalID = setInterval(() => this.reconnect(), 5000)
connect = () => {
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = null
this.eposdev.connect(this.ipAddress, this.port, this.connectCallback)
reconnect = () => {
this.eposdev.connect(this.ipAddress, this.port, this.connectCallback)
connectCallback = (data) => {
this.intervalID = null
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = this.onDisconnect
if (data === 'OK' || data === 'SSL_CONNECT_OK') {
} else {
setTimeout(() => this.reconnect(), 5000)
createDevice = () => {
console.log('create device, try: ' + this.restry)
const options = {
crypto: this.crypto,
buffer: this.buffer
this.eposdev.createDevice(this.deviceId, this.eposdev.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, options, this.createDeviceCallback)
createDeviceCallback = (deviceObj, code) => {
if (code === 'OK') {
this.printer = deviceObj
this.printer.onreceive = this.onReceive
} else if (code === 'DEVICE_IN_USE') {
if (this.restry < 5) {
setTimeout(() => this.createDevice(), 3000)
onReceive = (response) => {
this.consoleLog('on receive: ', response)
let message = `Print ${this.name} ${response.success ? 'success' : 'failute'}\n`
message += `Code: ${response.code}\n`
message += `Status: \n`
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_NO_RESPONSE) { message += ' No printer response\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_PRINT_SUCCESS) { message += ' Print complete\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_DRAWER_KICK) { message += ' Status of the drawer kick number 3 connector pin = "H"\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_OFF_LINE) { message += ' Offline status\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_COVER_OPEN) { message += ' Cover is open\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_PAPER_FEED) { message += ' Paper feed switch is feeding paper\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_WAIT_ON_LINE) { message += ' Waiting for online recovery\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_PANEL_SWITCH) { message += ' Panel switch is ON\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_MECHANICAL_ERR) { message += ' Mechanical error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_AUTOCUTTER_ERR) { message += ' Auto cutter error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_UNRECOVER_ERR) { message += ' Unrecoverable error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_AUTORECOVER_ERR) { message += ' Auto recovery error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_RECEIPT_NEAR_END) { message += ' No paper in the roll paper near end detector\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_RECEIPT_END) { message += ' No paper in the roll paper end detector\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_SPOOLER_IS_STOPPED) { message += ' Stop the spooler\n' }
if (!response.success) {
// TODO: error message?
} else {
// TODO: success -> remove from queue
printReceipt = () => {
this.consoleLog(`Print receipt, `, this)
try {
if (!this.printer) {
throw `No printer created for ${this.name}`
this.printer.addPulse(this.printer.DRAWER_1, this.printer.PULSE_100)
this.printer.addText(`Printed from: ${this.name}\n`)
} catch (err) {
let message = `Print ${this.name} failure\n`
message += `Error: ${err}`
consoleLog = (...rest) => {
console.log(`${this.name}: `, ...rest)
The full working poc can be found here.
Epson javascript sdk
Does anyone have any experience with the epson sdk? It it supposed to be able to support multiple connections on the same time? Please let use know.
For the ones looking for a way to handle multiple printers using this SDK. We came up with the following work around:
We created a separated 'printer app' that is responsible for handling ONE printer connection and hosted it online. We then 'load' this printer app into our app that needs multiple connections using Iframes. Communication between app and printer app is done by means of window.PostMessage API to, for example, initialise the printer with the correct printer connection and providing data that has to be printed.
It takes some effort but was the most stable solution we could come up with handling multiple connections.
If anyone else comes up with a better approach please let me know!
You can checkout our printer app here for inspiration (inspect the app because it doesn't show much visiting it just like that).
For use your class EpsonPrinter, i add also myPrinters class after your class:
class myPrinters {
printers = null;
cantidad = 0;
constructor() {
console.log("Creo la coleccion de printers");
this.printers = [];
inicializarConeccionImpresora(idImpresora, ip, puerto, _deviceId) {
let ipAddress = ip;
let port = puerto;
let deviceId = _deviceId;
console.log("Agrego una impresora");
let myPrinter = new EpsonPrinter(ipAddress);
myPrinter.port = port;
myPrinter.deviceId = deviceId;
myPrinter.id = idImpresora;
console.log('Id impresora antes de connect es: ' + idImpresora);
this.printers[this.cantidad] = myPrinter;
this.cantidad ++;
imprimirPruebaJS(idImpresora) {
let printer = null;
let printerTemp = null
for(var i = 0; i < this.printers.length; i++) {
printerTemp = this.printers[i];
if (printerTemp.id == idImpresora) {
printer = printerTemp.printer;
if (printer == null) {
console.log("La impresora no esta iniciada en clase myPrinters");
printer.addText('Hola mundo texto normal\n');
call myPrinters class in this way :
myEpsonPrinters = new myPrinters();
myEpsonPrinters.inicializarConeccionImpresora(1, '', 8008, 'local_printer');
myEpsonPrinters.inicializarConeccionImpresora(2, '', 8008, 'local_printer');
Test it and tell me.
Just create multiple objects for printing simple as this
this.eposdev = [];
let printersCnt = 3;
let self = this;
for(let i=1 ; i <= printersCnt ; i++){
this.eposdev[i] = new window.epson.ePOSDevice()
this.eposdev[i].onreconnecting = function (){
this.eposdev[i].onreconnect = function (){
this.eposdev[i].ondisconnect = function (){
function connect(printerKey) => {
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = null
this.eposdev.connect(self.ipAddress[printerKey], self.port[printerKey], function(){
self.intervalID = null
self.eposdev[i].ondisconnect = self.ondisconnect
if (data === 'OK' || data === 'SSL_CONNECT_OK') {
console.log('create device, try: ' + self.restry)
const options = {
crypto: self.crypto,
buffer: self.buffer
self.eposdev[printerKey].createDevice(self.deviceId, self.eposdev[printerKey].DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, options, function(deviceObj, code){
if (code === 'OK') {
self.printer[printerKey] = deviceObj
self.printer.onreceive = function(){
} else if (code === 'DEVICE_IN_USE') {
if (self.restry < 5) {
setTimeout(() => self.createDevice(printerKey), 3000)
} else {
setTimeout(() => self.reconnect(printerKey), 5000)
Epson says that with version 2.12.0 you can add more than one printer.

XUnit Test for ViewComponent returns null result?

I am trying to test my ViewComponent with XUnit.
When I debug through the component and set a break point right before it returns the Component View, the model is set.
Here is the simple model I am returning.
public class IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM
public IEnumerable<Audit> Audits { get; set; }
And I am trying to assert the Audits.Count() is greater than 0.
Here is my View Component:
public class IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrViewComponent : ViewComponent
private IAuditRepository _auditRepo;
private IExternalRepository _externalRepo;
public IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrViewComponent(IAuditRepository auditRepo,
IExternalRepository externalRepo)
_auditRepo = auditRepo;
_externalRepo = externalRepo;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
ClaimsPrincipal user = HttpContext.Request.HttpContext.User;
short staffId = short.Parse(user.Claims.Single(c => c.Type == "StaffId").Value);
// Get all Internal Audits that are not closed and not completed
var audits = _auditRepo.Audits
.Include(a => a.Findings).ThenInclude(f => f.Recommendations).ThenInclude(r => r.Assignments)
.Where(a => a.StatusID != 3 && a.StatusID != 11);
var external = _externalRepo.ExternalRecords;
audits = audits.Where(a => !external.Any(e => e.AuditID == a.AuditID));
if (User.IsInRole("PAG_SPEC") && !User.IsInRole("PAG_ADMIN_INT"))
audits = audits.Where(a =>
a.Assignments.Any(assn => assn.AssignmentAuditId == a.AuditID
&& assn.AssignmentRoleId == 2 && assn.AssignmentStaffId == staffId));
// Where audit has a recommendation without an assigned PO Authorizer
// OR without an assigned Responsible Manager (Rec Level).
List<Audit> auditsToAssign = new List<Audit>();
foreach (Audit audit in audits)
foreach (Finding finding in audit.Findings)
foreach (Recommendation rec in finding.Recommendations)
if (!rec.Assignments.Any(asgn => asgn.AssignmentRoleId == 15)
|| !rec.Assignments.Any(asgn => asgn.AssignmentRoleId == 26)
IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM intDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM =
new IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM
Audits = auditsToAssign
return View("/Views/InternalAudit/Components/Dashboard/IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngr/Default.cshtml", intDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM);
When I get to this line in debugging and break to inspect, I have 1 Audit which I want:
return View("/Views/InternalAudit/Components/Dashboard/IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngr/Default.cshtml", intDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM);
Now here is my Unit Test:
public void ReturnsAudit_1Finding_1Rec_1Asgn_PONeeded_RespMnrAssigned()
// Arrange
var audits = new Audit[]
new Audit { AuditID = 1 }
var findings = new Finding[]
new Finding{ Audit = audits[0], FindingId = 1 } // 1 Finding
var recommendations = new List<Recommendation>()
new Recommendation // 1 Rec
Finding = findings[0],
Assignments = new List<Assignment>()
// PO Authorizor
new Assignment { AssignmentRoleId = 15 }
// No Responsible Manager
audits[0].Findings = findings;
findings[0].Recommendations = recommendations;
Mock<IAuditRepository> mockAuditRepo = new Mock<IAuditRepository>();
mockAuditRepo.Setup(m => m.Audits).Returns(audits.AsQueryable());
Mock<IExternalRepository> mockExternalRepo = new Mock<IExternalRepository>();
mockExternalRepo.Setup(m => m.ExternalRecords).Returns(
new External[0].AsQueryable()
// Act
var component = new IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrViewComponent(
mockAuditRepo.Object, mockExternalRepo.Object);
component.ViewComponentContext = new ViewComponentContext();
component.ViewComponentContext.ViewContext.HttpContext = TestContext;
var result =
component.Invoke() as IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM;
int auditCount = (result).Audits.Count();
// Assert
Assert.Equal(1, auditCount);
Why is result null on this line?
var result =
component.Invoke() as IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM;
I also tried this first and it is still null:
ViewComponentResult result =
component.Invoke() as ViewComponentResult;
int auditCount =
I figured it out.
I wasn't casting the result to the right type.
I had this:
ViewComponentResult result =
component.Invoke() as ViewComponentResult;
int auditCount =
It should be this:
var result =
component.Invoke() as ViewViewComponentResult;
int auditCount =
ViewViewComponentResult instead of ViewComponentResult.

Elasticsearch.net Index Settings + Analyzer

i can use elasticsearch 2.3.0 version with C# (Nest)
i want to use the analysis with index,
but index settings doesn't change and i don't know why.
Here's my code:
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
var conn = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");
var config = new ConnectionSettings(conn);
var client = new ElasticClient(config);
string server = cmb_Serv.Text.Trim();
if (server.Length > 0)
string ser = server;
string uid = util.getConfigValue("SetUid");
string pwd = util.getConfigValue("SetPwd");
string dbn = cmb_Db.Text;
string tbl = cmb_Tbl.Text;
setWorkDbConnection(ser, uid, pwd, dbn);
string query = util.getConfigValue("SelectMC");
query = query.Replace("###tbl###",tbl);
using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
using (SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection())
con1.ConnectionString = util.WorkConnectionString;
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 0; cmd1.Connection = con1;
cmd1.CommandText = query;
int id_num =0;
SqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
{ id_num++;
Console.Write("\r" + id_num);
var mc = new mc
Id = id_num,
code = reader[0].ToString(),
mainclass = reader[1].ToString().Trim()
client.Index(mc, idx => idx.Index("mctest_ilhee"));
client.Alias(x => x.Add(a => a.Alias("mcAlias").Index("mctest_ilhee")));
client.Map<mc>(d => d
.Properties(props => props
.String(s => s
.Name(p => p.mainclass)
.Name(p2 => p2.code).Index(FieldIndexOption.Analyzed).Analyzer("whitespace"))));
} reader.Dispose();
IndexSettings Is = new IndexSettings();
Is.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("snowball", new SnowballAnalyzer());
Is.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("whitespace", new WhitespaceAnalyzer());
Well first of all you code is strange.
Why you are doing mapping in while? Do mapping only once.
Its impossible to help you because you are not even providing error you get. I would recomend to add simple debug method.
protected void ValidateResponse(IResponse response)
if (!response.IsValid ||
(response is IIndicesOperationResponse && !((IIndicesOperationResponse) response).Acknowledged))
var error = string.Format("Request to ES failed with error: {0} ", response.ServerError != null ? response.ServerError.Error : "Unknown");
var esRequest = string.Format("URL: {0}\n Method: {1}\n Request: {2}\n",
response.ConnectionStatus.Request != null
? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.ConnectionStatus.Request)
: string.Empty);
All requests such as client.Alias, client.Map returns status. So you can do
var result = client.Map<mc>(.....YOUR_CODE_HERE....)
Then you will see two things, propper error which ES return + request which NEST sends to ES

tarantoolctl connpool.lua:316: attempt to index field 'configuration' (a nil value)

i have error with starting sharding
version of tarantool and os:
main/101/tarantoolctl C> version 1.6.8-654-ge91080f on ubuntu-16.04 LTS
in configuration file
roman#zotac-pc:~$ egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*--|^$" /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/test.lua
box.cfg {
listen = 3301;
slab_alloc_arena = 0.5;
slab_alloc_minimal = 16;
slab_alloc_maximal = 1048576;
slab_alloc_factor = 1.06;
snapshot_period = 0;
snapshot_count = 6;
panic_on_snap_error = true;
panic_on_wal_error = true;
rows_per_wal = 5000000;
snap_io_rate_limit = nil;
wal_mode = "none";
wal_dir_rescan_delay = 2.0;
io_collect_interval = nil;
readahead = 16320;
log_level = 5;
logger_nonblock = true;
too_long_threshold = 0.5;
local function bootstrap()
local space = box.schema.create_space('test')
box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
box.schema.user.create('test', { password = 'test' })
box.schema.user.grant('test', 'replication')
box.schema.user.grant('test', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
box.once('test-1.0', bootstrap)
local shard = require('shard')
local shards = {
servers = {
{ uri = [[]]; zone = [[0]]; };
{ uri = [[]]; zone = [[1]]; };
login = 'test';
password = 'test';
redundancy = 1;
binary = '';
monitor = false;
sample error in log file:
main/101/test I> Sharding initialization started...
main/101/test tarantoolctl:422 E> Start failed: /usr/share/tarantool/connpool.lua:316: attempt to index field 'configuration' (a nil value)
main C> entering the event loop
in /etc/tarantool/../example.lua from ubuntu package function shard.init(cfg) need replase shard.init(shards)
below code is working fine:
local shard = require('shard')
local shards = {
servers = {
{ uri = [[]]; zone = [[0]]; };
{ uri = [[]]; zone = [[1]]; };
login = 'test';
password = 'test';
redundancy = 1;
binary = '';
monitor = false;

Process gets stuck in oSession.Logoff()

Pstcreation works properly with outlook installed.
Now, I am trying to create a pst file with standalone version of MAPI . But my process is stuck in oSession.LogOff(). Further if a comment that oSession.LogOff() line and subsequently call the CreatePstWithRedemption function to create an other pst, the process gets stuck in oSession.LogonPstStore
private bool CreatePstWithRedemption(EmailJTableArgs objJTablArgs, EmailFilterArgs objFilterArgs,
EmailExportRequestParams emailExportRequestParams)
RDOSession oSession = null;
IRDOStore store = null;
RDOFolder fFOlder = null;
RDOFolder childFolder = null;
IRDOItems folderItems = null;
var pstCreationStatus = false;
oSession = new RDOSession();
store = oSession.LogonPstStore(_fileName, 1, "PST");
var folderName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_fileName);
if (store != null)
fFOlder = store.IPMRootFolder;
foreach (RDOFolder folder in fFOlder.Folders)
childFolder = fFOlder.Folders.Add(folderName, Type.Missing);
folderItems = childFolder.Items;
var resultOfGetEmails = new ResultGetEmails();
resultOfGetEmails.TotalCount = -1;
var journalEmails = GetEmailList(objFilterArgs, objJTablArgs, emailExportRequestParams,
for (var i = 0; i < journalEmails.Count; i++)
IRDOMail mail = null;
mail = folderItems.Add(rdoItemType.olMailItem);
// populate mail fields
mail.Sent = true;
if (mail != null)
resultOfGetEmails.TotalCount -= BatchSize;
objJTablArgs.PageStartIndex += BatchSize;
} while (resultOfGetEmails.TotalCount > 0);
pstCreationStatus = true;
// Do cleanup
if (oSession != null && oSession.LoggedOn)
return pstCreationStatus;
Note: The same thing works well when run in an environment where outlook is installed.
