Epson js SDK unable to use multiple printers - epson

We're developing this javascript based web application that is supposed to print receipts using the epson javascript sdk.
Right now we've got this poc where multiple printers can be added to the app and where receipts can be printed per individual printer.
The problem is that the receipt will ONLY be printer from the last added printer.
Further investigating tells us that the sdk just uses the last added (connected) printer. This can be seen at the following images.
In the first image there are 2 printers setup. Notice the different ip addresses.
In the second image we log what EpsonPrinter instance is being used while printing. Notice the ip address is clearly the first printer.
In the third image we trace the network. Notice the ip address that is actually used (ignore the error).
We created our own EpsonPrinter class that can be found here or here below.
export default class EpsonPrinter {
name = null
ipAddress = null
port = null
deviceId = null
crypto = false
buffer = false
eposdev = null
printer = null
intervalID = null
restry = 0
constructor (props) {
const {
name = 'Epson printer',
port = 8008,
deviceId = 'local_printer',
crypto = false,
buffer = false
} = props = name
this.ipAddress = ipAddress
this.port = port
this.deviceId = deviceId
this.crypto = crypto
this.buffer = buffer
this.eposdev = new
this.eposdev.onreconnecting = this.onReconnecting
this.eposdev.onreconnect = this.onReconnect
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = this.onDisconnect
onReconnecting = () => {
onReconnect = () => {
onDisconnect = () => {
if (this.intervalID === null ){
this.intervalID = setInterval(() => this.reconnect(), 5000)
connect = () => {
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = null
this.eposdev.connect(this.ipAddress, this.port, this.connectCallback)
reconnect = () => {
this.eposdev.connect(this.ipAddress, this.port, this.connectCallback)
connectCallback = (data) => {
this.intervalID = null
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = this.onDisconnect
if (data === 'OK' || data === 'SSL_CONNECT_OK') {
} else {
setTimeout(() => this.reconnect(), 5000)
createDevice = () => {
console.log('create device, try: ' + this.restry)
const options = {
crypto: this.crypto,
buffer: this.buffer
this.eposdev.createDevice(this.deviceId, this.eposdev.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, options, this.createDeviceCallback)
createDeviceCallback = (deviceObj, code) => {
if (code === 'OK') {
this.printer = deviceObj
this.printer.onreceive = this.onReceive
} else if (code === 'DEVICE_IN_USE') {
if (this.restry < 5) {
setTimeout(() => this.createDevice(), 3000)
onReceive = (response) => {
this.consoleLog('on receive: ', response)
let message = `Print ${} ${response.success ? 'success' : 'failute'}\n`
message += `Code: ${response.code}\n`
message += `Status: \n`
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_NO_RESPONSE) { message += ' No printer response\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_PRINT_SUCCESS) { message += ' Print complete\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_DRAWER_KICK) { message += ' Status of the drawer kick number 3 connector pin = "H"\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_OFF_LINE) { message += ' Offline status\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_COVER_OPEN) { message += ' Cover is open\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_PAPER_FEED) { message += ' Paper feed switch is feeding paper\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_WAIT_ON_LINE) { message += ' Waiting for online recovery\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_PANEL_SWITCH) { message += ' Panel switch is ON\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_MECHANICAL_ERR) { message += ' Mechanical error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_AUTOCUTTER_ERR) { message += ' Auto cutter error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_UNRECOVER_ERR) { message += ' Unrecoverable error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_AUTORECOVER_ERR) { message += ' Auto recovery error generated\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_RECEIPT_NEAR_END) { message += ' No paper in the roll paper near end detector\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_RECEIPT_END) { message += ' No paper in the roll paper end detector\n' }
if (response.status === this.printer.ASB_SPOOLER_IS_STOPPED) { message += ' Stop the spooler\n' }
if (!response.success) {
// TODO: error message?
} else {
// TODO: success -> remove from queue
printReceipt = () => {
this.consoleLog(`Print receipt, `, this)
try {
if (!this.printer) {
throw `No printer created for ${}`
this.printer.addPulse(this.printer.DRAWER_1, this.printer.PULSE_100)
this.printer.addText(`Printed from: ${}\n`)
} catch (err) {
let message = `Print ${} failure\n`
message += `Error: ${err}`
consoleLog = ( => {
console.log(`${}: `,
The full working poc can be found here.
Epson javascript sdk
Does anyone have any experience with the epson sdk? It it supposed to be able to support multiple connections on the same time? Please let use know.

For the ones looking for a way to handle multiple printers using this SDK. We came up with the following work around:
We created a separated 'printer app' that is responsible for handling ONE printer connection and hosted it online. We then 'load' this printer app into our app that needs multiple connections using Iframes. Communication between app and printer app is done by means of window.PostMessage API to, for example, initialise the printer with the correct printer connection and providing data that has to be printed.
It takes some effort but was the most stable solution we could come up with handling multiple connections.
If anyone else comes up with a better approach please let me know!
You can checkout our printer app here for inspiration (inspect the app because it doesn't show much visiting it just like that).

For use your class EpsonPrinter, i add also myPrinters class after your class:
class myPrinters {
printers = null;
cantidad = 0;
constructor() {
console.log("Creo la coleccion de printers");
this.printers = [];
inicializarConeccionImpresora(idImpresora, ip, puerto, _deviceId) {
let ipAddress = ip;
let port = puerto;
let deviceId = _deviceId;
console.log("Agrego una impresora");
let myPrinter = new EpsonPrinter(ipAddress);
myPrinter.port = port;
myPrinter.deviceId = deviceId; = idImpresora;
console.log('Id impresora antes de connect es: ' + idImpresora);
this.printers[this.cantidad] = myPrinter;
this.cantidad ++;
imprimirPruebaJS(idImpresora) {
let printer = null;
let printerTemp = null
for(var i = 0; i < this.printers.length; i++) {
printerTemp = this.printers[i];
if ( == idImpresora) {
printer = printerTemp.printer;
if (printer == null) {
console.log("La impresora no esta iniciada en clase myPrinters");
printer.addText('Hola mundo texto normal\n');
call myPrinters class in this way :
myEpsonPrinters = new myPrinters();
myEpsonPrinters.inicializarConeccionImpresora(1, '', 8008, 'local_printer');
myEpsonPrinters.inicializarConeccionImpresora(2, '', 8008, 'local_printer');
Test it and tell me.

Just create multiple objects for printing simple as this
this.eposdev = [];
let printersCnt = 3;
let self = this;
for(let i=1 ; i <= printersCnt ; i++){
this.eposdev[i] = new
this.eposdev[i].onreconnecting = function (){
this.eposdev[i].onreconnect = function (){
this.eposdev[i].ondisconnect = function (){
function connect(printerKey) => {
this.eposdev.ondisconnect = null
this.eposdev.connect(self.ipAddress[printerKey], self.port[printerKey], function(){
self.intervalID = null
self.eposdev[i].ondisconnect = self.ondisconnect
if (data === 'OK' || data === 'SSL_CONNECT_OK') {
console.log('create device, try: ' + self.restry)
const options = {
crypto: self.crypto,
buffer: self.buffer
self.eposdev[printerKey].createDevice(self.deviceId, self.eposdev[printerKey].DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, options, function(deviceObj, code){
if (code === 'OK') {
self.printer[printerKey] = deviceObj
self.printer.onreceive = function(){
} else if (code === 'DEVICE_IN_USE') {
if (self.restry < 5) {
setTimeout(() => self.createDevice(printerKey), 3000)
} else {
setTimeout(() => self.reconnect(printerKey), 5000)

Epson says that with version 2.12.0 you can add more than one printer.


TOTP Problem - Microsoft Authenticator is not matching the code generated on server

I am getting a not verified using the TOTP method I have found on the following link.
OTP code generation and validation with
!My! code is below.
The _2FAValue line at the top is embedded into the QR barcode that Microsoft Authenticator attaches too.
The _Check... Function is the server ajax call to the server which implements OTP.Net library exposing TOTP calculation.
MakeTOTPSecret creates an SHA1 version of a Guid which is applied to the User profile and stored in _gTOTPSecret. NB: This IS populated in the places it is used.
I think I must have missed something obvious to get a result, here.
loSetup2FAData._s2FAValue = $#"otpauth://totp/{loUser.UserName}?secret={loUser.MakeTOTPSecret()}&digits=6&issuer={Booking.Library.Classes.Constants._sCompanyName}&period=60&algorithm=SHA1";
public JsonResult _CheckTOTPCodeOnServer([FromBody] Booking.Site.Models.Shared.CheckTotpData loCheckTotpData)
string lsMessage = "<ul>";
string lsEmail = this.Request.HttpContext.Session.GetString("Buku_sEmail");
Booking.Data.DB.Extensions.IdentityExtend.User loUser = this._oDbContext.Users.Where(U => U.UserName.ToLower() == lsEmail.ToLower() || U.Email == lsEmail).FirstOrDefault();
if (loUser != null && loUser.Load(this._oDbContext) && loUser._gTOTPSecret != Guid.Empty)
OtpNet.Totp loTotp = new Totp(Booking.Library.Classes.Utility.StringToBytes(loUser.MakeTOTPSecret()), 60, OtpHashMode.Sha1, 6);
long lnTimeStepMatched = 0;
bool lbVerify = loTotp.VerifyTotp(loCheckTotpData._nTotp.ToString("000000"), out lnTimeStepMatched, new VerificationWindow(2, 2));
if (lbVerify)
lsMessage += "<li>Successfully validated Totp code</li>";
lsMessage += "<li>Save is now activated</li>";
return this.Json(new { bResult = true, sMessage = lsMessage + "</ul>" });
catch (Exception loException)
lsMessage += "<li>" + Booking.Library.Classes.Utility.MakeExceptionMessage(true, loException, "\r\n", "_CheckTOTPCodeOnServer") + "</li>";
lsMessage += "<li>Unsuccessfully validated Totp code</li>";
return this.Json(new { bResult = false, sMessage = lsMessage + "</ul>" });
public string MakeTOTPSecret()
string lsReturn = String.Empty;
using (SHA1Managed loSha1 = new SHA1Managed())
var loHash = loSha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this._gTOTPSecret.ToString()));
var loSb = new StringBuilder(loHash.Length * 2);
foreach (byte b in loHash)
lsReturn = loSb.ToString();
catch (Exception loException)
Booking.Library.Classes.Utility.MakeExceptionMessage(true, loException, "\r\n", "Identity.MakeSHA1Secret");
return lsReturn;

Create Web API in .net Core to process the Large no of records Parallel

I am developing API for to process around 25000 records. For each record I have to call another API which will return additional details for each product .These details needs to be updated in my database
The problem is since , I am processing large no of records & different API is being called inside my API, processing time is very High & data may be processed incorrectly .
public async Task<IActionResult> GetSymbolDetailsParallel(string Exchange = "", string MarketGuid = "", string Symbol = "")
GlobalFunctions objGolobal = new GlobalFunctions();
MongoClient client = new MongoClient(_ConFigSettings.MongoConnectionString);
var db = client.GetDatabase(_ConFigSettings.DatabaseName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Symbol) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Exchange))
SymbolsBE objSymbols = db.GetCollection<SymbolsBE>("Symbols").Find(x => x.Symbol == Symbol + '.' + Exchange).FirstOrDefault();
await objGolobal.getSymbolsDetails(objSymbols, _ConFigSettings);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MarketGuid))
// Get the List from the MongoDb Database & Pass the list to the function
List<SymbolsBE> lstSymbols = db.GetCollection<SymbolsBE>("Symbols").Find(x => x.MarketGuid == MarketGuid
&& x.isActive == true
&& (x.Fundamental == null || x.Fundamental.Code == "")).ToList();
GetMultipleFundamentalAsync(lstSymbols, _ConFigSettings);
catch (Exception ex)
return Ok("Sucess");
public async Task GetMultipleFundamentalAsync(List<SymbolsBE> lst, ConfigSettings _ConFigSettings)
DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Now;
int cnt = lst.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
await Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await getSymbolsDetails(lst[i], _ConFigSettings);
public async Task getSymbolsDetails(SymbolsBE objSymbol, ConfigSettings _ConFigSettings)
// Code Download Details from API using HttpResponseMessage Res = await client.GetAsync(URL)
// This response will be saved in the Database

JS: java.lang.Exception: Failed resolving method read on class

I'm trying to use to save audio, initialization is OK, startRecording() is also called without error, but when I start reading audio from the buffer I got error Failed resolving method read on class
Here is the code:
const SAMPLE_RATE = 44100;
const RECORD_AUDIO = android.Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO;
const AudioRecord =;
const AudioFormat =;
const MediaRecorder =;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.bufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(SAMPLE_RATE, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
if (this.bufferSize == AudioRecord.ERROR || this.bufferSize == AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) {
this.bufferSize = SAMPLE_RATE * 2;
this.bufferSize = this.bufferSize * 10;
this.audioBuffer = new Array(this.bufferSize / 2);
if (!permissions.hasPermission(RECORD_AUDIO)) {
permissions.requestPermission(RECORD_AUDIO).then(() => {
}, (err) => {
console.log('[BrowseComponent] ngOnInit, ', 'permissions error:', err);
else {
createRecorder() {
this.record = new AudioRecord.Builder()
.setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
this.recordState = this.record && this.record.getState();
if (this.recordState != AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED) {
console.error('[BrowseComponent] createRecorder, ', 'AudioRecord can\'t initialize, state:', this.recordState);
console.log('[BrowseComponent] createRecorder, ', 'AudioRecord:', this.record);
startRecord() {
this.recording = true;
this.shortsRead = 0;
while (this.recording) {
const numberOfShort =, 0, this.bufferSize);
this.shortsRead += numberOfShort;
// Do something with the audioBuffer
startRecord() is called from (tap) button handler.
Any ideas what may be wrong?
I guess the problem is that you are passing JavaScript Array instead of the Java Primitive (short) typed Array, so the runtime is unable to identify a method that matches the given parameters.
Use Array.create method to typecast, refer the docs here for more details.

Can't advertise on bluetooth

I want to create a Gatt Server in my Xamarin.Forms app so that other devices can scan for it via bluetooth. I am using this plugin:
This is my code to create a Gatt Server and advertise data:
server = CrossBleAdapter.Current.CreateGattServer();
var service = server.AddService(serviceGuid, true);
var characteristic = service.AddCharacteristic(
CharacteristicProperties.Read |
CharacteristicProperties.Write | CharacteristicProperties.WriteNoResponse,
GattPermissions.Read | GattPermissions.Write
var notifyCharacteristic = service.AddCharacteristic
CharacteristicProperties.Indicate | CharacteristicProperties.Notify,
GattPermissions.Read | GattPermissions.Write
IDisposable notifyBroadcast = null;
notifyCharacteristic.WhenDeviceSubscriptionChanged().Subscribe(e =>
var #event = e.IsSubscribed ? "Subscribed" : "Unsubcribed";
if (notifyBroadcast == null)
notifyBroadcast = Observable
.Where(x => notifyCharacteristic.SubscribedDevices.Count > 0)
.Subscribe(_ =>
Debug.WriteLine("Sending Broadcast");
var dt = DateTime.Now.ToString("g");
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("SendingBroadcast");
characteristic.WhenReadReceived().Subscribe(x =>
var write = "HELLO";
// you must set a reply value
x.Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(write);
x.Status = GattStatus.Success; // you can optionally set a status, but it defaults to Success
characteristic.WhenWriteReceived().Subscribe(x =>
var write = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(x.Value, 0, x.Value.Length);
Debug.WriteLine("in WhenWriteReceived() value: " + write);
// do something value
await server.Start(new AdvertisementData
LocalName = "DariusServer",
ServiceUuids = new List<Guid>() { serverServiceGuid }
I am using this app to scan for my advertisement data:
I can't discover my app with it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong? I am testing with a real device, SM-T350 tablet
I spent countless hours to get this plugin to work with no luck. But this native code works for anyone else who has the same problem:
private async Task AndroidBluetooth()
await Task.Delay(5000); // just to make sure bluetooth is ready to go, this probably isn't needed, but good for peace of mind during testing
BluetoothLeAdvertiser advertiser = BluetoothAdapter.DefaultAdapter.BluetoothLeAdvertiser;
var advertiseBuilder = new AdvertiseSettings.Builder();
var parameters = advertiseBuilder.SetConnectable(true)
AdvertiseData data = (new AdvertiseData.Builder()).AddServiceUuid(new ParcelUuid(Java.Util.UUID.FromString("your UUID here"))).Build();
MyAdvertiseCallback callback = new MyAdvertiseCallback();
advertiser.StartAdvertising(parameters, data, callback);
catch(Exception e)
public class MyAdvertiseCallback : AdvertiseCallback
public override void OnStartFailure([GeneratedEnum] AdvertiseFailure errorCode)
// put a break point here, in case something goes wrong, you can see why
public override void OnStartSuccess(AdvertiseSettings settingsInEffect)
Just to note, it wouldn't work if if I included the device name, because the bluetooth transmission would be too large in that case with a service UUID (max 31 bytes I believe).

Dynamic web twain version 10.0

if i run my code in mozilla firefox after i click scan in UI select source window is opened and then it crashed.
bt the same code if i run on chrome it scan the image in the scanner after that if i click the scan on the new window it scan properly and crashed during file transfer and chrome tell a error message "a plugin (shockwave flash) isnt responding "
what may be the prob
function onScan(no_of_pages)
if (DWObject)
if (DWObject.SourceCount > 0)
DWObject.IfDisableSourceAfterAcquire = true;
DWObject.MaxImagesInBuffer = no_of_pages;
alert("No TWAIN compatible drivers detected.");
function Dynamsoft_ChangeConfig(config){
config.onPrintMsg = g_DWT_PrintMsg;
function g_DWT_PrintMsg(strMessage) {
function OnPostTransferCallback()
if(DWObject.MaxImagesInBuffer == DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer)
sendToFlash() ;
//Call back function from the
function sendToFlash()
var flashMovie = window.document.flashContent;
//call from flash for uploading documents
function onUpload(serialNo)
//alert("upload the file");
var imageArr = new Array();
var imageName;
var uploadPage;
var serverHost;
var CurrentPathName = unescape(location.pathname); // get current PathName in plain ASCII
var CurrentPath = CurrentPathName.substring(0, CurrentPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
uploadPage = CurrentPath+"TempUpload.php";
//uploadPage = CurrentPath+"UploadDocument.php";
//serverHost = "blabla";
//window.Plugin.HTTPPort =1451;
serverHost = "our host";
DWObject.HTTPPort = 80;
DWObject.IfSSL = false;
for(var i=0;i < DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer;i++)
imageName = serialNo+"_"+(i+1)+".png";
if (DWObject.ErrorCode == 0)
imageArr.push({"label":imageName,"source":"http://"+serverHost+":"+DWObject.HTTPPort+"/icanindonesia/AppData/Temp/"+imageName}); //Push image name and location in an array
else //succeded
//imageArr[i] = imageName;
return imageArr;
function startDownload(url)
//var url='.zip';,'Download');
function openDocument(url){, '_blank',"ican image viewer");
#priya, this is Rachel from Dynamsoft.Thanks for using our Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK. Which version of Firefox and Chrome are you using? We now also have newer version of Dynamic Web TWAIN which you may try. Please contact our support team to get better help.
