XUnit Test for ViewComponent returns null result? - asp.net-core-mvc

I am trying to test my ViewComponent with XUnit.
When I debug through the component and set a break point right before it returns the Component View, the model is set.
Here is the simple model I am returning.
public class IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM
public IEnumerable<Audit> Audits { get; set; }
And I am trying to assert the Audits.Count() is greater than 0.
Here is my View Component:
public class IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrViewComponent : ViewComponent
private IAuditRepository _auditRepo;
private IExternalRepository _externalRepo;
public IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrViewComponent(IAuditRepository auditRepo,
IExternalRepository externalRepo)
_auditRepo = auditRepo;
_externalRepo = externalRepo;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
ClaimsPrincipal user = HttpContext.Request.HttpContext.User;
short staffId = short.Parse(user.Claims.Single(c => c.Type == "StaffId").Value);
// Get all Internal Audits that are not closed and not completed
var audits = _auditRepo.Audits
.Include(a => a.Findings).ThenInclude(f => f.Recommendations).ThenInclude(r => r.Assignments)
.Where(a => a.StatusID != 3 && a.StatusID != 11);
var external = _externalRepo.ExternalRecords;
audits = audits.Where(a => !external.Any(e => e.AuditID == a.AuditID));
if (User.IsInRole("PAG_SPEC") && !User.IsInRole("PAG_ADMIN_INT"))
audits = audits.Where(a =>
a.Assignments.Any(assn => assn.AssignmentAuditId == a.AuditID
&& assn.AssignmentRoleId == 2 && assn.AssignmentStaffId == staffId));
// Where audit has a recommendation without an assigned PO Authorizer
// OR without an assigned Responsible Manager (Rec Level).
List<Audit> auditsToAssign = new List<Audit>();
foreach (Audit audit in audits)
foreach (Finding finding in audit.Findings)
foreach (Recommendation rec in finding.Recommendations)
if (!rec.Assignments.Any(asgn => asgn.AssignmentRoleId == 15)
|| !rec.Assignments.Any(asgn => asgn.AssignmentRoleId == 26)
IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM intDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM =
new IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM
Audits = auditsToAssign
return View("/Views/InternalAudit/Components/Dashboard/IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngr/Default.cshtml", intDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM);
When I get to this line in debugging and break to inspect, I have 1 Audit which I want:
return View("/Views/InternalAudit/Components/Dashboard/IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngr/Default.cshtml", intDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM);
Now here is my Unit Test:
public void ReturnsAudit_1Finding_1Rec_1Asgn_PONeeded_RespMnrAssigned()
// Arrange
var audits = new Audit[]
new Audit { AuditID = 1 }
var findings = new Finding[]
new Finding{ Audit = audits[0], FindingId = 1 } // 1 Finding
var recommendations = new List<Recommendation>()
new Recommendation // 1 Rec
Finding = findings[0],
Assignments = new List<Assignment>()
// PO Authorizor
new Assignment { AssignmentRoleId = 15 }
// No Responsible Manager
audits[0].Findings = findings;
findings[0].Recommendations = recommendations;
Mock<IAuditRepository> mockAuditRepo = new Mock<IAuditRepository>();
mockAuditRepo.Setup(m => m.Audits).Returns(audits.AsQueryable());
Mock<IExternalRepository> mockExternalRepo = new Mock<IExternalRepository>();
mockExternalRepo.Setup(m => m.ExternalRecords).Returns(
new External[0].AsQueryable()
// Act
var component = new IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrViewComponent(
mockAuditRepo.Object, mockExternalRepo.Object);
component.ViewComponentContext = new ViewComponentContext();
component.ViewComponentContext.ViewContext.HttpContext = TestContext;
var result =
component.Invoke() as IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM;
int auditCount = (result).Audits.Count();
// Assert
Assert.Equal(1, auditCount);
Why is result null on this line?
var result =
component.Invoke() as IntDashMakeRecAssgnmntsPoRespMngrVM;
I also tried this first and it is still null:
ViewComponentResult result =
component.Invoke() as ViewComponentResult;
int auditCount =

I figured it out.
I wasn't casting the result to the right type.
I had this:
ViewComponentResult result =
component.Invoke() as ViewComponentResult;
int auditCount =
It should be this:
var result =
component.Invoke() as ViewViewComponentResult;
int auditCount =
ViewViewComponentResult instead of ViewComponentResult.


LINQ query fails with nullable variable ormlite

I'm trying to write following LINQ query using ServiceStack Ormlite.
dbConn.Select<Product>(p => p.IsActive.HasValue && p.IsActive.Value)
Here, Product is my item class and "IsActive" is Nullable Bool property in that class. When this line executes it always throws "InvalidOperationException" with the message
variable 'p' of type '' referenced from scope '', but it is not defined
I tried different variants as following but still same exception result
dbConn.Select<Product>(p => p.IsActive.HasValue == true && p.IsActive.Value == true)
dbConn.Select<Product>(p => p.IsActive != null && p.IsActive.Value == true)
But if I just write
dbConn.Select<Product>(p => p.IsActive.HasValue)
then it works.
I'm puzzled what is the problem? Is this servicestack ormlite issue?
My answer can handle Nullable value like "value" and "HasValue" with servicestack ormlite. And But also with datetime nullable ,like 'createdate.value.Year'.
you must change two place.
modify VisitMemberAccess method:
protected virtual object VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression m)
if (m.Expression != null)
if (m.Member.DeclaringType.IsNullableType())
if (m.Member.Name == nameof(Nullable<bool>.Value))
return Visit(m.Expression);
if (m.Member.Name == nameof(Nullable<bool>.HasValue))
var doesNotEqualNull = Expression.NotEqual(m.Expression, Expression.Constant(null));
return Visit(doesNotEqualNull); // Nullable<T>.HasValue is equivalent to "!= null"
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expression '{0}' accesses unsupported property '{1}' of Nullable<T>", m, m.Member));
if (m.Member.DeclaringType == typeof(DateTime))
var ExpressionInfo = m.Expression as MemberExpression;
if (ExpressionInfo.Member.DeclaringType.IsNullableType())
if (ExpressionInfo.Member.Name == nameof(Nullable<bool>.Value))
var modelType = (ExpressionInfo.Expression as MemberExpression).Expression.Type;
var tableDef = modelType.GetModelDefinition();
var columnName = (ExpressionInfo.Expression as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
var QuotedColumnName = GetQuotedColumnName(tableDef, columnName);
if (m.Member.Name == "Year")
return new PartialSqlString(string.Format("DATEPART(yyyy,{0})", QuotedColumnName));
if (m.Member.Name == "Month")
return new PartialSqlString(string.Format("DATEPART(mm,{0})", QuotedColumnName));
if (ExpressionInfo.Member.Name == nameof(Nullable<bool>.HasValue))
var doesNotEqualNull = Expression.NotEqual(ExpressionInfo.Expression, Expression.Constant(null));
return Visit(doesNotEqualNull); // Nullable<T>.HasValue is equivalent to "!= null"
var modelType = ExpressionInfo.Expression.Type;
var tableDef = modelType.GetModelDefinition();
var columnName = ExpressionInfo.Member.Name;
var QuotedColumnName = GetQuotedColumnName(tableDef, columnName);
if (m.Member.Name == "Year")
return new PartialSqlString(string.Format("DATEPART(yyyy,{0})", QuotedColumnName));
if (m.Member.Name == "Month")
return new PartialSqlString(string.Format("DATEPART(mm,{0})", QuotedColumnName));
if (m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter || m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)m.Member;
var modelType = m.Expression.Type;
if (m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
var unaryExpr = m.Expression as UnaryExpression;
if (unaryExpr != null)
modelType = unaryExpr.Operand.Type;
var tableDef = modelType.GetModelDefinition();
if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsEnum)
return new EnumMemberAccess(
GetQuotedColumnName(tableDef, m.Member.Name), propertyInfo.PropertyType);
return new PartialSqlString(GetQuotedColumnName(tableDef, m.Member.Name));
var member = Expression.Convert(m, typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(member);
var getter = lambda.Compile();
return getter();
modify VisitLambda method :
protected virtual object VisitLambda(LambdaExpression lambda)
if (lambda.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess && sep == " ")
MemberExpression m = lambda.Body as MemberExpression;
if (m.Expression != null)
string r = VisitMemberAccess(m).ToString();
if (m.Member.DeclaringType.IsNullableType())
return r;
return string.Format("{0}={1}", r, GetQuotedTrueValue());
return Visit(lambda.Body);
This is nature of the Linq. In order to achieve what you need, you will need to use two where closes:
dbConn.Where<Product>(p => p.IsActive.HasValue).Where(p=>p.Value==true);

How can improve this Linq query expressions performance?

public bool SaveValidTicketNos(string id,string[] ticketNos, string checkType, string checkMan)
bool result = false;
List<Carstartlistticket>enties=new List<Carstartlistticket>();
using (var context = new MiniSysDataContext())
foreach (var ticketNo in ticketNos)
Orderticket temp = context.Orderticket.ByTicketNo(ticketNo).SingleOrDefault();
if (temp != null)
Ticketline ticketline= temp.Ticketline;
string currencyType = temp.CurrencyType;
float personAllowance=GetPersonCountAllowance(context,ticketline, currencyType);
Carstartlistticket carstartlistticket = new Carstartlistticket()
CsltId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Carstartlist = new Carstartlist(){CslId = id},
LeaveDate = temp.LeaveDate,
OnPointName = temp.OnpointName,
OffPointName = temp.OffpointName,
OutTicketMan = temp.OutBy,
TicketNo = temp.TicketNo,
ChekMan = checkMan,
Type = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkType)?(short?)null:Convert.ToInt16(checkType),
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
CreatedBy = checkMan,
NumbserAllowance = personAllowance
bool changeStateResult=ChangeTicketState(context, ticketNos,checkMan);
result = true;
catch (Exception e)
return result;
My code is above. I doubt these code have terrible poor performance. The poor performance in the point
Orderticket temp = context.Orderticket.ByTicketNo(ticketNo).SingleOrDefault();
,actually, I got an string array through the method args,then I want to get all data by ticketNos from database, here i use a loop,I know if i write my code like that ,there will be cause performance problem and it will lead one more time database access,how can avoid this problem and improve the code performance,for example ,geting all data by only on databse access
I forget to tell you the ORM I use ,en ,the ORM is PlinqO based NHibernate
i am looking forward to having your every answer,thank you
using plain NHibernate
var tickets = session.QueryOver<OrderTicket>()
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.TicketNo).IsIn(ticketNos)
short? type = null;
short typeValue;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkType) && short.TryParse(checkType, out typeValue))
type = typeValue;
var entitiesToSave = tickets.Select(ticket => new Carstartlistticket
CsltId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Carstartlist = new Carstartlist() { CslId = id },
LeaveDate = ticket.LeaveDate,
OnPointName = ticket.OnpointName,
OffPointName = ticket.OffpointName,
OutTicketMan = ticket.OutBy,
TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo,
ChekMan = checkMan,
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
CreatedBy = checkMan,
Type = type,
NumbserAllowance = GetPersonCountAllowance(context, ticket.Ticketline, ticket.CurrencyType)
foreach (var entity in entitiesToSave)
to enhance this further try to preload all needed PersonCountAllowances

Entity fails on simulataneous AJAX posts

I have an action that updates the database based on a Jquery Droppable/Sortable. The first AJAX post works fine, but the second one gives me the error:
New transaction is not allowed because there are other
threads running in the session.
It's being posted to 2 separate actions on the same controller, using the same UnitOfWork in the controller. Not sure what I have to do to fix this.
EDIT: these are the two service methods being called:
public void NavItemSort(List<string> orderArray, string navID, string subNavID)
var newOrderArray = orderArray.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToList();
var orderArrayIDs = newOrderArray.Select(x => x.Replace("ContentItem", "")).ToList();
var itemToBeSorted = Convert.ToInt32(orderArrayIDs.FirstOrDefault());
var itemContext = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.ID == itemToBeSorted).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
var currentSortOrder = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find()
.Where(x => x.NavID == itemContext.NavID &&
(itemContext.ParentID == null) ? x.ParentID == null :
x.ParentID == itemContext.ParentID).ToList();
var existingItems = currentSortOrder.Select(x => x.ID).ToList();
List<string> existingItemsString = existingItems.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
var newNavItemID = existingItemsString.Except(orderArray).FirstOrDefault();
var currentSortOrderExcept = currentSortOrder.Where(x => x.ID != Convert.ToInt32(newNavItemID));
foreach (var x in currentSortOrderExcept)
int sortOrderInt = orderArrayIDs.IndexOf(orderArrayIDs.Where(z => int.Parse(z) == x.ID).ToList().FirstOrDefault()) + 1;
NavigationItem navigationItem = new NavigationItem()
HasChild = x.HasChild,
Level = x.Level,
NavID = x.NavID,
ID = x.ID,
ParentID = x.ParentID,
PageID = x.PageID,
URL = x.URL,
Title = x.Title,
SortOrder = sortOrderInt,
if (navigationItem.SortOrder != null && navigationItem.SortOrder != 0)
cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Update(x, navigationItem);
public void NavItemAdd(List<string> orderArray, string NavID, string subNavID){
var newOrderArray = orderArray.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToList();
var orderArrayIDs = newOrderArray.Select(x => x.Replace("ContentItem", "")).ToList();
NavID = NavID.Replace("nav", "");
int NavIDInt = int.Parse(NavID);
int subNavIDInt = int.Parse(subNavID);
var existingNavItems = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.NavID == NavIDInt && x.ParentID == subNavIDInt).ToList();
int currentSortOrder = 0;
if (existingNavItems.Count() != 0)
currentSortOrder = existingNavItems.Max(x => x.SortOrder);
var existingItems = existingNavItems.Select(x => x.ID).ToList();
List<string> existingItemsString = existingItems.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
var newNavItemID = orderArray.Except(existingItemsString).FirstOrDefault();
int newNavIDInt = int.Parse(newNavItemID);
var newNavItemList = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.ID == newNavIDInt).ToList();
var newNavItem = newNavItemList.FirstOrDefault();
var parentNav = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.ID == subNavIDInt).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
NavigationItem navigationItemUpdated = new NavigationItem()
ID = newNavItem.ID,
Level = 2,
NavID = NavIDInt,
PageID = newNavItem.PageID,
Title = newNavItem.Title,
URL = newNavItem.URL,
ParentID = subNavIDInt,
SortOrder = currentSortOrder + 1
cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Update(newNavItem, navigationItemUpdated);
I'm guessing you started a transaction against that context and you never dispose of it not commit it. Just a guess though as you didn't Los any code (please post code)
Maybe you have declared cmsUnitOfWork as static variable? Context must be created and destroyed on each request

how to improve the performance of function which takes almost 1 second in loading time (asp.net mvc 3)

I did a profile tracing to check what functions are taking long times , One of the method takes near 1 second and is called 10+ times and i guess it should be a candidate for review. I have included the method, Can anyone tell me how can it possible be improved.
private ProductModel.ProductMiscModel PrepareProductMiscModel(Product product)
if (product == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
var model = new ProductModel.ProductMiscModel();
var productVariants = _productService.GetProductVariantsByProductId(product.Id);
var getManufactureImage = _manufacturerService.GetProductManufacturersByProductId(product.Id)
.Select(x =>
var m = x.Manufacturer.ToModel();
m.PictureModel.ImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(x.Manufacturer.PictureId, _mediaSetting.ManufacturerThumbPictureSize, true);
m.PictureModel.Title = string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("Media.Manufacturer.ImageLinkTitleFormat"), m.Name);
m.PictureModel.AlternateText = string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("Media.Manufacturer.ImageAlternateTextFormat"), m.Name);
return m;
model.manufactureName = getManufactureImage;
switch (productVariants.Count)
case 0:
//var productVariant = productVariants[0];
model.Sku = null;
model.ShowSku = false;
// model.attributeName = 0;
} break;
case 1:
//only one variant
{ var productVariant = productVariants[0];
model.Sku = productVariant.Sku; //null;
model.ShowSku = true;
// model.attributeName = _productAttributeService.GetProductVariantAttributesByProductVariantId(productVariant.Id);
model.productSpecification = _specificationAttributeService.GetProductSpecificationAttributesByProductId(productVariant.Product.Id);
return model;
public virtual IList<ProductManufacturer> GetProductManufacturersByProductId(int productId, bool showHidden = false)
if (productId == 0)
return new List<ProductManufacturer>();
string key = string.Format(PRODUCTMANUFACTURERS_ALLBYPRODUCTID_KEY, showHidden, productId);
return _cacheManager.Get(key, () =>
var query = from pm in _productManufacturerRepository.Table
join m in _manufacturerRepository.Table on
pm.ManufacturerId equals m.Id
where pm.ProductId == productId &&
!m.Deleted &&
(showHidden || m.Published)
orderby pm.DisplayOrder
select pm;
var productManufacturers = query.ToList();
return productManufacturers;
Use StopWatch in the method to determine which part it is that takes long time.
you might want to include the picture url in the original list instead of traversing each item and call _pictureService.GetPictureUrl.

LINQ query and lambda expressions

I'm trying to write a LINQ query and am having problems. I'm not sure if lambda expressions are the answer or not but I think they may be.
I have two combo boxes on my form: "State" and "Color".
I want to select Widgets from my database based on the values of these two dropdowns.
My widgets can be in one of the following states: Not Started, In Production, In Finishing, In Inventory, Sold. Widgets can have any color in the 'color' table in the database.
The 'state' combobox has selections "Not Sold," "In Production/Finishing", "Not Started," "In Production," "In Finishing," "In Inventory," "Sold." (I hope these are self-explanatory.)
The 'color' dropdown has "All Colors," and a separate item for each color in the database.
How can I create a LINQ query to select the widgets I want from the database based on the dropdowns?
var WidgetStateChoosen = "Sold";
//var WidgetStateChoosen = "All Widgets";
var WidgetColourChoosen = "Orange";
//var WidgetColourChoosen = "All Colours";
var widgetselected = Widgets.Where
(w =>
( (WidgetStateChoosen == "All Widgets") ? (w.WidgetState != WidgetStateChoosen) : (w.WidgetState == WidgetStateChoosen) )
( (WidgetColourChoosen == "All Colours") ? (w.WidgetColour != WidgetColourChoosen) : (w.WidgetColour == WidgetColourChoosen) )
Way more code then I wish, but oh well! I wasnt sure I completely understood your state and selectionstate, but I hope my example is still helpful.
public void SelectionTest()
var userSelections = GetUserSelections("AllColor", (SelectedState[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SelectedState)));
var inventory = this.GetInventory();
foreach (var currentSelection in userSelections)
var selection = currentSelection;
var result = from item in inventory
where (item.Color == selection.Color || selection.Color == "AllColor") &&
select item;
Console.WriteLine("Item selected for selection: Color:{0} SelectedState:{1}", selection.Color, selection.State);
foreach (var item in result)
Console.WriteLine("Item Color:{0};Item State:{1}", item.Color, item.State);
private IEnumerable<State> GetStates(SelectedState state)
var list = new List<State>();
foreach (State currentState in Enum.GetValues(typeof(State)))
if (((int)currentState & (int)state) == (int)currentState)
return list;
private IEnumerable<Item> GetInventory()
return new List<Item>()
new Item() {State = State.NotStarted, Color = "Blue"},
new Item() {State = State.InFinishing, Color = "Red"},
new Item() {State = State.Sold, Color = "Yellow"},
new Item() {State = State.Sold, Color = "Blue"},
new Item() {State = State.InProduction, Color = "Blue"},
new Item() {State = State.InInventory, Color = "Blue"},
private IEnumerable<UserSelection> GetUserSelections(String color, IEnumerable<SelectedState> states)
var list = new List<UserSelection>();
foreach (var state in states)
list.Add(new UserSelection() { Color = color, State = state });
return list;
private enum State
NotStarted = 1,
InProduction = 2,
InFinishing = 4,
InInventory = 8,
Sold = 16
private enum SelectedState
NotSold = State.InInventory, //Where does it map? I assume INInventory even if it doesnt make much sense
InProductionOrFinishing = State.InProduction | State.InFinishing,
NotStarted = State.NotStarted,
InProduction = State.InProduction,
InFinishing = State.InFinishing,
InInventory = State.InInventory,
Sold = State.Sold,
SomeBizarroTrippleState = State.InProduction | State.Sold | State.NotStarted
private class UserSelection
public String Color { get; set; }
public SelectedState State { get; set; }
private class Item
public String Color { get; set; }
public State State { get; set; }
var query = db.Widgets;
if (stateFilter == "Not sold")
query = query.Where(w => w.State != WidgetState.Sold);
else if (stateFilter == "In Production/Finishing")
query = query.Where(w => w.State == WidgetState.InProduction || w.State == WidgetState.Finishing);
if (colorFilter != "All colors")
query = query.Where(w => w.Color = colorFilter);
(of course you should have a better way of testing the selected value from the combobox, testing on strings is really bad...)
