Warnings when using ES6/Javascript Modules in the C9 IDE - cloud9-ide

Is there a way to configure the Cloud9 IDE to not show warnings when using ECMAScript 6 modules for .js files?
Thank you!

ECMAScript 6 support is in the works and should be in cloud9 in the coming weeks. Alternatively for now you can add:
/*global import export */
To the top of the file to make the warnings go away.


Use Config.json to customize Bootstrap 4 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Customizing Bootstrap 4 css
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Does anyone know about an alpha/beta bootstrap 4 custom generator, same that is available for bootstrap 3 at Customize and download?
https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/customize/ still unavailable
As discussed here on Stack Overflow, there will not be a customizer for Bootstrap 4. This means that you'll have to build the Sass files manually. This can be achieved with the sass npm package, for example.
I've also created a tool that handles compiling the Sass and vendor prefixing, which I've been using to compile Bootstrap. This is a simple setup to get started with:
npm i bootstrap#4 sass-plus -D
Create a file called app.scss and import Bootstrap in there:
#import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
Compile it:
npx sass-plus -i app.scss -o compiled.css
You should now find all of the Bootstrap-classes in compiled.css. You can make changes to the app.scss file and recompile and the changes will be reflected in the CSS, that can be referenced normally in HTML.
By importing Bootstrap components individually and changing Bootstrap's variables you can change the look of your site and the size of the compiled CSS.
All Bootstrap components imported individually
sass-plus docs
Great question! Bootstrap 3 had a customize page as you noted.
You could use this build tool: https://bootstrap.build/. I'm not sure if it is the replacement for the BS3 customize page or something new. It looks like a nice editor.
Or you could build a custom version of Bootstrap 4 with SASS.
This link provides more information about making a theme:
It doesn't look like the Bootstrap team are going to offer a customizer like in v3.
As mentioned in other answers, bootstrap.build exists and has a very nice UI and gives access to most of the variables and options. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to being updated as quick as the Bootstrap team are releasing updates.
upgrade-bootstrap.bootply.com is another option but doesn't give any indication as to which v4 version is being used. It has only limited access to variables and options.
bootstrapcustomizer.compoutpost.com provides full access to all variables and options and is kept up-to-date with v4 releases. It's not as nice a UI as bootstrap.build but works.
(Disclosure: I created bootstrapcustomizer.compoutpost.com)

Angular 4 - SASS Intellisense - vsCode

Is there any way to enable intellisense in scss file? I'm importing variables into my project, works well, but on each time I must go to _variable.scss file and look what have I write there because it's not suggesting.
I figured out, you need to install in vsCode plugin:

Does Cloud9 support Python’s Mako Templating filetype?

I recently started trying out cloud9 IDE. My project relies on Python's Mako Templating. Before this, I use Atom Editor, which has a module to highlight syntax of Mako. When I imported the .mako files to Cloud9, however, it doesn't seem to be highlighted at all. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.
Cloud9 does not currently support .mako file highlighting.
Note: If you're interested in implementing highlighting for a certain syntax/language, you can have a look at the Ace documentation about this (Cloud9 uses the Ace editor) or the Cloud9 SDK documentation.

How to use webstorm 11 to debug meteor 1.2 application with ecmascript package

After recently updating my project to meteor 1.2 and including the new ecmascript package (to use ES2015 features), I realized that my server debug breakpoints will never run, no matter what I do.
After reading about different ES6 posts on meteor forums and jetbrains , I tried setting up file watchers to create sourcemaps, but:
meteor complains about the generated files(so you have to move them to special folders in order to keep going)
It still doesn't work :(
Setting up spy-js also didn't work (never tried before so maybe I did it wrong)
I could reproduce the problem with the basic TODOs application and debugging with default options.
It is fixed for now in EAP 11 builds.
Known issue, please follow WEB-18074 for updates. Unfortunately I can't offer any workarounds:(

IDE with syntax highlight support for LESS

Is there any IDE with syntax highlight support for LESS?
Eclipse does not support .less fully (nested rules, single line comments, etc) but you can at least configure it so that it would open .less files and treat them as .css.
Preferences > General > Content Types:
find "CSS" entry and add .less extension.
Then, Preferences > General > Editors > File Assoc:
add .less extension and associate with CSS editor.
Better than nothing, especially if you're into Eclipse world ;)
JetBrains PHPStorm has built-in support for LESS :)
You could use Netbeans plugin for LESS.
In Netbeans 6.9:
tools-> Available Plugins-> LessCSS Module
Version: 1.0.6 Source: Plugin Portal
Plugin Description
This module is to allow for tighter integration of netbeans with LessCSS (using the LessPHP standard).
Sublime Text. It's good lightweight editor.
If you use Textmate there is a syntax highlighting bundle for LESS:
Here is an Eclipse plugin for LESS : http://www.normalesup.org/~simonet/soft/ow/eclipse-less.fr.html
Syntax highlighting for LESS is included in the newest version of rails.vim.
You can use Komodo IDE or Edit for this purpose. It has an add-on named LESS
I just tried Crunch and I like it.It has syntax highlighting (but no intellisense) and can save as .css.
It requires Adobe AIR.
