Does Cloud9 support Python’s Mako Templating filetype? - cloud9-ide

I recently started trying out cloud9 IDE. My project relies on Python's Mako Templating. Before this, I use Atom Editor, which has a module to highlight syntax of Mako. When I imported the .mako files to Cloud9, however, it doesn't seem to be highlighted at all. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

Cloud9 does not currently support .mako file highlighting.
Note: If you're interested in implementing highlighting for a certain syntax/language, you can have a look at the Ace documentation about this (Cloud9 uses the Ace editor) or the Cloud9 SDK documentation.


Atom on Mac - No Syntax Highlighting for new/open files

I have gruvbox theme installed for syntax highlighting theme, but also have tried others with the following effect;
If I open a new file or an existing file, there is no syntax highlighting. However, if I goto Atom, config and it opens config.cson I see syntax highlighting correctly. Same as going to Atom in Mac titlebar, then selecting "Init Script..." - syntax highlighting works file.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance for help.
The core packages installed with Atom only feature syntax highlighting for a limited collection of languages. Presumably, to prevent the mandatory installation of unnecessary packages in accordance with the editors a la carte build philosophy.
Consequently, I would suggest searching your installed Atom packages for the language you're trying to use. If you find the language is not already installed, you will most likely be able to install language-support via the following command: apm install language-<your-language>

Syntax highlighting for Volt in Notepad++

I have just started using Phalcon and am amazed by it's versatitlity (previously used CakePHP). However, to make effective use of their Volt language I need syntax highlighting for it in Notepad++ but cannot find it anywhere.
Can anyone direct me to a package to install to introduce syntax highlighting for this language in Notepad++?
I realise that such a package may not exist for Volt in Notepad++ yet. In that case can anyone suggest:
a) an alternative text editor that does have syntax highlighting for Volt (preferably as minimalistic and simple as Notepad++); or
b) a guide that would help get me started on making the xml file to enable syntax highlighting for Volt in Notepad++ (I've got a bit of time, no harm in trying...).
Almost solution
The answer to this question implies that Twig is similar to Volt.
Using this definition for Twig and assigning it to .volt extensions currently. However, if a better version exists that would be good (i.e. one which keeps the normal syntax highlighting for the HTML but also adds in keyword, comments, etc. highlighting for the Volt parts).
I used twig syntax highlighting with Aptana and it worked alright.
You could also look in to Atom where there is a volt syntax available language-volt.
I use Atom for pretty much everything. It supports the volt syntax as well as a bunch of other useful plugins / extensions.

WebStorm and PHP syntax highlighting in WebStorm

I have WebStorm and really like it. I don't use PHP very often, but I'm working on a project that uses it...
So, I'm trying to get basic syntax highlighting in WebStorm.
I've tried using this plugin already (incompatible):
And I've followed the steps in these threads:
Webstorm: how to extend to handle PHP files or even just higlight code correctly?
Is it possible to get Ruby syntax highlighting in PHPStorm?
I am using this textmate bundle:
It's being recognized by WebStorm, and the proper files are being associated with TextMate bundles, yet I still have no syntax highlighting.
At this point, I've just written all the stuff without the highlighting, but it seems a bit ridicules that I cannot get it to work.
I sent an email to technical support, and they just pointed me back to those resources and then suggested that I buy PHPStorm. And the IDE keeps suggesting that I buy IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
Has anybody else run into this problem? bundle uses non-documented 'injection' - feature that's not currently supported - thus no highlighting is actually recognized. See RUBY-14273

How to get a ruby syntax highlighting in IntelliJ IDEA Community 12

I know that there is no "official" support from Jetbrains. How can I workaround this?
I just need a syntax highlighting level of support for ruby.
Thanks in advance.
Follow the instructions in this blog post:
I've followed that process myself to setup custom syntax highlighting for both Velocity Template Language and JavaScript files, and am just about to do the same for Ruby.
Sure there is here an official technical support.
You can find ruby plugin for IntellJ IDEA here
Btw, first I thought you were using RubyMine, there you can set the auto-completion by going to File | Settings - IDE Settings - Editor - Code completion, so you could try to find what's up in this path for IntelliJ IDEA

IDE with syntax highlight support for LESS

Is there any IDE with syntax highlight support for LESS?
Eclipse does not support .less fully (nested rules, single line comments, etc) but you can at least configure it so that it would open .less files and treat them as .css.
Preferences > General > Content Types:
find "CSS" entry and add .less extension.
Then, Preferences > General > Editors > File Assoc:
add .less extension and associate with CSS editor.
Better than nothing, especially if you're into Eclipse world ;)
JetBrains PHPStorm has built-in support for LESS :)
You could use Netbeans plugin for LESS.
In Netbeans 6.9:
tools-> Available Plugins-> LessCSS Module
Version: 1.0.6 Source: Plugin Portal
Plugin Description
This module is to allow for tighter integration of netbeans with LessCSS (using the LessPHP standard).
Sublime Text. It's good lightweight editor.
If you use Textmate there is a syntax highlighting bundle for LESS:
Here is an Eclipse plugin for LESS :
Syntax highlighting for LESS is included in the newest version of rails.vim.
You can use Komodo IDE or Edit for this purpose. It has an add-on named LESS
I just tried Crunch and I like it.It has syntax highlighting (but no intellisense) and can save as .css.
It requires Adobe AIR.
