Magento: "configForm is not defined" error when saving admin settings - magento

I get this error when I try to save an some settings on the admin. At least so far, I've noticed it happens in the system/advanced section and on a plugin (color picker) I want to deactivate.
Uncaught ReferenceError: configForm is not defined
Any idea?

The problem in the /magento/js/prototype/validation.js corrupted.
Just replace it with the original version from backup files or from fresh magento and it will works.


magento custom theme error

trying to create a custom theme with bitnami XAMPP using magento devdocs
I get this error when I try to access the admin panel
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1130478184
I think you have to first check in your error log number "1130478184" where you exactly know what is the issue. I think from your given link which you refer your issue must be occured from theme.xml file's <preview_image>media/preview.jpg</preview_image> line. You have to try with comment following code in theme.xml file:-

Joomla - Save article from frontend does not work with Allrounder-Template

I use Joomla Version 3.8.6 with "The ALLROUNDER 3 - Joomla Template" in Version 1.1 and I have a problem when I edit an article via frontend. When I want to save the article nothing happens. All other buttons (close, etc...) work correctly.
In my browser console I get this error message when I click on the save button:
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isValid' of null
> at Object.Joomla.submitbutton (index.php?view=form&layout=edit&a_id=1&catid=8&return=aHR0cDovL3Rlc3QudHNjLXpldXpsZWJlbi5kZS9pbmRleC5waHA=:67)
> at HTMLButtonElement.onclick
This error happens for all different types of users (Editor as well as Super-Administrator)
I deleted the template completely from my webspace and did a new clean install but the error is still there. I tried to disable Jquery-Scripts in the header as well as all other Javascripts but this did not help. I also disabled sequentially all plugins, but the error was still active. Further, I set up textfilter for all users to "No Filter", but the error was still active.
Thank you for your help!

Problems with the magento installation

Whenever I open localhost/testm, where testm is the folder that contains all the magento files, the following error is displayed:
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1202944296
Whenever I am refreshing the page the error number keeps on changing.
Try this,
Rename file local.xml.sample to local.xml
file location : magentoRootDirectory/errors/
Please check your server max_execution_time using phpinfo(); and increase it if its value is too less. I hope this will solve your problem

Error loading in Magento admin

When I load my Magento admin I get the error.
Fatal error: Call to a member function isLoggedIn() on a non-object
in /home/xxx/public_html/app/code/community/TM/Core/Model/Observer.php
on line 12
I think it happened when I replaced some files somewhere in app/code/...
I’m really stuck on this and need desperate help.
Error is in your extension file TM/Core/Model/Observer.php
Disable extension and check after refresh cache
This was fixed by the Full Page Cache Extension people.
I don't know what they did but it was their extension which broke my magento however they fixed it for me right away

Magento doesn't save my catalog_product_set, what can I do?

I 've installed magento and it seems to work, but if I want to save a new Catalog_product_set with different attributes then I get Internal Error Message with Status Code 500
Does anyone have the same problem?
Thanks in advance
cheers tabaluga
Your screenshot (and from the looks of it Magento's error page) clips the edge of the error off. Seeing the rest of the error message might be important. Regardless, it looks like Magento is trying to load a config file w/ simplexml, and cannot find that file.
