Magento doesn't save my catalog_product_set, what can I do? - magento

I 've installed magento and it seems to work, but if I want to save a new Catalog_product_set with different attributes then I get Internal Error Message with Status Code 500
Does anyone have the same problem?
Thanks in advance
cheers tabaluga

Your screenshot (and from the looks of it Magento's error page) clips the edge of the error off. Seeing the rest of the error message might be important. Regardless, it looks like Magento is trying to load a config file w/ simplexml, and cannot find that file.


HTTP ERROR 500 - after all configurations as said by creator

I'm using codeigniter project (opensourcepos). I have done all configurations as said but there's an error.enter image description here
Please help me out...
I have tried to change the .htaccess file many times but in vain...
It looks like the actual error is not being displayed so you can't properly diagnostic it.
Depending on the CI settings and version (please specify) it hides the error and only shows a standard server 500.

Moodle Moove Child Theme

I am trying to make a child theme for 'Moove' in moodle 3.6! But as soon as I update my database and click on theme selector button, I get an HTTP 500 error!
I follow the instruction from the blog below, but apparently, I am doing something wrong. Can sb help me please?
Error 500 usually means there is something wrong in your scripts/configuration.
First thing to do would be to enable debugging messages to see what exactly is wrong.
Here you can find how to enable debug output to get more detailed error messages:

Magento cant make an order

I have an installation of Magento 1.9.2. I am using a custom theme, and anytime I try and place an order it kicks off the Ajax on the page and then stops with no error messages, but does leave a log:
ERR (3): User Error: Some transactions have not been committed or rolled back in /html/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php on line 4039
I have spent 2 days trying to get to the bottom of this with no joy. It doesn't matter what payment method I use its always the same.
You should try to log all MySQL queries to see what wrong here. lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.
Open the file lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php and change the value of the protected property $_debug to true. You can also change the value of $_logQueryTime which is especially handy when debugging slowdowns. Once you make this change all queries will be logged in the file var/debug/pdo_mysql.log
Hope this will help you. Please put your corrupted query here if you fixed it.
I had today the same problem. Magento with a custom theme. Everything worked fine, expect the checkout-process. The custom theme used the PHP short open tag <? php code ?> . After enabling short_open_tag in the php.ini, everything works fine.

Magento can't save new products anymore

Everything was fine 'til this morning. I've tried clearing cache, re indexing, all tips I could find on the internet.
Here is the message I'm getting
Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in /home5/rockbott/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/ProductController.php on line 578
here is line 577 and 578:
if (Mage::app()->isSingleStoreMode()) {
A newly created product gives me Fatal Error message. Duplicated product gives me the same, but when I go to manage products it appears, but without SKU# and 0 stock count. When I try to edit that product again - I get Fatal Error.
Please help me with my problem.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your response.
Someone suggested that I clear log file and I did. I'm sorry I don't have the log file. Compiler is disabled as well. Would you be kind enough to take a look here: I've posted more information there including reports.
Thank you
I realize this is old, but on a Magento install i was having the same problem. I'm not sure what is happening but enabling the cache allowed it to work for me. Weird.
What appears to be causing it in my case is a remnant logging line in Mage.php that I was using to track events.
On line 447 I had:
Mage::log($name, null, 'events.log');
Removing this logging line resolved the issue.
With your informations is difficult to find the problem.
Can you paste your system.log file?
One question: Do you have the compiler enabled? Try to disable it.
I had the same error. Solution turned out to be very simple: you need to replace getStore(true) to getStore(1).
Its very strange because in PHP true same as 1 ... but in this it was a mistake. If you make a "more correct" and write:
Magento give you not true website. Was too lazy to look for, as well as programmers Magento (getStore (true)) :)) so I decided to leave it

Magento export to CSV File shows "Error 503"

Good morning.
I've been having this issue for some days and have been lokking for a solution, but I haven't found one yet.
The problem is, I have this Magento store and some grids can be exported to CSV files, while others shows:
Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:
XID: 853411302
Varnish cache server
The Magento version I'm using is 1.6.2. I guess the problem is not about PHP code, since the error shown is this generic error, instead of a PHP one (I even found the code used for exporting files and it seems to be ok).
I would like to know why is this error being showed to me.
This is a Varnish Cache related error, I would suggest following the guide below on how to identify what the XID is returning for more insight on how to fix the issue:
