magento custom theme error - magento

trying to create a custom theme with bitnami XAMPP using magento devdocs
I get this error when I try to access the admin panel
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1130478184

I think you have to first check in your error log number "1130478184" where you exactly know what is the issue. I think from your given link which you refer your issue must be occured from theme.xml file's <preview_image>media/preview.jpg</preview_image> line. You have to try with comment following code in theme.xml file:-


Problems with the magento installation

Whenever I open localhost/testm, where testm is the folder that contains all the magento files, the following error is displayed:
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1202944296
Whenever I am refreshing the page the error number keeps on changing.
Try this,
Rename file local.xml.sample to local.xml
file location : magentoRootDirectory/errors/
Please check your server max_execution_time using phpinfo(); and increase it if its value is too less. I hope this will solve your problem

Magento installation issue

Am getting below error before installing magento could any one help me on this
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 67392566
Go to var/report and open file with this number 67392566 and see the exact error then send me so I can help you exactly with your query.

_PS_MODE_DEV_ not working in Prestashop

I'm trying to install/configure a theme in a new/clean Prestashop installation. I was able to install/enable the theme, but when I try to view the page it comes back with a 500 error message.
I changed _PS_MODE_DEV_ to true in /config/ but still I only get:
The x.x.x.x page isn’t working
x.x.x.x is currently unable to handle this request.
It's not showing the error debug information so that I can troubleshoot.
Anywhere else where I need to enable this?
You are not able to view the error even after enabling error debugging because the error is being generated before the error debugging is set to enabled. In order to debug your issues, you can check the error log on your server.
In case of Apache you can check following file:

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons. Error log record number:

I just re-installed Magento and restored the old database with PhpMyAdmin.
The front page of the website is OK. But in the backend I've got this error when I go to Manage Categories.
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 986836145855
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Go to magento/var/report and open the file with the Error log record number name (986836145855 in your case).
In that file you can find the complete description of the error.
For log files like system.log and exception.log, go to magento/var/log/.

Magento: "configForm is not defined" error when saving admin settings

I get this error when I try to save an some settings on the admin. At least so far, I've noticed it happens in the system/advanced section and on a plugin (color picker) I want to deactivate.
Uncaught ReferenceError: configForm is not defined
Any idea?
The problem in the /magento/js/prototype/validation.js corrupted.
Just replace it with the original version from backup files or from fresh magento and it will works.
