Can I disable modules with mobile detection in Joomla? - joomla

I am using Joomla 3.3.6 and I have a mobile responsive site. But certain modules I'm using on the site I would like to either disable completely or changed with the site is being viewed with a mobile browser. Does anyone know any scripts or extension I can use with Joomla to do this?

I searched for like 5 seconds and I found this post Joomla 3 hide module just for mobile devices which basically contains your problem


How to convert a magento website into a mobile responsive website on a subdomain?

I want to develop a magento extension which copies the existing website on with a mobile responsive theme and custom javascript. How can i automate the process of copying the website and enabling the subdomain?
The idea is that you create a website throught the configuration and set the domain you want along with the theme you need for mobile. Another option is to set a specific theme and to set exceptions on the design configuration.

Blank White Screen for iframes in phonegap App

I have an html5 mobile responsive website. In this website, I am showing iframes (in many pages) of pages that are hosted externally. If I view the html5 website in browser either in PC or mobile, it is displaying all the pages correctly.
I had converted this html5 website to android app using phonegap build (cloud one). It was working fine for last few months. Few days back I had added some new pages to the html5 website using iframes to show new pages. I tried updating the phonegap through Now when I open the android app, what i see is blank white screens in place of all iframes. I don't know what happened but I think phonegap version was updated to cli-5.2.0 (3.9.1/4.1.1/3.8.1).
Could this be the issue? How can I revert back to the old version? I tried specifying in config.xml but no success. I even searched online for solutions but I couldn't find solution to my problem. I have allowed in config.xml. I found in some site that we need to allow access for domains and subdomains. So I tried doing that but no success. What could be the problem?
I am successful in solving my problem by specifying version 3.7.1 in config.xml

Magento: Previewing template / theme?

I'm a web designer creating a new theme for a client's existing site, I don't have full access to the server so I'm not able to create a staging site for the purpose of testing a theme...
Is there a simple way to preview a custom theme without interfering with the live site in Magento 1.4 similar to Magento Go theme preview? Or if anybody has any other suggestions that would be great.
Many thanks in advance!
You can create a test site on your own PC or Mac with Apache Friends Xampp, Download and install Magento. instruction here.
Now you can play and experiment without taking down a live site.
Be sure to read up on theme building.

How to run mobile joomla on desktop browser?

I need to see the output by mobile joomla plugin in my regular browser, to be able to style and tweak things easily.
In older versions of mobile joomla ther was an option ('Mobile Always') that would output mobile views all the time. But I can't find it current version (1.0.3)
You can always install User Agent Switcher for Firefox. It gives you the ability to change to a mobile user agent and also a few others things such as IE6 and IE7. You can also add others. Hope this helps. Regards.

Joomla iphone template making

How to make an ordinary joomla site into a compatible mobile template when viewed from mobile
A lot of the templating comes from working out what width of screen you're using (look for CSS Media queries), then it comes down to what mobiles (or screen widths) you want to support.
Try Mobile Joomla component (
