Blank White Screen for iframes in phonegap App - phonegap-build

I have an html5 mobile responsive website. In this website, I am showing iframes (in many pages) of pages that are hosted externally. If I view the html5 website in browser either in PC or mobile, it is displaying all the pages correctly.
I had converted this html5 website to android app using phonegap build (cloud one). It was working fine for last few months. Few days back I had added some new pages to the html5 website using iframes to show new pages. I tried updating the phonegap through Now when I open the android app, what i see is blank white screens in place of all iframes. I don't know what happened but I think phonegap version was updated to cli-5.2.0 (3.9.1/4.1.1/3.8.1).
Could this be the issue? How can I revert back to the old version? I tried specifying in config.xml but no success. I even searched online for solutions but I couldn't find solution to my problem. I have allowed in config.xml. I found in some site that we need to allow access for domains and subdomains. So I tried doing that but no success. What could be the problem?

I am successful in solving my problem by specifying version 3.7.1 in config.xml


Deep links and Outlook safe links protection

I have deep links configured on iOS and Android using universal links. They're working fine. If the app isn't installed, the request goes through the web site, which I currently have an apache Rewrite redirecting them to the home page of the web site with links to install the app.
Emails that go through Outlook safe links protection, a feature of Office 365 subscriptions, rewrites all URLs in your received emails. So my deep link universal link is rewritten to an outlook handling URL (, so iOS nor Android have the chance to handle it immediately. This redirects to the original url, however Safari then doesn't treat is as a universal link, at least not in the way I have it configured and the user then gets redirected to the home page, and the app never opens. 😢
I can't be the only one facing this issue, as there are a lot of hotmail users out there.
Anyone got any suggestions on how to alleviate this issue and make universal links work with outlook safe links protection?
Note that this issue only is affecting iOS 13 and Android. It works ok on iOS 14.
I know it's possible, as we've got emails from other apps that seem to be successfully doing it, albeit via a lot of link forwarding it seems.

What is causing my website converted to APK pages to stick when scrolling?

I converted my website to an APK and it installs fine - the problem is that when trying to scroll up or down - the page sticks and the page refreshes to a page not available - the live site works perfect.
Try to use momentum scrolling. I don't know exactly what can cause your issue, but
Android 3+ and iOS 5+ implemented a new property called overflow-scrolling that enables momentum scrolling. And it works beautifully.
Look here:
Hope that helps.
I was using a service from GoNative that packages mobile web sites into APKS - kind of a wrapper to allow mobile sites to function like apps. One of the configuration options was to use "web pool" services that cached pages to allow for faster processing - I deleted that feature and the site/app works fine.

windows phone 7 does not receive scripts and js files on https

Can't solve a problem that I have regarding windows phone jquery mobile https and mvc 2. I have a mvc 2 app that resides on my localhost. Some pages require https connection, so when I use my windows phone to browse through pages everything is fine (jquery mobile renders fine) until I accept the https message and go to the https page then it showes all html content with no javascript and css (white background with black text, jquery mobile not working, hidden divs now visible and so on). Seems like windows phone is blocking the files on https in this particular scenatio. Quite strange problem, especially that everything works on Iphone. Iphone renders everything just fine whether its http or https.
I'm not gonna try to paste any code since I don't event know where to start, and the app is too large to paste code snippets. Just wanted to know if anyone had similar problem, or has any idea how to overcome this issue.
EDIT: by searching through forums I stumbled upon problem of self signed certificate on the server and accesing pages with windows phone, dont know if this is the exact problem tho
I think I found solution to my problem, as I thought I need to add the same self signed certificate to my phone that I generated on the server. It is not necessary on the iphone, but for some reason Windows Phone requiers it.

Using google docs as a publishing tool

I am an author of short stories. I like using google docs and I like the idea of when I update a story these changes propagate to the sites I publish on. This system works fine in the latter versions of chrome and IE.
This doesn't work in IOS and only when using Opera on android - At present I need to create PDFs to work on an iPhone or an iPad which defeats my purpose of instant updating.
But right now I am trying to get Firefox to display the contents of the embeded iFrames, but FF 9.01 only shows the outline of the iframe containing a blank page. This is btw how ios displays the same page.
Here is my test page
In FF this page will load an iframe of my site, but it will not display the stories. I also tried having docs on google apps in case that would act differently - but no difference.
I have tried
Any one have a clue?
Just wanted to say that I have given up on inserting google doc iframes into my webpages hoping that they will render correctly on all platforms and browsers. That proved to be wishful thinking.
Instead I have constructed an app that builds static pages from the Google doc url's. First I let this happen on the fly every time a user selected a story for viewing, but there was quite a lag with this method and with afterthought I saw no reason not to create static pages. This I do for all my texts even if I have only changed a few details in one of them. I publish PDSs at the same time with TCPDF.

Firefox not displaying embedded youtube iframe within ajax loaded post, working in all other browsers

I am developing a website with Wordpress and just working on the video embedding. It works with Vimeo in all browsers, and Youtube in all browsers except Firefox. It works in the single post view, but not when the posts are loaded with ajax on the main page.
I am running Firefox 10.0.2 in Windows 7 64
Any ideas why this isn't working?
EDIT: the dev site is gone, but the final website is at
In the final version of the website, since a solution was never found, we just eliminated YouTube embedding entirely.
