BIRT Reports column not spanding the whole row as desired - birt

I am fairly new to BIRT reports.
In the BIRT reports designer I have added a 2nd row to my table which is binded to a data set. In this 2nd row I want 1 column from my data set to take up the whole row.
So what I did was to add the second row and merge all the columns in that row to form one column. I then added a text field with Dynamic HTML Text.
The problem I have is that the data is not taking the whole row. It is being wrapped into only a small section of the row. I must be missing something. Can someone help me with this pls.
I'm attaching both the way the end report looks like and also the screenshot of the set up in the designer.
End Result
Designer (you can see all the rows merged in the second row of the table and in the properties i can see a colspan of 10 for that single column)

I've found out that the asnwer to this question is to make the field element inline style rather than block and also to check the No Wrapping check box for this field int he designer.


BIRT Report Designer - Table to Produce Rows in Multi Columns

I have a table, which is listing the name of benefits and it is only 1 column (just name of the benefit).
I'm wondering if there is any native function of BIRT Report Designer to produce rows not only vertically but also populate horizontally to 3-4 columns.
Something like below:
Benefits List
Benefit-1 Benefit-3 Benefit-5
Benefit-2 Benefit-4 Benefit-6
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Ok, I found a solution!
Under the following link there is a Eclipse Community Page Link recommendation about an additional computed column. Even though I don't have any computed column, the recommendation gave me an inspiration. Instead of creating an additional column, I used the rownum that is used generally to bind dataset parameter. For the table row, I created "visibility" condition that checks if the rownum + 1 is divided by 3. Depending on what is the result, it will be hidden or viewed:
Main Grid
It includes a grid with 2 rows and 3 columns. 1 row is merged to view the header. In each column of second row, the same table is placed with the same dataset.
Image Showing Main Structure
Select Table Row
Image Indicating Row Selection
Set the Visibility
Image Showing Details of Visibility Condition
The syntax basically means: "Do not show the row if the division result is not 1".
For the second column, you will need to compare with 2: (row.__rownum + 1) % 3 != 2 and the third column with 0: (row.__rownum + 1) % 3 != 0
Hope it'll be helpful for someone.
An more straightforward approach ist to use a List item instead of a Table item.
In the detail area of the List, create a Grid item of fixed width and height.
Put the content (e.g.) text into the grid's cells.
Important: Set the "display" property of the grid to "inline" instead of the default "block".
This way BIRT will put the grids from left to right until the line is full.
Then it will fill the next line (think of "display: inline" like adding words to a paragraph).

Adding a drop-down menu (data validation) after each row of a query result in Google Sheet

First, here is the link to my sheet:
If you look at the tab called "Selection", I have two columns called "Select". All the data in these tables is collected by a query function, except column "Select". In that column, I need to add Data Validation (a simple Yes or No). I want the Data Validation to be automatically added when a new row is created but the query function instead of having to add or remove it manually every time I make some changed. Data collected by the query function is using the two variables on top of the sheet (minimum rating and global buff).
Just to show the step to apply data validation to your whole column, see the following image. Under Cell Range, the image shows Selection!D5:D99, but this is actually set to Selection!D5:D999, it just is truncated due to the size of the text box.
Let us know if this is what you were looking for, or if I've misunderstood your issue.

Elements between page breaks after each tabular row in BIRT

I have a report design where I have to display each row of a table in separate pages as header and on each page I need to display separate body. In BIRT, if I set the page break property for table as always, I can see the data on separate pages but I am not able to insert other elements in between these rows. Is it possible?
You have to add multiple Detail rows. In first you'll have what you have recently, in second you can put whatever you like, just treat it as a grid.

Using a Grid Element in a Sub-Table cell causes a page break to be added to PDF export

Currently, my report is set up with a Child table placed in a row of a Parent table. Each row of the child table has a Grid element that allows me to have more control over the format of the report. There are several fields in the child report with varying field lengths so a Field per Column of the report won't work. Note that I am only setting the data source of the Tables, not of the grid elements.
This works when rendering to HTML, however, when rendering to a PDF file a page break appears just before the row containing the child page.
Things I have tried to resolve the issue with:
Setting page breaks to "Avoid"
Setting the page break interval to something high
Tested with 2.6.2 and 3.7.2. 4.2 currently will not run on my machine.
When you using a column for each field in the table instead of a Grid element in a single cell, the problem goes away but this is undesirable as there are multiple fields with varying field lengths. Merging multiple cells to make room for the different lengths does work, but it can become unruly when you need to change the report format.
The size of the grid/table does not matter - this happens even when I am only using a couple fields from the data set.
After some more experimentation, I found out that if I remove all Detail Rows of the Parent table that are before the Child Table row, the report is created properly. Unfortunately I need to have rows of information ahead of the Child Table so this does not solve the issue.
Does anyone have a solution?

How do I change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report

I need to change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report so that the table header is vertical instead of horizontal.
Is this possible? I don't want to use a Crosstab.
It seems this thread is still being pointed at so I posted an example of a horizontal table layout using a crosstab. I know it won't help the original author but others following this thread now may find this helpful.
To create the horizontal grouping, first create your query like normal, then create a Data Cube. In this data cube, drag each field that you want into a group. Then drag a new crosstab on the report and drag each field into the top right column group area. It will create a new header row for each field. Don't put anything in the left side (Rows) and don't put anything in the measure field (bottom-right). This will create labels on the left... and the data will extend out to the right.
The report design example can be downloaded from:
If you want dataset records to be reported across the page, this would have to be done via a crosstab.
If you want dataset records to be reported down the page, this can't be done automatically as far as I know. However, it can be done by inserting a new detail line in your report table object for each database field to be reported, then moving column headings from the heading row into the first column's detail rows and moving record values into the second column's detail rows.
So, for example, a report with 6 columns in it would become a two column report with six detail rows.
Not in box (up to 3.7). You have to use 3'd party libs like that one.
